IICEFixedContentDevice Properties

This topic alphabetically lists the properties that apply to the IICEFixedContentDevice class.

CFSPassword Property

For an external (non-FileNet P8) repository, the UTF-8 encoded, non-encrypted password component of the credentials that the Content Federation Service (CFS) uses to log on to perform CFS functions. For more information about these credentials, including the name component, see the CFSUserName property. To maintain password security, you can use this property only to set a password, not to read its value. Instead of returning a password value, this property returns a zero-length byte array if it has been set with a password and returns a null value if it has never been set.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: BINARY
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: true
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

CFSUserName Property

For an external (non-FileNet-P8) repository, the name component of the credentials that CFS uses to logon in order to perform CFS functions. (For information on specifying the password component of these credentials, see the CFSPassword property.) CFS expects these credentials to be for a security principal with the requisite security privileges. Specifically, CFS needs privileges for reading documents in order to export document metadata and content from the external repository, and privileges for changing document security permissions in order to lockdown documents. Insufficient privileges result in failures when attempting to perform these functions.

For more information on CFS interaction with an external IBM Content Integrator repository, see the IICEFixedContentDevice interface.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: true
MaximumLengthString: 256
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

ClassDescription Property

Specifies a ClassDescription object containing the fixed description (immutable metadata) of the class from which this object is instantiated.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: OBJECT
DeletionAction: NONE
IsHidden: true
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: true
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: NOT_PERSISTENT
ReflectiveProperty: null
RequiredClass: ClassDescription
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_ONLY
TargetAccessRequired: READ

Creator Property

Indicates the name of the user assigned as the creator of the object.

Settability of this property is read-only for most users. For users who have been granted privileged write access (AccessRight.PRIVILEGED_WRITE), this property is settable only on create. After initial object creation, this property is read-only for all users.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
MaximumLengthString: 80
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
TargetAccessRequired: READ

DateCreated Property

Indicates the date and time the object was created. The Content Engine server stores dates and times using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For more information, see Timestamps.

Settability of this property is read-only for most users. For users who have been granted privileged write access (AccessRight.PRIVILEGED_WRITE), this property is settable only on create. After initial object creation, this property is read-only for all users.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: DATE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
TargetAccessRequired: READ

DateLastModified Property

Indicates the date and time the object was last modified. The Content Engine server stores dates and times using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For more information, see Timestamps.

Settability of this property is read-only for most users. For users who have been granted privileged write access (AccessRight.PRIVILEGED_WRITE), this property is read/write. (The read/write access for those users can only change if a change is made to the ACL on the object store that controls who has privileged write access to objects in that object store).


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: DATE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
TargetAccessRequired: READ

DescriptiveText Property

User-readable text that describes an object.

The text is not locale-specific to the retrieving user except for the following classes:


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: false
MaximumLengthString: null
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: NOT_PERSISTENT
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

DisplayName Property

The user-readable, provider-specific name of an object. This property is usually the designated Name property of the object's class.

For CmAuditProcessingBookmark and AuditDefinition objects, this property is intended to identify client applications that process the audit log. For CmAuditProcessingBookmark objects, this property, in support of the audit disposition feature, identifies the client that created the object. For AuditDefinition objects, this property identifies a set of audit definitions for a given client or client functionality.

For CmAuditProcessingBookmark and AuditDefinition objects, it is recommended that you set this property. Specify a unique value to distinguish one client application from another. Note, however, that the server does not prevent identical display names across multiple CmAuditProcessingBookmark or AuditDefinition objects. Therefore, the client application is responsible for enforcing uniqueness.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: true
MaximumLengthString: null
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: NOT_PERSISTENT
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

FcpPoolIdleTimeoutSeconds Property

The number of seconds an idle connection can remain in the fixed content device provider pool before being eligible to be closed and removed from the pool. An idle connection will be closed when the next operation to the same fixed content device is performed after this idle period.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: LONG
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: true
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
PropertyDefaultInteger32: 600
PropertyMaximumInteger32: 0x7FFFFFFF
PropertyMinimumInteger32: none
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

FcpPoolMaxInUse Property

The maximum number of concurrent connections allowed for the fixed content device. A value of -1 indicates that there is no limit.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: LONG
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: true
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: NOT_PERSISTENT
PropertyDefaultInteger32: 4294967295
PropertyMaximumInteger32: null
PropertyMinimumInteger32: null
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

FcpPoolMaxWaitSeconds Property

The maximum number of seconds to wait for a connection once the limit specified by the FcpPoolMaxInUse property has been reached. If a connection from the fixed content device provider pool does become available before this wait time expires, the request is allowed to proceed.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: LONG
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: true
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
PropertyDefaultInteger32: 5
PropertyMaximumInteger32: 0x7FFFFFFF
PropertyMinimumInteger32: none
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

FcpPoolPreferredSize Property

The minimum size to which the fixed content device provider pool will be allowed to shrink after the idle timeout has expired.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: LONG
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: true
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
PropertyDefaultInteger32: 5
PropertyMaximumInteger32: 0x7FFFFFFF
PropertyMinimumInteger32: none
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

FederationJNDIDataSource Property

The JNDI name of the data source for the federator database associated with the external (non-FileNet-P8) repository.

For a related JNDI name, see the FederationJNDIXADataSource property. For information on specifying the external repository, see the SourceRepositoryName property.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: true
MaximumLengthString: 64
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
TargetAccessRequired: READ

FederationJNDIXADataSource Property

The JNDI name of the XA data source for the federator database associated with the external (non-FileNet-P8) repository.

