Class JSSEHelper

  • java.lang.Object

  • public class JSSEHelper
    extends java.lang.Object

    This class is for components and applications to utilize the SSL configuration framework for selecting SSL configurations and turning them into SSL objects such as SSLContext, Properties, URLStreamHandlers, and SocketFactories.

    WAS 6.1
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static java.lang.String CONNECTION_INFO_CERT_MAPPING_HOST
      Property used in the connection information Map to define the host which is being connected to for dynamic selection of the certificate map.
      static java.lang.String CONNECTION_INFO_DIRECTION
      Variable used for the connection information to determine SSLContext validation rules.
      static java.lang.String CONNECTION_INFO_ENDPOINT_NAME
      Property used in the connection information Map to define the endpoint for dynamic and group selection.
      Property used to determine if the connection is a Web Container inbound connection.
      static java.lang.String CONNECTION_INFO_REMOTE_HOST
      Property used in the connection information Map to define the remote host which is being connected to for dynamic selection.
      static java.lang.String CONNECTION_INFO_REMOTE_PORT
      Property used in the connection information Map to define the remote port which is being connected to for dynamic selection.
      static java.lang.String DIRECTION_INBOUND
      Variable used when the direction of the SSLContext is inbound.
      static java.lang.String DIRECTION_OUTBOUND
      Variable used when the direction of the SSLContext is outbound.
      static java.lang.String DIRECTION_UNKNOWN
      Variable used when the direction of the SSLContext is not currently known.
      static java.lang.String ENDPOINT_ADMIN_IPC
      EndPoint name when using IPC protocol from the IPC connector for outbound connections.
      static java.lang.String ENDPOINT_ADMIN_SOAP
      EndPoint name when using SOAP protocol from the SOAP connector for outbound connections.
      static java.lang.String ENDPOINT_BUS_CLIENT
      EndPoint name when using BUS_CLIENT protocol for outbound connections.
      static java.lang.String ENDPOINT_BUS_TO_BUS
      EndPoint name when using ENDPOINT_BUS_TO_BUS protocol for outbound connections.
      static java.lang.String ENDPOINT_BUS_TO_WEBSPHERE_MQ
      EndPoint name when using ENDPOINT_BUS_TO_WEBSPHERE_MQ protocol for outbound connections.
      static java.lang.String ENDPOINT_CLIENT_TO_WEBSPHERE_MQ
      EndPoint name when using ENDPOINT_CLIENT_TO_WEBSPHERE_MQ protocol for outbound connections.
      static java.lang.String ENDPOINT_HTTP
      EndPoint name when using HTTP protocol for outbound connections.
      static java.lang.String ENDPOINT_IIOP
      EndPoint name when using IIOP protocol for outbound connections.
      static java.lang.String ENDPOINT_JMS
      EndPoint name when using JMS protocol for outbound connections.
      static java.lang.String ENDPOINT_LDAP
      EndPoint name when using LDAP (JNDI) protocol for outbound connections.
      static java.lang.String ENDPOINT_SIP
      EndPoint name when using SIP protocol for outbound connections.
      static int SECURITY_MODE_FIPS_140_2
      Variable indicating FIPS status - FIPS 140-2
      Variable indicating FIPS status - FIPS is disabled.
      static int SECURITY_MODE_SP_800_131_STRICT
      Variable indicating FIPS status - SP 800-131 Strict
      static int SECURITY_MODE_SP_800_131_TRANSITION
      Variable indicating FIPS status - SP 800-131 Transition
      static int SECURITY_MODE_SUITE_B_128
      Variable indicating FIPS status - SUITE B 128
      static int SECURITY_MODE_SUITE_B_192
      Variable indicating FIPS status - Suite B 192
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void deregisterSSLConfigChangeListener(SSLConfigChangeListener listener)
      This method removes the specific SSLConfigChangeListener from the list of active listeners.
      boolean doesSSLConfigExist(java.lang.String sslAliasName)
      This method checks to ensure the SSL configuration name is known in the management scope where the API is called.
      boolean fallbackForNonExistentAlias() 
      int getFipsInfo()
      This method provides current FIPS configuration information
      java.util.Map getInboundConnectionInfo()
      This method is used to obtain information about the connection on the thread of execution.
      static JSSEHelper getInstance()
      This method returns an instance of the JSSEHelper class.
      java.util.Map getOutboundConnectionInfo()
      This method is used to obtain information about the connection on the thread of execution.
      java.util.Properties getProperties(java.lang.String sslAliasName)
      This method returns the SSL properties given a specific SSL configuration alias.
      java.util.Properties getProperties(java.lang.String sslAliasName, java.util.Map connectionInfo, SSLConfigChangeListener listener)
      This method returns the effective SSL properties object for use by an SSL application or component. getSSLContext(java.util.Map connectionInfo, java.util.Properties props)
      This method creates an SSLContext given a specific direction ("inbound" or "outbound") and the SSL properties needed to create the SSLContext. getSSLContext(java.lang.String sslAliasName, java.util.Map connectionInfo, SSLConfigChangeListener listener)
      This method creates an SSLContext for use by an SSL application or component.
      java.util.Properties getSSLPropertiesOnThread()
      This method allows the retrieving of SSL properties on the thread of execution. getSSLServerSocketFactory(java.util.Properties props)
      This method creates an SSLServerSocketFactory given the SSL configuration properties specified. getSSLServerSocketFactory(java.lang.String sslAliasName, java.util.Map connectionInfo, SSLConfigChangeListener listener)
      This method creates an SSLSocketFactory for use by an SSL application or component. getSSLSocketFactory(java.util.Map connectionInfo, java.util.Properties props)
      This method creates an SSLContext based on the SSL properties specified. getSSLSocketFactory(java.lang.String sslAliasName, java.util.Map connectionInfo, SSLConfigChangeListener listener)
      This method creates an SSLSocketFactory for use by an SSL application or component. getURLStreamHandler(java.util.Properties props)
      This method creates a URLStreamHandler specific SSL properties. getURLStreamHandler(java.lang.String sslAliasName, java.util.Map connectionInfo, SSLConfigChangeListener listener)
      This method creates a URLStreamHandler for use by an SSL application or component.
      boolean legacyAlias(java.lang.String input) 
      void loadClientSSLPropertiesFromURL(java.lang.String configURL, boolean reinitialize)
      This method loads a client-side SSL properties file in the exact same format as the "ssl.client.props".
      void registerSSLConfigChangeListener(java.lang.String sslAliasName, java.util.Map connectionInfo, SSLConfigChangeListener listener)
      This method registers an SSLConfigChangeListener for the specific SSL configuration chosen based upon the parameters passed in using the precedence logic described in the JavaDoc for the getSSLContext API.
      void reinitializeClientDefaultSSLProperties()
      This method causes a reinitialization of the SSL properties that are located in default locations for sas.client.props, soap.client.props or ssl.client.props.
      void setInboundConnectionInfo(java.util.Map connectionInfo)
      This method sets information about the connection on the thread of execution.
      void setOutboundConnectionInfo(java.util.Map connectionInfo)
      This method sets information about the connection on the thread of execution.
      void setSSLPropertiesOnThread(java.util.Properties props)
      This method allows the setting of SSL properties on the thread of execution.
      void validateSSLProperties(java.util.Properties props)
      This method attempts to create an SSLContext using the properties provided.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String DIRECTION_INBOUND

