Steps for gathering log information

Gather log information.


  1. Determine where log data is located. If you are logging to a log file, then examine the LOGFILE DD statement in your started procedure to determine the log file or data set and save it. If you have not specified a LOGFILE DD, then the log will go to SYSLOGD.
  2. If you are running multiple CSSMTP applications on the same system then you should be logging to SYSLOGD. Look in the SYSLOGD configuration file to determine where log records for CSSMTP are being written.
  3. You should at least be executing with the default log level of error, warning, and event. If more logging information is needed, you can specify a loglevel value greater than the default. See the LogLevel statement in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference for valid CSSMTP / LogLevel statement information. The log level can also be changed with the MODIFY LOGLEVEL command, see the MODIFY command: Communications Server SMTP section in z/OS Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commands for details.
  4. If your LOGFILE DD is not a z/OS® UNIX file system, you might observe buffering of the logfile output. Only regular memory files and UNIX file system files support the no buffering mode. A "//LOGFILE DD SYSOUT=*" will be treated as an MVS™ data set and may incur buffering. For further information, see z/OS XL C/C++ Runtime Library Reference, section General Description Controls buffering, for the specified stream, and z/OS XL C/C++ Programming Guide, section Buffering of C Streams.