Next-generation platform

Creating firewall policy requests

Users with the Organization Administrator and Developer roles can raise requests for firewall policies in the Self Service.


To create a new firewall policy request, complete the following steps.

  1. Access the Self Service with your IBMid.
  2. Click the Self Service menu, and then click Firewall policies.
  3. Under the Policies tab, click Request new policy.
  4. Enter the title and business justification.
  5. Select the environments that you need to connect to the external systems.
  6. Under Destinations, select one of the following destination types:
    • Domain - Enter one or more valid domain names. You can enter each domain name as separate lines or in a comma-separated list. For example,, A domain name allows dynamic IP resolution but it is reserved only for an HTTPS protocol. Select a port for the domain destination.
    • IP - Enter one or more IP addresses as separate lines or in a comma-separated list. For example,,,

      Select one of the port numbers for RESTful APIs or for SFTP.

    Note: You must try to use the default ports for external communication. If you need to use another port, you must open a ticket with IBM Support. The port for which you raise a request must communicate securely and you must provide the information about the use of this port, the protocol that you will use, and the business justification. After the ticket is received, it is reviewed with the IBM security and network teams to determine if the change can be implemented. The new port request is not organization specific and is considered as a functional change for all organizations. Hence, you must try to use one of the existing ports before you make a request for a new port.