For a related JNDI name, see the FederationJNDIDataSource property. For information on specifying the external repository, see the SourceRepositoryName property.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: true
MaximumLengthString: 64
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
TargetAccessRequired: READ

FederationUpdateHasPriority Property

A boolean value that specifies whether CFS, when importing document metadata from an external (non-FileNet-P8) repository into a FileNet P8 repository, treats the changes made to documents residing in the external repository as having greater priority than any changes made to corresponding FileNet P8 documents. When the value of this property is true, the external document changes have priority, and CFS unconditionally updates FileNet P8 documents with the imported metadata. When false, CFS updates a FileNet P8 document only if the document has not been changed more recently than the corresponding external document.

Suppose, for example, that a FileNet P8 document X exists with a corresponding external document Y, a user within the FileNet P8 repository has changed the metadata for X yesterday, a user within the external repository has changed the metadata for Y the day before yesterday, and CFS, as scheduled, imports metadata today from the external repository into the FileNet P8 repository. CFS discovers that X has been changed more recently than Y, and therefore does not update X with the metadata from Y (presuming that the FederationUpdateHasPriority property has a value of false).

CFS performs the change date comparison based on the FileNet P8 DateLastModified property and the corresponding property on the external document. If the external document has no such corresponding property, CFS unconditionally updates FileNet P8 documents with imported metadata regardless of the value of this property.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: true
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
PropertyDefaultBoolean: false
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

IICEConfigurationServerURL Property

The URL that needs to be provided to the IBM Content Integrator API in order for it to locate the Configuration Server.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: true
MaximumLengthString: 2083
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: NOT_PERSISTENT
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

Id Property

A representation of the Globally Unique Identifier (GUID), a unique 128-bit number, that is assigned to this Content Engine object when the object is created. When converted to a string, the Id property is typically depicted as 32 hexadecimal characters enclosed by brackets in the following format: {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}. For example, {3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301}.

For User and Group classes, the Id property takes the value of the Security Identifier (SID) rather than the 128-bit GUID. The string representation of the SID is in this example format: S-1-5-21-1559522492-2815155736-3711640725-55269. When Active Directory is used as the directory service for IBM FileNet P8, calls to User.get_Id() and Group.get_Id() always return the current SID for the principal, even if this user or group has only historical SIDs populating the Active Directory server.

For a given property representation, the Id property has the following characteristics:

For a newly created document object, you can override the Id property of its associated VersionSeries object before you save or check in the document for the first time.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: GUID
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: NOT_PERSISTENT
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_ONLY
TargetAccessRequired: READ

ImplementationClass Property

Specifies the name of the fixed content provider class that implements the behavior for a fixed content device. The classes include:


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: true
MaximumLengthString: 255
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: NOT_PERSISTENT
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

LastModifier Property

Indicates the name of the user who last modified this object.

Settability of this property is read-only for most users. For users who have been granted privileged write access (AccessRight.PRIVILEGED_WRITE), this property is read/write. (The read/write access for those users could only change if a change is made to the ACL on the object store that controls who has privileged write access to objects in that object store).


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: true
IsSearchable: true
IsValueRequired: false
MaximumLengthString: 80
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
TargetAccessRequired: READ

SiteSettings Property

Specifies the SiteSettings objects associated with a fixed content device. Site settings provide site-specific, configuration value overrides. For each fixed content device type with settings that can be overridden, a corresponding subclass of SiteSettings is defined with properties that, if populated, will override the corresponding properties of the same name on the fixed content device object.

For an EMC Centera fixed content device, this property allows the PoolAddress property to be different, depending on the site in which the Content Engine server is running. If the Content Engine server is running in a site that does not correspond to one of the SiteSetting objects, then the PoolAddress property on the CenteraFixedContentDevice object is used as the default.

For a FileNet Image Services fixed content device, this property allows the CSMCache property to be different depending on the site in which the Content Engine server is running. If the Content Engine server is running in a site that does not correspond to one of the SiteSetting objects, then the CSMCache property on the IMFixedContentDevice object is used as the default.

For a NetApp SnapLock fixed content device, there are currently no properties that may be customized for a site.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: LIST
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: OBJECT
DeletionAction: NONE
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: false
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
ReflectiveProperty: null
RequiredClass: CFSSiteSettings
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

SourceRepositoryName Property

The name of the external (non-FileNet-P8) repository as known to the IBM Content Integrator instance.

CFS requires and expects this external repository to have a document model compatible with the FileNet P8 model. In particular, CFS requires that document content within an external repository not change, and locks down documents, as necessary, to enforce this requirement. (For an overview of the properties needed to implement a document lockdown, see the IICEFixedContentDevice interface.) In addition to this requirement, CFS and the Content Engine expect the version order for a document to be unchanging. (If the external repository does not support document versioning, CFS considers each version series to consist of one version.) The consequences of violating this expectation by federating a version series with a non-immutable version order include the following:

For more information on CFS document importing, see the CFSImportAgentConfiguration interface.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: true
MaximumLengthString: 64
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: OWN_COLUMN
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ

VendorName Property

Specifies a vendor name.


AllowsDefaultChange: false
Cardinality: SINGLE
CopyToReservation: false
DataType: STRING
IsHidden: false
IsOrderable: false
IsSearchable: false
IsValueRequired: false
MaximumLengthString: 256
ModificationAccessRequired: WRITE
PersistenceType: NOT_PERSISTENT
RequiresUniqueElements: false
Settability: READ_WRITE
TargetAccessRequired: READ