IBM Performance Management

Configuring the collection of diagnostics data

The collection of diagnostics data is enabled in the data collector configuration by default. Use the configdc command to limit the amount of diagnostic data that is collected by the data collector.


  1. To set the level of trace data that is collected, run the following command:
    cd install_dir\qe\bin configdc deepdivedc -tracelevel trace_level
    The installation directory of the Microsoft .NET agent.
    The diagnostics trace level of the .NET Data Collector. Valid values are 0, 1, and 2, where:
    The collection of the diagnostics data is disabled.
    The collection of the diagnostics data is enabled. The HTTP module collects the request summary and request instance data.
    The collection of the diagnostics data is enabled. The HTTP module collects the request summary and request instance data. The profiler collects method data and stack trace data.
    When you configure the data collector for the first time, level 2 is set by default.
    Tip: When you set the trace level by using the configdc.exe deepdivedc -tracelevel command, the value of the bci_dc.diagnose.level parameter is set in the file.
  2. If your configuration changes are complete, activate the configuration changes. For more information, see Activating the configuration in the file.