        Variable used when the direction of the SSLContext is inbound. This is associated to receiving requests or server-side sockets, etc. This helps with validation of the required SSL attributes.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DIRECTION_OUTBOUND

        Variable used when the direction of the SSLContext is outbound. This is associated to sending requests or client-side sockets, etc. This helps with validation of the required SSL attributes.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DIRECTION_UNKNOWN

        Variable used when the direction of the SSLContext is not currently known. This will require that a TrustStore and KeyStore are both specified.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_IIOP

        EndPoint name when using IIOP protocol for outbound connections.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_HTTP

        EndPoint name when using HTTP protocol for outbound connections.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_SIP

        EndPoint name when using SIP protocol for outbound connections.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_JMS

        EndPoint name when using JMS protocol for outbound connections.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_BUS_CLIENT

        EndPoint name when using BUS_CLIENT protocol for outbound connections.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_BUS_TO_WEBSPHERE_MQ

        EndPoint name when using ENDPOINT_BUS_TO_WEBSPHERE_MQ protocol for outbound connections.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_BUS_TO_BUS

        EndPoint name when using ENDPOINT_BUS_TO_BUS protocol for outbound connections.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_CLIENT_TO_WEBSPHERE_MQ

        EndPoint name when using ENDPOINT_CLIENT_TO_WEBSPHERE_MQ protocol for outbound connections.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_LDAP

        EndPoint name when using LDAP (JNDI) protocol for outbound connections.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_ADMIN_SOAP

        EndPoint name when using SOAP protocol from the SOAP connector for outbound connections.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_ADMIN_IPC

        EndPoint name when using IPC protocol from the IPC connector for outbound connections.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CONNECTION_INFO_DIRECTION

        Variable used for the connection information to determine SSLContext validation rules.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CONNECTION_INFO_ENDPOINT_NAME

        Property used in the connection information Map to define the endpoint for dynamic and group selection.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CONNECTION_INFO_REMOTE_HOST

