Creating the monitoring Virtual Servers

You can monitor a wide range of components with the monitoring infrastructure provided by IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers.

Note: * The monitoring metrics are collected from Secure Service Container partitions. * Only Hyper Protect hosting appliance and Secure Service Container partition level metrics are supported for IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers 1.2.x.

For more information about collection of metrics, see Metrics collected by the monitoring infrastructure.

This procedure is intended for users with the role cloud administrator.

Before you begin

  • Refer to the checklist that you prepared for the Hyper Protect Virtual Server on this topic Planning for the environment.
  • Ensure that ports 8443 and 25826 are available for the monitoring infrastructure on the Secure Service Container partition.
  • Ensure the IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers CLI is ready for use. For more information, see Setting up the environment by using the setup script.
  • Ensure that running the script has created the folder structure for monitoring container deployment under /root/hpvs/config/monitoring.
  • Ensure that you do not specify any external IP details for the monitoring or collectd containers because they use the Secure Service Container's IP with port mapping for getting Secure Service Container LPAR metrics.


On your x86 or Linux on IBM Z/LinuxONE (i.e., s390x architecture) management server, complete the following steps with root user authority.

  1. Generate certificates for the secure communication between the Hyper Protect monitoring infrastructure (server) and the monitoring client. The monitor client invoke the collectd-exporter endpoint on the server to show the collected metrics. Note that when you generate certificates, use collectdhost-<METRIC_DN_SUFFIX>.<COMMON_NAME> or *.<COMMON_NAME> as the common name. A wild card certificate with *.<COMMON_NAME> common name can be used across multiple partitions. To generate CA signed certificates, see Creating CA signed certificates for the monitoring infrastructure.

  2. Copy the certificate and key files for the monitoring infrastructure into the ./keys directory. The certificate and key are used by monitoring infrastructure to encrypt the metric data in transit. If you create the client certificate to enable the client authentication, you can also copy the client certificate to the ./keys directory.

    cp -p server.key $HOME/hpvs/config/monitoring/keys/server.key
    cp -p server-certificate.pem $HOME/hpvs/config/monitoring/keys/server-certificate.crt
    cp -p client-certificate.pem $HOME/hpvs/config/monitoring/keys/client-certificate.crt
    cp -p myrootCA.crt $HOME/hpvs/config/monitoring/keys/myrootCA.crt
  3. Choose one of the options to provision the instance:

Using the yaml configuration files and hpvs deploy command

This is the recommended option to provision the instance because of it's ease of use and is also an easier method of creating multiple instances quickly.

  1. Update the template file $HOME/hpvs/config/templates/virtualserver.template.yml based on the networking configuration of the Hyper Protect Virtual Server instance if necessary. The vs_monitoring.yml file that has the configuration details for the virtual server refers to the corresponding sections of the virtualserver.template.yml when you run the hpvs deploy command.

    version: v1
    type: virtualserver-template
    -  name: external_network
       subnet: ""
       gateway: ""
       parent: encf900
       driver: macvlan
    -  name: internal_network
       subnet: ""
       gateway: ""
       parent: encf900
       driver: bridge
    # Passthrough quotagroup templates - A quotagroup will be dynamically created based
    # on the template and attached as single volume mount point to the virtual server.
    # Allowed filesystem types for the passthrough type quogagroup are btrfs, ext4, xfs
    -  name: p-small
       size: 20GB
       filesystem : ext4
       passthrough: true
    -  name: p-medium
       size: 50GB
       filesystem : ext4
       passthrough: true
    -  name: p-large
       size: 100GB
       filesystem : ext4
       passthrough: true
    -  name: p-xlarge
       size: 200GB
       filesystem : ext4
       passthrough: true
    -  name: p-xxlarge
       size: 400GB
       filesystem : ext4
       passthrough: true
    # Non passthrough quotagroup definitions - This quotagroups can be shared by
    # creating multiple volume mountpoints with the same virtual server or multiple
    # virtual server.  A non passthrough quotagroup will be dynamically created based  
    # on the template and attached as volume mount points to the virtual server.
    # Only brtfs filesystem is supported in non passthrough quotagroups
    # mount points attached to virtual server can have filesystem btrfs, ext4, xfs
    -  name: np-small
       size: 20GB
       passthrough: false
    -  name: np-medium
       size: 50GB
       passthrough: false
    -  name: np-large
       size: 100GB
       passthrough: false
    -  name: np-xlarge
       size: 200GB
       passthrough: false
    -  name: np-xxlarge
       size: 400GB
       passthrough: false
    -  name: default
       cpu: 1
       memory: 1024
    -  name: small
       cpu: 2
       memory: 2048
    -  name: large
       cpu: 4
       memory: 4096
    -  name: xl
       cpu: 8
       memory: 8192
    -  name: xxl
       cpu: 12
       memory: 12288
  2. Create the configuration yaml file $HOME/hpvs/config/monitoring/demo_monitoring.yml for the instance by referring to the example file $HOME/hpvs/config/monitoring/vs_monitoring.yml. The following is an example of a vs_monitoring.yml file.

