IBM Performance Management

Registering the data collector

To collect the transaction tracking and diagnostics data, you must register the data collector and then complete some advanced tasks for the data collector. To collect the resource monitoring data, no specific configuration is required.

Before you begin

  • To view data in the Slow Requests - Top 10 group widget, ensure that you complete the following tasks on the IIS Server:
    • Enable logging for websites.
    • Select all the W3C fields that you want to include in log files.
    • Retain the default path where the log files are saved.
    Important: If you schedule a daily or an hourly frequency for creating the log files, the number of log files increases over time. This increase in the number of log files increases the total handle count and private bytes that affect the agent performance. To improve the agent performance, ensure that you regularly back up the log files and delete the log files from the default log file path at least once a week.
  • To collect the diagnostics data, you might need to increase the maximum heap size of the data collector:
    1. From a command prompt, enter cd install_dir\TMAITM6_x64 where install_dir is the installation directory of the Microsoft .NET agent.
    2. In a text editor, open the rundotnetagent.bat script.
    3. Increase the value of the -Xmx parameter in the following line.
      %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -classpath %CLASSPATH% -Dkqe.cache.interval=%KQE_CACHE_INTERVAL%
      -Xmx384m -Djlog.propertyFileDir.CYN=%KQE_LOG_CONFIG%
      > %STDOUT_LOG% 2>&1
      Important: The default value of -Xmx384m is provided for an environment where only request data is collected. If you want to collect all types of data, increase the value to -Xmx1024m or greater.

About this task

The data collector consists of the following four modules:
Performs ASP.NET transaction monitoring. The HTTP module also collects request data for diagnostics.
Performs ADO.NET transaction monitoring. The profiler also collects method, stack trace, and request context data for diagnostics.
Performs Microsoft IIS Server transaction monitoring.
Performs ASMX or WCF service transaction monitoring.
To collect transaction tracking and diagnostics data, you must register the data collector.


  1. Enter the following command as an administrator:
    cd install_dir\qe\bin 
    configdc.exe registerdc [all|isapi|isapi32|profiler|httpmodule|soap]

    The configdc.exe registerdc command registers the HTTP module only.
    • Use isapi32 to filter the 32-bit applications on a 64-bit Microsoft IIS Server.
    • If you register the HTTP module only, ADO calls to the databases are not available in the topology view on the Performance Management console. On the diagnostics dashboards, the method trace, stack trace, or request context data is not displayed for the agent.
    • Use configdc.exe registerdc all to track the full path for the instance and display the full transaction instance topology.
  2. Restart the .NET application.

What to do next

After you have registered the data collector, for the transaction tracking or diagnostic data to be available in the Performance Management console, you must enable the data collection. You can configure the data collection by using the Agent Configuration page, the configdc deepdivedc command, or editing the file.