Installing (Manual)

IBM® PowerAI Enterprise consists of several components. Follow these steps to install all of the components that make up PowerAI Enterprise.

Only the most current level of each release of IBM PowerAI Enterprise should be installed, where version numbers are in the format version.release.modification.

  • The Automated installer is a beta function that automates some of the setup and install processes. If you want to use the Automated installer, use the information in this topic instead: Automated installer (Beta).
  • If you want to install on IBM Cloud Private, follow these steps: Installing on IBM Cloud Private.
Before you begin
  1. Ensure that your system meets all requirements:Hardware and software requirements.
  2. Ensure that you have set up your system: Set up your system (Manual install).
  1. Log in to the host with root permission.
  2. Download the appropriate install package on the master host. If you are entitled to the packages, download it from Passport Advantage Online or Entitled Systems Support (ESS). If you want to evaluate the product, download the evaluation packages from the PowerAI Enterprise 1.1.2 Evaluation page.
  3. Extract the component packages.
    1. Log in to the master host with root or sudo to root permission.
    2. Run the PowerAI Enterprise install package to extract the install files:
      Entitled version
      • To extract the install files to the current directory, run:
        sh powerai-enterprise-1.1.2_ppc64le.bin
      • To extract the install files to a different directory, run:
        sh powerai-enterprise-1.1.2_ppc64le.bin --extract extract_directory
      Evaluation version
      • To extract the install files to the current directory, run:
        sh powerai-enterprise-eval-1.1.2_ppc64le.bin
      • To extract the install files to a different directory, run:
        sh powerai-enterprise-eval-1.1.2_ppc64le.bin --extract extract_directory
      Note: PowerAI 1.5.4 and the PowerAI Enterprise license will be installed to /opt/DL. The default install location for IBM Spectrum Conductor™ Deep Learning Impact and IBM Spectrum Conductor is /opt/ibm/spectrumcomputing.
  4. The PowerAI Enterprise license panel is displayed. Review the license terms and accept the license.
  5. Install PowerAI: Installing PowerAI frameworks.
  6. Configure the system for IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact: Configure a system for IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact.
  7. Install IBM Spectrum Conductor by following the instructions in one of these topics, depending on your environment:
  8. Entitle IBM Spectrum Conductor: Entitle IBM Spectrum Conductor.
  9. Install IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact: Install IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact.
  10. Provide permission to $CLUSTERADMIN of IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact (by default, egoadmin) to write to the audit directory.
    setfacl –m u:$CLUSTERADMIN:rwx /opt/DL/powerai-enterprise/audit
  11. Configure IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact: Configure IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact.
  12. Apply any available fixes from Fix Central:
    1. Obtain the tools that are required to get the fix. If it is not installed, obtain your product update installer. You can download the installer from Fix Central: This site provides download, installation, and configuration instructions for the update installer.
      Note: For more information about how to obtain software fixes, from the Fix Central page, click Getting started with Fix Central, then click the Software tab.
    2. Under Find product, type PowerAI Enterprise in the Product selector field.
    3. Select PowerAI Enterprise. For Installed version, select All. For Platform, select the appropriate platform or select All, then click Continue.
    4. Identify and select the fix that is required, then click Continue.
    5. Click the "readme" link and review the readme file for instructions to apply the fix and other important information.
    6. Download the fix; ensuring that the name of the maintenance file is not changed, either intentionally or by the web browser or download utility.
    7. Use the information in the readme file to apply the fix.
  • Before adding any hosts to the cluster, you must manually install the PowerAI Enterprise license RPM and accept the license on the management or compute host that is being added to the cluster. See this topic for instructions: Installing the PowerAI Enterprise license on a host.
  • When installing IBM Spectrum Conductor on a compute node, do not add it to cluster until after installing IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact on the compute node.