System DD statements

If you choose not to use the SORT or SORTD cataloged procedures to invoke DFSORT, you might need to supply system DD statements in your input job stream (See also the following section for DD statements dedicated to DFSORT, such as SORTIN). The DD statements contained in the cataloged procedure (or provided by you) are:
Defines your program link library if it is not already known to the system.
Same as //JOBLIB DD.
Contains DFSORT control statements, comment statements, blank statements and remarks when DFSORT is invoked with JCL rather than by another program. It can also contain user exit routines, in object deck format, to be bound or link-edited by DFSORT.
  • If you use DFSPARM, then SYSIN is not necessary unless your job requires binding or link-editing.
  • The SYSIN data set usually resides in the input stream; however, it can be defined as a sequential data set or as a member of a partitioned data set.
  • The data set must be defined with a RECFM of F or FB. The LRECL can be 80, or more (when valid). If the LRECL is greater than 80, DFSORT will use the first 80 bytes of each record.

    If user exit routines are in SYSIN, the LRECL must be 80.

  • DFSORT supports concatenated SYSIN data sets to the extent that the system supports "like" concatenated data sets for BSAM. Refer to z/OS DFSMS Using Data Sets for further information about "like" concatenated data sets.
Note: The OPTION statement keywords EFS, LIST, NOLIST, LISTX, NOLISTX, LOCALE, MSGPRT, MSGDDN, SMF, SORTDD, SORTIN, and SORTOUT are used only when they are passed by an extended parameter list or when in the DFSPARM data set. If they are specified on an OPTION statement read from the SYSIN or SORTCNTL data set, the keyword is recognized, but the parameters are ignored.

If you use the DFSPARM DD statement instead, you can specify both EXEC PARM options and DFSORT control statements in a single source data set that overrides all other sources. See DFSPARM DD statement.

If user exit routines are in SYSIN, make sure that:
  • The LRECL of SYSIN is 80.
  • The END statement is the last control statement.
  • The user exit routines are arranged in numeric order (for example, E11 before E15).
  • The user exit routines are supplied immediately after the END control statement.
  • Nothing follows the last object deck in SYSIN.
  • A SORTMODS DD statement is included.

If DFSORT is program invoked, and you supply the DFSORT control statements through the 24-bit or extended parameter list, SORTCNTL, or DFSPARM, SYSIN remains the source of user exit routines placed in the system input stream.

Identifies the DFSORT message data set. The default ddname is SYSOUT, but you can specify an alternate ddname for the message data set using the MSGDDN installation or run-time option. Always supply a DD statement for the message data set if a catalogued procedure is not used. (If you are invoking DFSORT from a COBOL program and are using the ddname SYSOUT for the message data set, the use of DISPLAY in your COBOL program can produce uncertain printing results.)

DFSORT uses RECFM=FBA, LRECL=121, and the specified BLKSIZE for the message data set. If the BLKSIZE you specify is not a multiple of 121, DFSORT uses BLKSIZE=121. If you do not specify the BLKSIZE, DFSORT selects the block size as directed by the SDBMSG installation option (see z/OS DFSORT Installation and Customization).

If you use a temporary or permanent message data set, it is best to specify a disposition of MOD to ensure you see all messages and control statements in the message data set.

Defines the data set for output from a system ABEND dump routine.
Same as //SYSUDUMP DD.
Same as //SYSUDUMP DD.
If you are using the supplied SORT cataloged procedure, the DD statements that follow are automatically supplied. If you are not using the SORT cataloged procedure and you are using the linkage editor, you must supply the following: DD statements
Contains messages from the binder or linkage editor.
Defines the intermediate storage data set for the linkage editor. The binder does not use this data set.
Defines a data set for control information for the binder or linkage editor.
Defines a data set for output from the binder or linkage editor.
Note: If you do not include user routines, or if you include user routines that do not require binding or link-editing, you can use the supplied SORTD cataloged procedure. If you include user routines that require binding or link-editing, you can use the SORT cataloged procedure.