Which MFT commands and processes connect to which queue manager

A Managed File Transfer topology consists of a number of different components.

These components are:
  • One or more agents, with their associated agent queue manager
  • A coordination queue manager
  • A command queue manager
  • A number of commands that are used to administer the topology, and submit managed transfers
  • An optional logger, which collects information about the managed transfers that are performed by the agents in the topology
  • The IBM® MQ Explorer Managed File Transfer plugin, which can be used to perform some administrative tasks and view information about managed transfers.

Agents, loggers, commands, and the IBM MQ Explorer Managed File Transfer plugin connect to one or more queue managers when they run.

The following tables summarizes which queue manager agents, loggers, commands, and IBM MQ Explorer Managed File Transfer plugin connect to, when they run.

If there are no X characters for a command or process in the table, the command does not connect to any queue manager or process when it is run.

Table 1. Summary of which Managed File Transfer commands connect to which queue manager
Command name Agent queue manager Command queue manager Coordination queue manager Logger queue manager
fteCancelTransfer   X    
fteCleanAgent X      
fteCreateAgent X      
fteCreateBridgeAgent X      
fteCreateCDAgent X      
[V9.0.1 Nov 2016]fteCreateEnvironment        
fteCreateMonitor   X    
fteCreateTemplate     X  
fteCreateTransfer   X    
fteDeleteAgent X   X  
fteDeleteMonitor   X    
fteDeleteScheduledTransfer   X    
fteDeleteTemplates     X  
fteListAgents     X  
fteListMonitors     X  
fteListScheduledTransfers     X  
fteListTemplates     X  
ftePingAgent   X    
[V9.0.0.0 Jun 2016]fteSetAgentLogLevel        
[V9.0.3 May 2017][z/OS]fteSetProductID        
fteShowAgentDetails     X  
fteStopAgent   X    
fteStopLogger   X    
Table 2. Summary of which Managed File Transfer processes connect to which queue manager
Processes Agent queue manager Command queue manager Coordination queue manager Logger queue manager
Managed File Transfer agents X      
Managed File Transfer plug-in for IBM MQ Explorer   X X  
Managed File Transfer logger     X X

The file that contains the credentials information that is required to connect to each type of queue manager, that is, agent, command, and coordination queue managers, can be specified in the associated properties file. For example, the coordination queue manager has a coordination.properties file. In this file, you can set the coordinationQMgrAuthenticationCredentialsFile property to point to the credentials file.

The commands that connect to the coordination queue manager use the credentials information that is specified in that file. If security is enabled on a queue manager and this property is incorrectly set, MFT commands do not successfully complete. For more information, see MFT and IBM MQ connection authentication.