        Property used in the connection information Map to define the remote host which is being connected to for dynamic selection. The host can be in the DNS or IP formats. It is preferred to be in the DNS format. The format should match the property information in order for a match to occur.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CONNECTION_INFO_REMOTE_PORT

        Property used in the connection information Map to define the remote port which is being connected to for dynamic selection. The port should be the exact port being connected to so an accurate dynamic selection can be made.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CONNECTION_INFO_CERT_MAPPING_HOST

        Property used in the connection information Map to define the host which is being connected to for dynamic selection of the certificate map. The host should be in the IP format.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CONNECTION_INFO_IS_WEB_CONTAINER_INBOUND

        Property used to determine if the connection is a Web Container inbound connection.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SECURITY_MODE_FIPS_DISABLED

        Variable indicating FIPS status - FIPS is disabled.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SECURITY_MODE_FIPS_140_2

        public static final int SECURITY_MODE_FIPS_140_2

        Variable indicating FIPS status - FIPS 140-2

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SECURITY_MODE_SP_800_131_TRANSITION

        Variable indicating FIPS status - SP 800-131 Transition

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SECURITY_MODE_SP_800_131_STRICT

        Variable indicating FIPS status - SP 800-131 Strict

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SECURITY_MODE_SUITE_B_128

        Variable indicating FIPS status - SUITE B 128

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SECURITY_MODE_SUITE_B_192

        Variable indicating FIPS status - Suite B 192

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • JSSEHelper

        public JSSEHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static JSSEHelper getInstance()

        This method returns an instance of the JSSEHelper class. This is the proper way to get a reference of this API class.

      • setSSLPropertiesOnThread

        public void setSSLPropertiesOnThread(java.util.Properties props)

        This method allows the setting of SSL properties on the thread of execution. This has the highest precedence in terms of selection rules. When the SSL runtime finds SSL properties on the thread, this should be used before anything else in the selection process.

        It's important to clear the thread after use, especially where thread pools are used. It is not cleared up automatically. Pass in "null" to this API to clear it.

        When Java 2 Security is enabled, access to call this method requires WebSphereRuntimePermission "setSSLConfig" to be granted.

        java.util.Properties -
      • getSSLPropertiesOnThread

        public java.util.Properties getSSLPropertiesOnThread()

        This method allows the retrieving of SSL properties on the thread of execution. This can be used for verification purposes or to communicate SSL properties among components running on the same thread.

        When Java 2 Security is enabled, access to call this method requires WebSphereRuntimePermission "getSSLConfig" to be granted.

      • getProperties

        public java.util.Properties getProperties(java.lang.String sslAliasName)
                                           throws SSLException

        This method returns the SSL properties given a specific SSL configuration alias.

        When Java 2 Security is enabled, access to call this method requires WebSphereRuntimePermission "getSSLConfig" to be granted.

        String - sslAliasName
      • getSSLContext

        public getSSLContext(java.util.Map connectionInfo,
                                             java.util.Properties props)
                                               throws SSLException

        This method creates an SSLContext given a specific direction ("inbound" or "outbound") and the SSL properties needed to create the SSLContext. The properties can be retrieved from the SSL configuration using the getProperties API in this class.

        java.util.Map - connectionInfo - contains information about the connection direction, host, port, etc.
        java.util.Properties - sslProps - the SSL properties
      • getURLStreamHandler

        public getURLStreamHandler(java.util.Properties props)
                                                      throws SSLException

        This method creates a URLStreamHandler specific SSL properties. The URLStreamHandler is used for outbound URL connections.

        java.util.Properties - sslProps - the SSL properties (connectionInfo derived from URL)
      • getSSLServerSocketFactory

        public getSSLServerSocketFactory(java.util.Properties props)
                                                                       throws SSLException

        This method creates an SSLServerSocketFactory given the SSL configuration properties specified. The properties can be retrieved from the SSL configuration using the getProperties API in this class.

        java.util.Properties - sslProps
      • getSSLSocketFactory

        public getSSLSocketFactory(java.util.Map connectionInfo,
                                                         java.util.Properties props)
                                                           throws SSLException

        This method creates an SSLContext based on the SSL properties specified. The properties can be retrieved from the SSL configuration using the getProperties API in this class. The connectionInfo can be used by a custom TrustManager for further trust evaluation.

        java.util.Map - connectionInfo - contains information about the connection direction, endpoint, host, port, etc.
        java.util.Properties - sslProps - the SSL properties that will be used.
      • getSSLContext

        public getSSLContext(java.lang.String sslAliasName,
                                             java.util.Map connectionInfo,
                                             SSLConfigChangeListener listener)
                                               throws SSLException

        This method creates an SSLContext for use by an SSL application or component. Precedence logic will determine which parameters are used for creating the SSLContext. The selection precendence rules are:

        1. Programmatic - The SSL properties have been set on the thread of execution using the setPropertiesOnThread API. This is used for "outbound" directions only.

