
Class Checkout

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Checkout
    extends PendingAction
    Represents a pending action for checking out a document. When a document calls the checkout method, the API automatically creates an instance of the Checkout class and adds it to the underlying object's collection of PendingAction objects.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • Checkout

        public Checkout(java.lang.String reservationId,
                        ReservationType reservationType,
                        java.lang.String reservationClass,
                        Properties reservationProperties)
        Creates a new instance of a Checkout pending action object.
        reservationId - A String specifying a GUID to be assigned to the reservation object that is created when a document is checked out, thus overriding the reservation object's ID. An assigned ID can be useful if you need to later import a series of document versions. Use with caution. If null, the API generates a new GUID for the reservation object.
        reservationType - A ReservationType constant specifying the type of checkout reservation: collaborative, exclusive, or the default object store setting (DefaultReservationType property). If null, the API uses the default object store setting.
        reservationClass - A String specifying the symbolic name of a new class for the reservation object. If null, the class of the reservation object remains the same as that of the checked-out document.
        reservationProperties - A Properties object containing a list of property values to pre-assign to the reservation object. If null, no property values are pre-assigned to the reservation object.
        E_NOT_SUPPORTED - if versioning is not enabled (IsVersioningEnabled = false) or the document is not the current version (IsCurrentVersion = false). Thrown when you call the save method.
        E_RESERVATION_EXISTS - if the document is already reserved (IsReserved = false). Thrown when you call the save method.
        E_BAD_PARAMETER - if reservationId is not a GUID. Thrown when you call the save method.
        E_BAD_OBJECT - if reservationClass is not the same object type as the class of the checked-out document. Thrown when you call the save method.
    • Method Detail

      • getReservationId

        public java.lang.String getReservationId()
        Returns the GUID assigned to a reservation object.
        A String specifying a GUID.
      • getReservationType

        public ReservationType getReservationType()
        Returns the type of checkout reservation.
        A ReservationType constant specifying the type of checkout reservation.
      • getReservationClass

        public java.lang.String getReservationClass()
        Returns the symbolic name of the class to which a reservation object belongs.
        A String specifying the symbolic name of the class.
      • getReservationProperties

        public Properties getReservationProperties()
        Returns a list of property values belonging to a document's reservation object.
        A Properties object containing a list of property values.

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