Planning for the environment

You can use a PLANNING FOR YOUR IBM HYPER PROTECT VIRTUAL SERVERS WORKSHEET or the tables listed on this topic to get an overall understanding of what information you will need to run the offering, and where to get such information.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have the required hardware, software, network devices, and ports ready as listed on the System requirements.

Management server

The following table shows the required information for the x86 or Linux on IBM Z/LinuxONE (i.e., s390x architecture) management server.

Table 1. Management server checklist

Resource The actual value Example Where to get
1 Architecture x86 or s390x Linux s390x System administrator
2 Memory 8 GB System administrator
3 vcpu/cores 2 System administrator
4 Disk size 50 GB System administrator
5 Host name management_server hostname
6 Password for the user root_user_password or sudo_user_password System administrator
7 Internal IP address Network administrator
8 Remote docker registry server Cloud administrator
9 Remote docker registry user name to register the base images docker_base_user Cloud administrator
10 Remote docker registry user password to register the base images docker_base_passw0rd Cloud administrator

To configure multiple aliases to one network interface controller (NIC) on the management server, see IP-Aliasing.

Secure Service Container partitions

The following table shows the required information you will need when configuring Secure Service Container storage.

Table 2. Secure Service Container partition checklist

Resource The actual value Example Where to get
1 Partition IP address System administrator
2 Master ID ssc_master_user System administrator
3 Master password ssc_master_password System administrator
4 Storage disks for quotagroups resizing 3600507630affc427000000000002000 (FCP) or 0.0.78CA (FICON DASD) System administrator

Note: If you plan to use multiple Secure Service Container partitions, make sure you have a checklist for each partition.

A Hyper Protect Virtual Server instance with SSH daemon

The following table shows the required information you will need to create a Hyper Protect Virtual Server with SSH daemon on the Secure Service Container Partition.

Table 5. A Hyper Protect Virtual Server container checklist

Resource The actual value Example Where to get
1 Partition IP address System administrator
2 External network name encf900 Cloud administrator
3 Container external IP address cloud administrator
4 Internal network name encf900_internal_network Cloud administrator
5 Internal IP address Cloud administrator
6 Parent device encf900 Appliance administrator
7 Gateway Cloud administrator
8 Subnet Cloud administrator
9 Repository name HpvsopBaseSSH Cloud administrator
10 Image tag Cloud administrator
11 Virtual CPU number (vcpu) 2 Cloud administrator
12 Memory size (MB) 2048 Cloud administrator
13 Quotagroup name qg_hpvsopbasessh Cloud administrator
14 Quotagroup size (GB) 20G Cloud administrator

For more information, see Creating a Hyper Protect Virtual Server instance. You can also build your application into a s390x-compatible container image, and deploy it into a Hyper Protect Virtual Server instance. For more information, see Deploying your applications securely.

A Secure Build virtual server

The following table shows the required information you will need to create a Secure Build virtual server on the Secure Service Container partition.

Table 3. A Secure Build container checklist

Resource The actual value Example Where to get
1 Partition IP address System administrator
2 Secure Build container name securebuildserver Cloud administrator
3 Virtual CPU number (vcpu) 2 System administrator
4 Memory (MB) 2048 System administrator
5 Storage for the Secure Build server application (GB) 10 System administrator
6 Storage for the Docker images built by Secure Build (GB) 16 System administrator
7 Storage for logs configuration data for the Secure Build Container (GB) 2 System administrator
8 Quotagroup of Secure Build server securebuild_qg Cloud administrator
9 Connection method (port-mapping/IP) IP System administrator
10 Internal network name (Only needed if an IP address is being used.) encf900 Cloud administrator
11 External IP address System administrator
12 Repository ID of the Secure Build server image SecureDockerBuild Cloud administrator
13 Tag of the Secure Build server image Cloud administrator
14 Repository ID for your apps MyDockerAppImage Cloud administrator
15 Source code repository URL App developers or ISV
16 Source code branch master App developers or ISV
17 Private key for Source code repository /root/git_key App developers or ISV
18 Remote docker registry server Cloud administrator
19 Remote docker repository name for built images docker_writable_user/MyDockerAppImage Cloud administrator
20 Remote docker registry user name to push the images docker_writable_user Cloud administrator
21 Remote docker registry user password to push the images docker_writeable_passw0rd Cloud administrator

For more information, see Building your application with the Secure Build virtual server Build.


The following table shows the required information you will need to set up the monitoring infrastructure for IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers.

Table 6. Monitoring infrastructure checklist

Resource The actual value Example Where to get
1 Partition IP address System administrator
2 Domain suffix first System administrator
3 DNS name System administrator
4 Connecting port on partition (port-mapping) 8443 and 25826 System administrator
5 Private key for the monitoring infrastructure server.key openssl utility
6 Certificate for the monitoring infrastructure server-certificate.crt openssl utility
7 Certificates for the monitoring client myrootCA.crt openssl utility

For more information, see Working with Monitoring virtual servers.


The following table shows the required information you will need to set up the GREP11 container for IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers.

Table 7. A GREP11 container checklist

Resource The actual value Example Where to get
1 Partition IP address System administrator
2 Crypto domain name 07.0007 System administrator
3 External IP address System administrator
8 TLS key and certificate server.pem, server-key.pem openssl utility
9 CA certificate for mutual_TLS (Optional) ca.pem openssl utility

For more information, see Working with GREP11 virtual servers.


You can download the IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers installation package by following the instructions on the Downloading the installation package topic.