Hardware and software requirements

IBM® PowerAI Enterprise requires the following hardware and software.

Hardware requirements

The following hardware is supported:
  • IBM POWER8® with NVLink and NVIDIA GPUs
  • IBM POWER9™ with NVLink and NVIDIA GPUs
Hardware requirements

The following tables list the minimum system requirements for running IBM PowerAI Enterprise in a production environment. You might have extra requirements (such as extra CPU and RAM) depending on the Spark instance groups that will run on the hosts, especially for compute hosts that run workloads.

Table 1. Minimum hardware requirements
Requirement Management hosts Compute hosts Notes
RAM 64 GB 32 GB In general, the more memory your hosts have, the better performance is.
Disk space to extract install files from the PowerAI Enterprise install package 16 GB (First management host only) NA  
Disk space to install IBM Spectrum Conductor™ 12 GB 12 GB  
Disk space to install IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact 11 GB 11 GB  
Additional disk space (for Spark instance group packages, logs, and so on.) Can be 30 GB for a large cluster 1 GB*N slots + sum of service package sizes (including dependencies) Disk space requirements depend on the number of Spark instance groups and the Spark applications that you run. Long running applications, such as notebooks and streaming applications, can generate huge amounts of data that is stored in Elasticsearch. What your applications log can also increase disk usage. Consider all these factors when estimating disk space requirements for your production cluster. For optimal performance, look at tuning how long to keep application monitoring data based on your needs.

Software requirements

The following software is required:

Table 2. Software requirements
Hardware Operating system GPU software
POWER8 Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.5 (ppc64le)
  • CUDA Deep Neural Network (cuDNN) 7.3 library
  • NVIDIA CUDA 10.0.130
  • NVIDIA GPU driver 410.72
  • NVIDIA NCCL 2.3.5
  • Anaconda Anaconda 5.2
POWER9 with this security fix: RHSA-2018:1374 - Security Advisory RHEL 7.5 (ppc64le)
  • CUDA Deep Neural Network (cuDNN) 7.3 library
  • NVIDIA CUDA 10.0.130
  • NVIDIA GPU driver 410.72
  • NVIDIA NCCL 2.3.5
  • Anaconda Anaconda 5.2
  • Supported GPUs: NVIDIA P100 and V100
  • Shared file system:
    • IBM Spectrum Scale 4.2.3, 4.2.2, 4.2.1, or 4.1.1
    • Network file system (NFS) 2, 3, or 4

Deep learning frameworks

By default, all of the frameworks included with PowerAI are installed. At least one supported framework must be installed. However, it is recommended that you install both TensorFlow and Caffe or IBM Caffe. If either framework is missing, the option for the missing framework will not work in the cluster management console. If both Caffe and IBM Caffe are installed, IBM Caffe is used by default.

To determine which frameworks are included with PowerAI Enterprise, see What's included.

Required third party software components

Table 3. PowerAI additional software
Component Version Recommended
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 7.5
NVIDIA CUDA 10.0 10.0.130
NVIDIA GPU driver 410 410.79
NVIDIA cuDNN 7.3 7.3.1
NVIDIA NCCL 2.3.5 2.3.5
Anaconda 5.2 5.2.0

Required additional repositories

See the following topic: Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system and repository setup.