CICS Db2: Global statistics

You can retrieve CICS® Db2® global statistics by using the EXEC CICS EXTRACT STATISTICS DB2CONN system command. They are mapped by the DFHD2GDS DSECT.

Table 1. CICS Db2: Global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description
DB2 connection name D2G_DB2CONN_NAME The name of the installed DB2CONN.

Reset characteristic: not reset

DB2 groupid D2G_DB2_GROUP_ID The name of a data-sharing group of Db2 subsystems, specified in the installed DB2CONN definition. CICS connects to any active member of this group. If CICS is connected to Db2, or is waiting to reconnect to a specific Db2 subsystem to resynchronize outstanding units of work, D2G_DB2_ID shows the member of the data-sharing group that has been chosen.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Resyncmember D2G_RESYNCMEMBER The action CICS takes if you are using group attach, with a Db2 group ID (D2G_DB2_GROUP_ID) set, and outstanding units of work are being held for the last Db2 data sharing group member to which CICS was connected. Yes means that CICS reconnects to the last connected Db2 data sharing group member. No means that CICS makes one attempt to reconnect to the last connected Db2 data sharing group member, and if that attempt fails, it connects to any member of the Db2 data sharing group. If you are not using group attach, this DSECT field contains nulls (which are shown as N/A in the reports).

Reset characteristic: not reset

DB2 Sysid D2G_DB2_ID The name of the Db2 subsystem that CICS is connected to, or if a Db2 subsystem ID is specified in the installed DB2CONN definition, the Db2 subsystem that CICS connects to. If a Db2 group ID (D2G_DB2_GROUP_ID) is specified in the installed DB2CONN definition instead of a Db2 subsystem ID, and CICS is not currently connected to Db2, D2G_DB2_ID is normally blank. However, if a Db2 group ID is specified, but CICS is waiting to reconnect to a specific Db2 subsystem to resynchronize outstanding units of work, D2G_DB2_ID shows the ID of the Db2 subsystem to which CICS is waiting to reconnect.

Reset characteristic: not reset

DB2 connect date/time D2G_CONNECT_TIME_LOCAL The local time when CICS connected to Db2. The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as hh:mm:ss; however the DSECT field contains the time as a local store clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: not reset

DB2 disconnect date/time D2G_DISCONNECT_TIME_ LOCAL The local time when CICS disconnected from Db2. The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as hh:mm:ss; however the DSECT field contains the time as a local store clock (STCK) value. The disconnect time will only be present in DB2CONN unsolicited statistics records produced when the CICS Db2 interface is shut down, after which the time field is cleared to nulls (which are shown as N/A in the reports).

Reset characteristic: not reset

DB2 release D2G_DB2_RELEASE The version and release level of the Db2 subsystem that CICS is connected to. If CICS is not currently connected to Db2 the DSECT field contain nulls (which are shown as N/A in the reports).

Reset characteristic: not reset

Connection limit (TCB limit) D2G_TCB_LIMIT The maximum number of TCBs that can be used by the CICS-Db2 attachment facility.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current number of connections with a TCB D2G_TCB_CURRENT The current number of connections associated with OPEN TCBs used by the CICS-Db2 attachment facility.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak number of connections with a TCB D2G_TCB_HWM The peak number of connections associated with OPEN TCBs used by the CICS-Db2 attachment facility.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value (D2G_TCB_CURRENT)

Current number of connections without a TCB D2G_TCB_FREE The number of free connections available for use with CICS open TCBs.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current number of tasks on the conn Readyq D2G_TCB_READYQ_CURRENT The number of CICS tasks queued waiting because the TCBLIMIT specified in the DB2CONN has been reached.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak number of tasks on the conn Readyq D2G_TCB_READYQ_HWM The peak number of CICS tasks queued waiting because the TCBLIMIT specified in the DB2CONN has been reached.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value (D2G_TCB_READYQ_CURRENT)

Current conn owned by protected threads D2G_TCB_PROTECTED_CURRENT The current number of connections that have protected threads.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Thread reuselimit D2G_REUSELIMIT The maximum number of times a thread can be reused before being terminated.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Total times reuselimit hit by a pool thread> D2G_POOL_REUSELIMIT_COUNT The number of times the reuselimit has been reached by a pool thread.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Pool thread plan name D2G_POOL_PLAN_NAME The name of the plan used for the pool. If a dynamic plan exit is being used for the pool this DSECT field will be nulls (which are shown as N/A in the reports).

Reset characteristic: not reset

Pool thread dynamic planexit name D2G_POOL_PLANEXIT_NAME The name of the dynamic plan exit to be used for the pool. If a static plan is being used for the pool this DSECT field will be nulls (which are shown as N/A in the reports).

Reset characteristic: not reset

Pool thread authtype D2G_POOL_AUTHTYPE The type of id to be used for Db2 security checking for pool threads. If an Authid is being used for pool threads this DSECT field contains nulls (which are shown as N/A in the reports).

Reset characteristic: not reset

Pool thread authid D2G_POOL_AUTHID The static id to be used for Db2 security checking for pool threads. If an Authtype is being used for pool threads this DSECT field contains nulls (which are shown as N/A in the reports).

