Using APICUP to reconfigure

You can use APICUP to change configuration of a subsystem after completion of initial installation.

The Install Assist utility (APICUP) is used to configure and complete initial installation of all subsystems, in both Kubernetes and VMware deployments. After initial installation, you can use the same apicup commands to reconfigure some of the settings from your existing deployment without having to completely reinstall the subsystem.

For example, if you did not configure optional features such as backup/restore or logging during initial installation, you can configure them later.

Note: Both Kubernetes and VMware deployments include subsystem settings that cannot be reconfigured without a complete redeployment. For example, for the Management Service these settings include hosts, endpoints, interfaces (public-iface, traffic-iface), IP ranges of the Kubernetes pod and the service networks (k8s-pod-network, k8s-service-network), and backup volume size cassandra-volume-size-gb. Before reconfiguring, review the installation instructions for your subsystem to determine which settings are optional during initial installation and thus able to be updated later. See the section Installing and upgrading on Kubernetes.

For both initial installation and reconfiguration, you specify configuration values by using apicup subsys set commands, and then activate them with apicup subsys install .

apicup subsys set <subsystem_name> <parameter_name>=<parameter_value>

apicup subsys install <subsystem_name>

For example, the following commands configure backup for the management subsystem mgmt, either during initial install or after initial install:

apicup subsys set mgmt cassandra-backup-auth-user=MyUsername cassandra-backup-auth-pass=MyPassword
apicup subsys set mgmt cassandra-backup-host=<hostname>
apicup subsys set mgmt cassandra-backup-path=</backups>
apicup subsys set mgmt cassandra-backup-port=<22>
apicup subsys set mgmt cassandra-backup-protocol=<sftp, objstore>
apicup subsys set mgmt cassandra-backup-schedule=<"0 0 * * *"> 
apicup subsys set mgmt cassandra-max-memory-gb=16 cassandra-cluster-size=3                
apicup subsys set mgmt cassandra-volume-size-gb=<50>
apicup subsys set mgmt create-crd=<true>
apicup subsys set mgmt external-cassandra-host=<hostname>

apicup subsys install mgmt

On initial installation, the APICUP utility installs a Helm chart along with configuration values contained in apiconnect-up.yml. On subsequent invocations of apicup subsys install, APICUP checks to see if a saved combination of Helm chart and configuration values exists. If it does, APICUP checks to see if the configuration values have been updated, and if so, then a Helm update is triggered. If the combination of Helm chart and values is unchanged, then the subsystem is not changed. In this way, you can reconfigure as needed without having to completely redeploy and reinstall the subsystem.