  version: v1
  type: virtualserver
  - name: test-monitoring
    host: SSC_LPAR_NAME
    hostname: monitoring-host-container
    repoid: Monitoring
    imagefile: Monitoring.tar.gz
    imagecache: true
     - key: "PRIVATE_KEY_SERVER"
       value: "@/root/hpvs/config/monitoring/keys/server.key"
     - key: "PUBLIC_CERT_SERVER"
       value: "@/root/hpvs/config/monitoring/keys/server-certificate.crt"
     - key: "PUBLIC_CERT_CLIENT"
       value: "@/root/hpvs/config/monitoring/keys/myrootCA.crt"
     - key: "METRIC_DN_SUFFIX"
       value: "first"
     - key: "COMMON_NAME"
       value: ""
     - hostport: 8443
       protocol: tcp
       containerport: 8443
     - hostport: 25826
       protocol: udp
       containerport: 25826
  - name: test-collectd
    host: SSC_LPAR_NAME
    hostname: collectd-host-container
    repoid: CollectdHost
    imagefile: CollectdHost.tar.gz
    imagecache: true

   **Note**: Since an external IP is not specified for the monitoring container, this container can be reached by using Secure Service Container partition's IP address over port the 8443. If you want to customize network, resources or storage settings, please refer to the parameters and examples of [Virtual server configuration file](../topics/configfiles.html#vs_configfile_readme_yml).
   For more information on other network configurations, see [Network requirements for Hyper Protect Virtual Server](../topics/hpvsnetwork_howto.html).

3. Create the instance by using the configurations in the yaml file.  

hpvs deploy --config $HOME/hpvs/config/monitoring/demo_monitoring.yml

* You can use the `hpvs undeploy` command to delete this virtual server. For more information, see [Undeploying virtual servers](../topics/hpvs_undeploy.html).
* You can update the resources or configuration of a virtual server after the completion of the deploy operation by using the `-u`, or the `--update` flag of the `hpvs deploy` command. For more information, see [Updating virtual servers](../topics/hpvs_update.html).

### By using the `hpvs vs create` command {: #create-monitoring-server}

1. Upload the collectd image to the Secure Service Container partition by using the `hpvs image load` command.

hpvs image load --file=~/hpvs/config/monitoring/images/CollectdHost.tar.gz

2. Upload the monitoring image to the Secure Service Container partition by using the `hpvs image load` command.

hpvs image load --file=~/hpvs/config/monitoring/images/Monitoring.tar.gz

3. Create the collectd container by running the `hpvs vs create` command.

hpvs vs create --name collectd-host --repo CollectdHost --tag --hostname collectd-host-container

4. Create the `env.json` file as shown below.

{ "PRIVATE_KEY_SERVER":"@/$HOME/hpvs/config/monitoring/keys/server.key", "PUBLIC_CERT_SERVER":"@/$HOME/hpvs/config/monitoring/keys/server-certificate.crt", "PUBLIC_CERT_CLIENT":"@/$HOME/hpvs/config/monitoring/keys/myrootCA.crt", "METRIC_DN_SUFFIX":"first", "COMMON_NAME":"" }

**Note**: The COMMON_NAME (CN) value should coincide with CN value used during certificate creation at step 3. For example, if you set COMMON_NAME for creating server certificate as, or `*`, the COMMON_NAME (CN) in the env.json file must be set to "".

5. Create the monitoring container by running the `hpvs vs create` command.

hpvs vs create --name monitoring-host --repo Monitoring --tag --hostname monitoring-host-container --ports "{containerport = 8443, protocol = tcp, hostport = 8443}" --ports "{containerport = 25826, protocol = udp, hostport = 25826}" --envjsonpath ~/hpvs/config/env.json

 - Since an external IP is not specified for the monitoring container, this container can be reached by using Secure Service Container partition's IP address over port the 8443. For more information on other network configurations, see [Network requirements for Hyper Protect Virtual Server](../topics/hpvsnetwork_howto.html).
 - You can update the resources or configuration of a virtual server after the virtual server is created by using the `hpvs vs update` command. For more information, see [Updating Hyper Protect Virtual Server containers](../topics/hpvs_update_vs.html).

## Next

You can configure any client tools that use the `collectd-exporter` endpoint to collect the monitoring metrics from the monitoring infrastructure.
* The following example file `prometheus.yml` shows how you can configure [Prometheus]( to use the metrics collected by the monitoring infrastructure in IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers. Ensure that you copy the required keys and certificates to the file path mentioned in the `prometheus.yml` file.
 scrape_interval: 10s
 - job_name: 'prometheus'
           - targets: ['']
   scheme: https
       ca_file: /etc/prometheus/keys/server-certificate.pem
       cert_file: /etc/prometheus/keys/client-certificate.pem
       key_file:  /etc/prometheus/keys/client.key
* With a properly configured `prometheus.yml` file, and properly configured, created, and running `monitoring-host` and `collectd-host` containers on the Secure Service Container partition, the targets view of the prometheus server will show the target Secure Service Container partition "State" as "UP" with a default color green.
* To access the targets view of the Prometheus server, enter the following link with the actual IP address or the hostname of the Prometheus server in your browser. `http://<prometheus_server_IP_address_or_hostname>:9090/targets`
  • The following example shows how you can view the current monitoring metrics for the target Secure Service Container partition by using the wget utility. In this example, the wget command is executed from the directory containing the prometheus.yml file's keys, with the output written to the metrics file, or a derivative file if the metrics file already exists. Make an entry in the /etc/hosts file with for the server IP(Secure Service Container LPAR IP).
    wget --ca-certificate=myrootCA.crt --certificate=client-certificate.crt --private-key=client.key
    Note: You can also use the wget utility with the --no-check-certificate option to skip the SSL certificate validation when retrieving the monitoring metrics from the target Secure Service Container partition.
    wget --ca-certificate=myrootCA.crt --certificate=client-certificate.crt --private-key=client.key --no-check-certificate