Reset characteristic: not reset

Pool thread accountrec setting D2G_POOL_ACCOUNTREC Specifies the frequency of Db2 accounting records to be produced for transactions using pool threads.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Pool thread threadwait setting D2G_POOL_THREADWAIT Specifies whether transactions should wait for a pool thread or be abended if the number of active pool threads exceed the pool thread limit.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Pool thread priority D2G_POOL_PRIORITY The priority of the pool thread subtasks relative to the CICS main task (QR TCB). If CICS is connected to DB2® Version 6 or later, this field contains zero, representing not applicable (which is shown as N/A in the reports).

Reset characteristic: not reset

Number of calls using pool threads D2G_POOL_CALLS The number of SQL calls made using pool threads. If you are using PACKAGESET support for cloud applications, this number includes the number of EXEC SQL SET CURRENT PACKAGESET commands issued by DFHD2SPS on behalf of the application.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of pool thread signons D2G_POOL_SIGNONS The number of Db2 sign-ons performed for pool threads.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of pool thread partial signons D2G_POOL_PARTIAL_SIGNONS The number of Db2 partial sign-ons performed for pool threads.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of pool thread commits D2G_POOL_COMMITS The number of 2 phase commits performed for units of work using pool threads.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of pool thread aborts D2G_POOL_ABORTS The number of units of work using pool threads that were rolled back.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of pool thread single phases D2G_POOL_SINGLE_PHASE The number of units of work using pool threads that used single phase commit, either because they were read-only UOWs, or because Db2 was the only recoverable resource updated in the UOW.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of pool thread creates D2G_POOL_THREAD_CREATE The number of times that CICS transactions using the pool create a Db2 thread. This count includes transactions that overflow to the pool to acquire a thread.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of pool thread reuses D2G_POOL_THREAD_REUSE The number of times CICS transactions using the pool were able to reuse an already created Db2 thread. This count includes transactions that overflow to the pool to acquire a thread and reuse an existing thread.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of pool thread terminates D2G_POOL_THREAD_TERM The number of terminate thread requests made to Db2 for pool threads. This includes pool threads used by transactions that overflow to the pool.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of pool thread waits D2G_POOL_THREAD_WAITS The number of times all available threads in the pool were busy and a transaction had to wait for a thread to become available. This count includes transactions that overflow to the pool to acquire a thread and must wait for a pool thread.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Current pool thread limit D2G_POOL_THREAD_LIMIT The current maximum number of pool threads allowed.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current number of pool threads in use D2G_POOL_THREAD_CURRENT The current number of active pool threads.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak number of pool threads in use D2G_POOL_THREAD_HWM The peak number of active pool threads.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value (D2G_POOL_THREAD_CURRENT)

Current number of pool tasks D2G_POOL_TASK_CURRENT The current number of CICS tasks that are using a pool thread.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak number of pool tasks D2G_POOL_TASK_HWM The peak number of CICS tasks that have used a pool thread.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value (D2G_POOL_TASK_CURRENT)

Total number of pool tasks D2G_POOL_TASK_TOTAL The total number of completed tasks that have used a pool thread.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero.

Current number of tasks on the pool readyq D2G_POOL_READYQ_CURRENT The current number of CICS tasks waiting for a pool thread to become available.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak number of tasks on the pool readyq D2G_POOL_READYQ_HWM The peak number of CICS tasks that waited for a pool thread to become available.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value (D2G_POOL_READYQ_CURRENT)

Command thread authtype D2G_COMD_AUTHTYPE The type of id to be used for Db2 security checking for command threads. If an Authid is being used for command threads this DSECT field contains nulls (which are shown as N/A in the reports).

Reset characteristic: not reset

Command thread authid D2G_COMD_AUTHID The static id to be used for Db2 security checking for command threads. If an Authtype is being used for command threads this DSECT field contains nulls (which are shown as N/A in the reports).

Reset characteristic: not reset

Number of calls using command threads D2G_COMD_CALLS The number of Db2 commands issued using the DSNC transaction.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of command thread signons D2G_COMD_SIGNONS The number of Db2 sign-ons performed for command threads.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of command thread creates D2G_COMD_THREAD_CREATE The number of create thread requests made to Db2 for command threads.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of command thread terminates D2G_COMD_THREAD_TERM The number of terminate thread requests made to Db2 for command threads.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of command thread overflows to pool D2G_COMD_THREAD_OVERF The number of times a DSNC Db2 command resulted in a pool thread being used because the number of active command threads exceed the command thread limit.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Command thread limit D2G_COMD_THREAD_LIMIT The current maximum number of command threads allowed.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current number of command threads D2G_COMD_THREAD_CURRENT The current number of active command threads.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak number of command threads D2G_COMD_THREAD_HWM The peak number of active command threads.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value (D2G_COMD_THREAD_CURRENT)

This entry does not appear in the DFHSTUP report D2G_CONNECT_TIME_GMT The Greenwich mean time (GMT) when CICS connected to Db2. The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as hh:mm:ss; however the DSECT field contains the time as a GMT store clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: not reset

This entry does not appear in the DFHSTUP report D2G_DISCONNECT_TIME_GMT The Greenwich mean time (GMT) when CICS disconnected from Db2. The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as hh:mm:ss; however the DSECT field contains the time as a GMT store clock (STCK) value. The disconnect time will only be present in DB2CONN unsolicited statistics records produced when the CICS Db2 interface is shut down, after which the time field is cleared to nulls (which are shown as N/A in the reports).

Reset characteristic: not reset