Audit event fields

An audit event is logged from each management node when there are changes to the API lifecycle or to the organization. For example, publishing a product or creating an organization would trigger this event. The audit event record contains information about the changes to the API lifecycle or organization.

Table 1 lists the fields that are included in an audit event record.

Table 1. Audit event fields
Field name Type Description
@timestamp Date A time stamp that records when the record was written on the management node by the Logstash data collection engine that feeds data into Elasticsearch.
assetType String The asset type.
consumerOrgid String The identifier of the consumer organization that generated the audit event.”
datetime Date Date and time of the audit event.
eventId String The identifier of the catalog that generated the audit event.
eventType String The type of event.
id String Identifier of the event.
message String The audit event message.
nlsMessage Object Metadata that is related to the audit notification.
notificationType String The type of notification.
orgID String The identifier of the provider organization that generated the audit event.
source String The node where the event was requested.
userId String The ID of the user who generated the event.
The following events are listed in the record and contain internal information that does not convey any useful audit event information:
  • @version – Always 1
  • assetId
  • client_geoip, gateway_geoip – Empty array
  • headers.field_name – Contains internal headers
  • host - Always
  • tags – Empty JSON array