Cloning a site into a new cluster

You can clone an Developer Portal site into a new cluster.

Before you begin

You must have an existing site that you want to clone.

About this task

You can either overwrite an existing site with a clone, or specify a URL and UUID.


To clone a site into a new cluster:

  1. On the source cluster, run the following command:
    backup_site -u
    A file is produced.
  2. Copy the file that is produced from the backup_site -u command, to the destination cluster by running the following command:

    scp file destinationhost:
    If the destination URL and UUID are the same:
    restore_site -c FILE_FROM_BACKUP_SITE
    If the destination URL and UUID are different:
    restore_site -c -i NEW_UUID -u NEW_URL FILE_FROM_BACKUP_SITE
  3. Optional: If the destination site already exists, you must add -f onto the restore_site commands.