Listings, messages, and compiler information

The options in this category allow you control over the listing file, as well as how and when to display compiler messages. You can use these options in conjunction with those described in Error checking and debugging to provide a more robust overview of your application when checking for errors and unexpected behavior.
Table 1. Listings and messages options
Option name Equivalent pragma name Description
-qattr #pragma options attr

Produces a compiler listing that includes the attribute component of the attribute and cross-reference section of the listing.

-qflag #pragma options flag

Limits the diagnostic messages to those of a specified severity level or higher.

-qlist #pragma options list

Produces a compiler listing file that includes an object listing.

-qlistfmt None.

Creates an XML or HTML report to assist with finding optimization opportunities.

-qlistopt None.

Produces a compiler listing file that includes all options in effect at the time of compiler invocation.

-qphsinfo None.

Reports the time taken in each compilation phase to standard output.

-qprint None.

Enables or suppresses listings.

-qreport None.

Produces listing files that show how sections of code have been optimized.

-qshowinc #pragma options showinc

When used with -qsource option to generate a listing file, selectively shows user or system header files in the source section of the listing file.

-qskipsrc None.

When a listing file is generated using the -qsource option, -qskipsrc can be used to determine whether the source statements skipped by the compiler are shown in the source section of the listing file. Alternatively, the -qskipsrc=hide option is used to hide the source statements skipped by the compiler.

-qsource #pragma options source

Produces a compiler listing file that includes the source section of the listing and provides additional source information when printing error messages.

-qsrcmsg #pragma options srcmsg

Adds the corresponding source code lines to diagnostic messages generated by the compiler.

-qsuppress None.

Prevents specific informational or warning messages from being displayed or added to the listing file, if one is generated.

-v, -V None.

Reports the progress of compilation, by naming the programs being invoked and the options being specified to each program.

-qversion None.

Displays the version and release of the compiler being invoked.

-w None.

Suppresses informational, language-level and warning messages.

-qxref #pragma options xref

Produces a compiler listing that includes the cross-reference component of the attribute and cross-reference section of the listing.