Preparing to offload data from IBM Spectrum® Protect Plus

Before you offload data from IBM Spectrum Protect Plus to IBM Spectrum Protect, complete the preparation steps.


  1. Verify the product versions. To integrate IBM Spectrum Protect Plus with IBM Spectrum Protect, IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Version 10.1.3 or later and IBM Spectrum Protect Version 8.1.7 or later are required.
  2. Verify that you can open an IBM Spectrum Protect server port to the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus object client that you plan to use for data offload operations. The default port number is 9000. If there are any firewalls between the object client and agent, configure the object agent to access the appropriate port through the firewall.
  3. Verify the settings for the policy domain that you plan to use for data offload operations. Object clients that are defined or updated in IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1.8 or later must be assigned to policy domains that are created by using the DEFINE OBJECTDOMAIN command. An object client node is associated with this policy domain when the node is registered or updated by using the REGISTER NODE or UPDATE NODE command.
    Tip: Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1.8, all new object client nodes must be assigned to object policy domains.

    For object client nodes that were assigned to non-object policy domains before V8.1.8, you do not have to update the assignment after you upgrade the server to IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1.8. However, if any update to the object client node's domain is required, the node must be assigned to an object policy domain.

    Considerations for specifying policy domains for operations to offload data from IBM Spectrum Protect Plus include the following:
    • For IBM Spectrum Protect, a policy domain can specify management classes for standard storage pools (cloud-container or directory-container storage pools), cold-data-cache storage pools, or both standard and cold-data-cache storage pools.
      However, to offload data from IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, you must specify the following management classes depending on whether you are offloading data to a cloud-container or directory-container storage pool or are offloading data to a cold-data-cache storage pool for storage on physical tape media or in a virtual tape library (VTL):
      • To offload data to a cloud-container or directory-container storage pool, use the STANDARDPOOL parameter to define the storage pool for the policy domain as shown in the following example:
        define objectdomain standardpool=hotpool 
      • To offload data to a cold-data-cache storage pool, you must specify both a standard pool and a cold pool for the policy domain. A standard pool is required to store metadata that is used for restore and other IBM Spectrum Protect Plus operations. To define a cold-data-cache storage pool for the policy domain, use the COLDPOOL parameter, as shown in the following example:
        define objectdomain standardpool=hotpool coldpool=coldpool  
    • When IBM Spectrum Protect Plus copies data for tape storage, data must be written to the cold-data-cache storage pool before it is moved to the tape storage media. For the steps required to complete this procedure, see Configuring data offload to tape.
    • All objects are uniquely named. There are no inactive versions of objects. When you define an object policy domain, the following settings are specified automatically:
      • The Versions Data Exists field is set to 1.
      • The Retain Extra Versions and the Retain Only Version fields are set to 0.
    • The IBM Spectrum Protect Plus server controls the time when objects are deleted.

Example: Display detailed information about a policy domain for an IBM Spectrum Protect Plus offload operation

When the policy domain was created, it was assigned management classes and copy groups. You can use the QUERY COPYGROUP command to view information about the destination storage pools for the policy domain. In the following example, the policy domain name is XYZ. The destination storage pools are HOTPOOL and COLDPOOL.

query copygroup xyz standard f=d
                   Policy Domain Name: XYZ
                   Policy Set Name: STANDARD
                   Mgmt Class Name: COLD
                   Copy Group Name: STANDARD
                   Copy Group Type: Backup
              Versions Data Exists: 1
             Versions Data Deleted: 1
             Retain Extra Versions: 0
               Retain Only Version: 0
                         Copy Mode: Modified
                Copy Serialization: Shared Static
                    Copy Frequency: 0
                  Copy Destination: COLDPOOL
Table of Contents (TOC) Destination:
    Last Update by (administrator): SERVER_CONSOLE
             Last Update Date/Time: 05/22/19 17:03:46
                  Managing profile:
                   Changes Pending: No
                 Policy Domain Name: XYZ
                   Policy Set Name: STANDARD
                   Mgmt Class Name: STANDARD
                   Copy Group Name: STANDARD
                   Copy Group Type: Backup
              Versions Data Exists: 1
             Versions Data Deleted: 1
             Retain Extra Versions: 0
               Retain Only Version: 0
                         Copy Mode: Modified
                Copy Serialization: Shared Static
                    Copy Frequency: 0
                  Copy Destination: HOTPOOL
Table of Contents (TOC) Destination:
    Last Update by (administrator): SERVER_CONSOLE
             Last Update Date/Time: 03/05/19 22:15:18
                  Managing profile:
                   Changes Pending: No