Compiler listings

A listing is a compiler output file (with a .lst suffix) that contains information about a particular compilation. As a debugging aid, a compiler listing is useful for determining what has gone wrong in a compilation. For example, any diagnostic messages emitted during compilation are written to the listing.

To produce a listing, you can compile with any of the following options, which provide different types of information: When any of these options is in effect, a listing file filename.lst is saved in the current directory for every input file named in the compilation.
Listing information is organized in sections. A listing contains a header section and a combination of other sections, depending on other options in effect. The contents of these sections are described as follows.
Header section
Lists the compiler name, version, release, the source file name, and the date and time of the compilation.
Source section
If you use the -qsource option, lists the input source code with line numbers. If there is an error at a line, the associated error message is displayed after the source line. Lines containing macros have additional lines showing the macro expansion. By default, this section only lists the main source file. Use the -qshowinc option to expand all header files as well.
Options section
Lists the non-default options that were in effect during the compilation. To list all options in effect, specify the -qlistopt option.
Attribute and cross-reference listing section
If you use the -qattr or -qxref options, provides information about the variables used in the compilation unit, such as type, storage duration, scope, and where they are defined and referenced. Each of these options provides different information about the identifiers used in the compilation.
File table section
Lists the file name and number for each main source file and include file. Each file is associated with a file number, starting with the main source file, which is assigned file number 0. For each file, the listing shows from which file and line the file was included. If the -qshowinc option is also in effect, each source line in the source section has a file number to indicate which file the line came from.
PDF report section
The following information is included in this section when you use the -qreport option with the -qpdf2 option:
Loop iteration count
The most frequent loop iteration count and the average iteration count, for a given set of input data, are calculated for most loops in a program. This information is only available when the program is compiled at optimization level -O5.
Block and call count
This section covers the Call Structure of the program and the respective execution count for each called function. It also includes Block information for each function. For non-user defined functions, only execution count is given. The Total Block and Call Coverage, and a list of the user functions ordered by decreasing execution count are printed in the end of this report section. In addition, the Block count information is printed at the beginning of each block of the pseudo-code in the listing files.
Cache miss
This section is printed in a single table. It reports the number of Cache Misses for certain functions, with additional information about the functions such as: Cache Level , Cache Miss Ratio, Line Number, File Name, and Memory Reference.
Note: You must use the option -qpdf1=level=2 to get this report.
You can also select the level of cache to profile using the environment variable PDF_PM_EVENT during run time.
Relevance of profiling data
This section shows the relevance of the profiling data to the source code during the -qpdf1 phase. The relevance is indicated by a number in the range of 0 - 100. The larger the number is, the more relevant the profiling data is to the source code, and the more performance gain can be achieved by using the profiling data.
Missing profiling data
This section might include a warning message about missing profiling data. The warning message is issued for each function for which the compiler does not find profiling data.
Outdated profiling data
This section might include a warning message about outdated profiling data. The compiler issues this warning message for each function that is modified after the -qpdf1 phase. The warning message is also issued when the optimization level changes from the -qpdf1 phase to the -qpdf2 phase.
Transformation report section
If the -qreport option is in effect, this section displays pseudo code that corresponds to the original source code, so that you can see parallelization and loop transformations that the -qhot or -qsmp option has generated. This section of the report also shows additional loop transformation and parallelization information about loop nests if you compile with -qsmp and -qhot=level=2.

This section also reports the number of streams created for a given loop and the location of data prefetch instructions inserted by the compiler. To generate information about data prefetch insertion locations, use the optimization level of -qhot, -O3 -qhot, -O4 or -O5 together with -qreport.

Data reorganization section
Displays data reorganization messages for program variable data during the IPA link pass when -qreport is used with -qipa=level=2 or -O5. Reorganization information includes:
  • array splitting
  • array transposing
  • memory allocation merging
  • array interleaving
  • array coalescing
Compilation epilogue section
Displays a summary of the diagnostic messages by severity level, the number of source lines read, and whether the compilation was successful.
Object section
If you use the -qlist option, lists the object code generated by the compiler. This section is useful for diagnosing execution-time problems, if you suspect the program is not performing as expected due to code generation error.
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