Localizing application text

Application text is the descriptive label names for core parts of the system.

Application text is static, which means that it is unlikely to change over time. You can modify application text that is specific to a locale. For list of supported locales, see Localizing text.

Application text applies to core parts of the system while object text applies to text strings that are specific to object types, for example, object names, fields names, and so on. For more information about object text, see Localizing object text.

Application text can be defined in either the Standard UI or the Task Focused UI. Changes made in one interface are immediately reflected in the other. For more information, see:

You can modify locale-specific application text for:

Note: Application label text is limited to 4000 characters. Application text names and descriptions are limited to 256 and 2048 characters, respectively.

The following table shows the groupings by folder category for application text:

Table 1. Application text folder categories
This folder Contains the label text for
Application Messages Messages that are displayed for dependent fields and pick lists, and System Admin Mode.
Buttons The icons that are used within the application.

For example, com.button.back contains the text for the Back icon, button.copy contains the text for the Copy icon.

Column Headings The table column headings that is used in the object views throughout the application and in JSP Notification Manager reports.

For example, com.column.heading.start.date contains the text for the Start Date column, jspreports.notification.tests.column.parent contains the text for the Parent column in the JSP Notification report.

Custom User-defined keys. For more information, see Creating a custom setting.
Email Templates Text strings that are part of email notifications.
Exceptions Messages that are displayed to users when an error condition occurs.

For example, com.exception.object.profile.not.found contains the text for the error message displayed when a profile is not found, exception.file.delete contains the text for the error message displayed when a user does not have permission to delete a file.

Formats The formatting of numeric and name display text. For details, see Modifying application text (Task Focused UI).
Labels Objects that are not considered objects, such as administrative tasks, and configuration objects.

For example, com.label.acl.read contains the text for the Read property on the Access Control details page, com.label.email contains the text displayed next to the email input box on the User create and edit pages.

Menu Items Links to all other menu items that are not listed on the menu bar.

For example, com.menu.item.admin.object.profile contains the text for the Profile link on the Administration menu, com.menu.item.admin.reporting.schema contains the text for the Reporting Schema link on the Administration menu.

Miscellaneous A variety of objects that do not belong to other groups. Includes label text for such objects as guided action, page footer, reporting status, notification messages, and so forth.
Reporting Framework Objects that are used by the Reporting Framework.
Table Headings Messages that are displayed to users within a table as well as the tabs (tabular headings for a table).

For example, com.table.empty.users contains the text that displays in the User listing table when no users are found, com.table.heading.object.field contains the text for the Object Field Information tab on the Object Field details page.

Titles The initial portion of the breadcrumb trail.
Validation Messages Messages that are displayed to users when invalid information has been entered in a field or to confirm a specific user action such as entering or exiting System Admin Mode or deleting any objects.

For example, com.validation.logon.username.required contains the message text displayed when a user name is missing such as when it is created or when a user logs on, file.delete.confirmText contains the text in the confirmation prompt window that displays during a delete operation.