Recipient distinguished names in AMS

The recipient distinguished names (DN) identify users who are authorized to retrieve messages from a queue.

A policy can have zero or more recipient DNs specified. Recipient distinguished names have the following form:

CN=Common Name,O=Organization,C=Country
  • All DNs must be in uppercase. All component name identifiers in the DN must be specified in the order shown in the following table:
    Component name Value
    CN The common name for the object of this DN, such as a full name or the intended purpose of a device.
    OU The unit within the organization with which the object of the DN is affiliated, such as a corporate division or a product name.
    O The organization with which the object of the DN is affiliated, such as a corporation.
    L The locality (city or municipality) where the object of the DN is located.
    ST The state or province name where the object of the DN is located.
    C The country where the object of the distinguished name (DN) is located.
  • If no recipient DNs are specified for the policy, any user can get messages from the queue associated with the policy.
  • If one or more recipient DNs are specified for the policy, only those users can get messages from the queue associated with the policy.
  • Recipient DNs, when specified, must match exactly the DN contained in the digital certificate associated with user getting the message.
  • Advanced Message Security supports DNs with values only from Latin-1 character set. To create DNs with characters of the set, you must first create a certificate with a DN that is created in UTF-8 coding using UNIX with UTF-8 coding turned on or with the strmqikm GUI. Then you must create a policy from a UNIX platform with UTF-8 coding turned on or use the Advanced Message Security plug-in to IBM® MQ.