CICS Db2 statistics

Statistics are provided for the Db2® connection and each installed DB2ENTRY.

In addition to the limited statistics output by the DSNC DISP STAT command and those output to the STATSQUEUE destination of the DB2CONN during attachment facility shutdown, a more comprehensive set of CICS® Db2 statistics can be collected using standard CICS statistics interfaces:
  • The EXEC CICS EXTRACT STATISTICS command accepts the DB2CONN keyword to allow CICS Db2 global statistics to be collected. CICS Db2 global statistics are mapped by the DFHD2GDS DSECT.
  • The EXEC CICS EXTRACT STATISTICS command accepts the DB2ENTRY() keyword to allow CICS Db2 resource statistics to be collected for a particular DB2ENTRY. CICS Db2 resource statistics are mapped by the DFHD2RDS DSECT.
  • The EXEC CICS PERFORM STATISTICS command accepts the DB2 keyword to allow the user to request that CICS Db2 global and resource statistics are written out to SMF.