DFSPARM DD statement

The DFSPARM DD statement can be used to supply DFSORT program control statements and EXEC statement PARM options from a single DD source. Because statements in the DFSPARM data set are read whether DFSORT is program invoked or directly invoked, you can specify EXEC PARM options when invoking DFSORT from another program (unlike SORTCNTL). DFSPARM accepts all DFSORT program control statements and all EXEC statement PARM options (including those ignored by SYSIN and SORTCNTL) and any equivalent options specified on a DFSORT OPTION statement.

DFSPARM also accepts comment statements, blank statements, and remarks.

For examples of using DFSPARM when you call DFSORT from a program, see Overriding DFSORT control statements from programs.

Full override and applicability details are listed as follows and in Specification/override of DFSORT options.
  • If you use DFSPARM, SYSIN is not necessary unless your job requires link-editing.
  • The DFSPARM data set usually resides in the input stream, but it can be defined as a sequential data set or as a member of a partitioned data set.
  • The data set must be defined with RECFM of F or FB. The LRECL can be 80, or more (when valid). If the LRECL is greater than 80, DFSORT will use the first 80 bytes of each record.
  • DFSORT supports concatenated DFSPARM data sets to the extent that the system supports "like" concatenated data sets for BSAM. Refer to z/OS DFSMS Using Data Sets for further information about "like" concatenated data sets.
  • When DFSORT is invoked from a PL/I program, the SORTCNTL or DFSPARM data set must not be used to supply a new RECORD control statement.
Note: The ddname DFSPARM is used throughout this document to refer to this data set source for EXEC PARM options and DFSORT program control statements. When your system programmers installed DFSORT, they might have changed this name to one more appropriate for your site with the PARMDDN installation option. However, DFSORT will always use a DFSPARM data set of present, unless a DD statement with the PARMDDN name is also present.