Legacy platform

Managing Configuration Deployment Tool (CDT) on legacy platform

You can export and import data with Configuration Deployment Tool (CDT) from your Sterling Order Management System master configuration to other environments. By exporting CDT from your master configuration to other environments, you can quickly migrate database configurations from the master configuration to the target environments.

The ydkprefs.xml file is available in the drop server. You can download this file from the drop server and update it if required. You can then run the import or export configuration process in the Self Service based on your assigned roles. You can also run the process to manually import the CDT file. For more information about the processes, see Self Service processes for the legacy platform.
Note: Configuration data cannot be imported if the source version is higher than the target runtime version (even for the minor version difference). Configuration data can be imported only if the source and target versions are same and the source version is less than the target runtime version.
The following sample ydkprefs.xml snippet can be used for the Export process, which is typically done from your master configuration environment.
Note: You must use SourceDatabase as SYSTEMDB and TargetDatabase as DEFAULTXMLDB.
        <Settings ReportsDir="">
            <AuditDeployment ValidateLockid="y" ValidateOldValues="y" ValidateRecordExistsBeforeDelete="y"/>
                <SourceTargetPair SourceDatabase="SYSTEMDB" TargetDatabase="DEFAULTXMLDB">
The following sample ydkprefs.xml snippet can be used for the Import process, which is done in other environments other than master configuration.
Note: You must use SourceDatabase as DEFAULTXMLDB and TargetDatabase as SYSTEMDB.
        <Settings ReportsDir="">
            <AuditDeployment ValidateLockid="y" ValidateOldValues="y" ValidateRecordExistsBeforeDelete="y"/>
                <SourceTargetPair SourceDatabase="DEFAULTXMLDB" TargetDatabase="SYSTEMDB">

When you specify these keywords, you need not provide the definition or details for the Source and Target databases in the ydkprefs.xml file.

  • PLT_PROPERTY and PLT_PROPERTY_METADATA must not be added to AppendOnly in the ydkprefs.xml file.
  • By default the YFS_ZIP_CODE_LOCATION, YFS_REGION, and YFS_REGION_DETAIL tables are excluded from the CDT export process due to performance reasons. To include these tables as part of CDT export, set the yfs property as follows:


    For example, cdt.ignoretable.YFS_REGION=N.

  • As part of the import process, if there are failures during data deployment or synchronization, the CDT process will fail.