Operator control of FEPI

Two CICS® -supplied transactions, CEMT and CETR, provide operator control of FEPI. You can also use z/OS® Communications Server commands to manage communication with target systems.

FEPI application programs, and the CICS resources they use, are controlled just like other CICS applications and resources.

Using CEMT to control FEPI resources

The CEMT- main terminal transaction has a range of commands (shown in the following list) that support FEPI. You can use the CEMT INQUIRE, SET, and DISCARD commands to control FEPI resources such as nodes, targets, and pools.

The following commands work exactly like other CEMT commands - for example, in supporting resource selection by families (AB*, for example), lists (AB,CD,EF, for example), and by subdefining groups. Note that 4-character option names are used in the display.

Using CETR to control FEPI trace

You can use the CETR transaction to control tracing activity. For instructions, see CETR - trace control.