        2. Dynamic - The remoteHost/remotePort String(s) will contain the target host DNS, host, or host/port. A configuration panel and command task for making the SSL configuration association with this target information is provided.

        3. Direct - The sslAliasName parameter, when specified, will be used to choose the alias directly from the SSL configurations.

        4. Grouping - Finally, the management scope which this API is called from will be the deciding factor in choosing an SSL configuration. A topology view is provided in the AdminConsole for associating SSL configurations with management scopes. Inheritance plays a role so associations at higher levels will be inherited at lower levels, unless overridden at the lower levels. The endPoint parameter is used in combination with the scope which this API is calling from. If the endPoint is not specified, the API will look at the server, cluster, node, nodegroup, and finally cell. There will always be an SSL configuration associated with the Cell, so this API guarantees selecting an SSL configuration.

        When Java 2 Security is enabled, access to call this method requires WebSphereRuntimePermission "getSSLConfig" to be granted.

        String - sslAliasName - Used in direct selection. The alias name of a specific SSL configuration (optional). You can pass in "null" here.
        java.util.Map - connectionInfo - Used in dynamic selection and by custom TrustManagers. This refers to the remote connection information. The current properties known by the runtime include:

        Example OUTBOUND case (endpoint refers more to protocol used since outbound names are not well-known):"""9809""outbound""IIOP"

        Example INBOUND case (endpoint name matches serverindex endpoint):"inbound""CSIV2_SSL_MUTUALAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS"

        It's highly recommended to supply these properties when possible. - - This is used to notify the caller of this API that the SSL configuration changed in the runtime. It's up to the caller to decide if they want to call this API again to get the new SSLContext for the configuration. Passing in NULL indicates no notification is desired. See the interface for more information.
      • getURLStreamHandler

        public getURLStreamHandler(java.lang.String sslAliasName,
                                                    java.util.Map connectionInfo,
                                                    SSLConfigChangeListener listener)
                                                      throws SSLException

        This method creates a URLStreamHandler for use by an SSL application or component. Precedence logic will determine which parameters are used for creating the URLStreamHandler. See the JavaDoc for getSSLContext with the same parameters for more info on the behavior of this API.

        When Java 2 Security is enabled, access to call this method requires WebSphereRuntimePermission "getSSLConfig" to be granted.

        java.lang.String - sslAliasName
        java.util.Map - connectionInfo -
      • getSSLSocketFactory

        public getSSLSocketFactory(java.lang.String sslAliasName,
                                                         java.util.Map connectionInfo,
                                                         SSLConfigChangeListener listener)
                                                           throws SSLException

        This method creates an SSLSocketFactory for use by an SSL application or component. Precedence logic will determine which parameters are used for creating the SSLSocketFactory. See the JavaDoc for getSSLContext with the same parameters for more info on the behavior of this API.

        When Java 2 Security is enabled, access to call this method requires WebSphereRuntimePermission "getSSLConfig" to be granted.

        java.lang.String - sslAliasName
        java.util.Map - connectionInfo -
      • getSSLServerSocketFactory

        public getSSLServerSocketFactory(java.lang.String sslAliasName,
                                                                     java.util.Map connectionInfo,
                                                                     SSLConfigChangeListener listener)
                                                                       throws SSLException

        This method creates an SSLSocketFactory for use by an SSL application or component. Precedence logic will determine which parameters are used for creating the SSLSocketFactory. See the JavaDoc for getSSLContext with the same parameters for more info on the behavior of this API.

        When Java 2 Security is enabled, access to call this method requires WebSphereRuntimePermission "getSSLConfig" to be granted.

        java.lang.String - sslAliasName (optional)
        java.util.Map - connectionInfo (optional) - (optional)
      • fallbackForNonExistentAlias

        public boolean fallbackForNonExistentAlias()
      • legacyAlias

        public boolean legacyAlias(java.lang.String input)
      • getProperties

        public java.util.Properties getProperties(java.lang.String sslAliasName,
                                         java.util.Map connectionInfo,
                                         SSLConfigChangeListener listener)
                                           throws SSLException

        This method returns the effective SSL properties object for use by an SSL application or component. Precedence logic will determine which parameters are used for creating the Properties. See the JavaDoc for getSSLContext with the same parameters for more info on the behavior of this API. If the SSLConfigChangeListener is non null, it must be deregistered by deregisterSSLConfigChangeListener when it is no longer needed.

        When Java 2 Security is enabled, access to call this method requires WebSphereRuntimePermission "getSSLConfig" to be granted.

        java.lang.String - sslAliasName (optional)
        java.util.Map - connectionInfo (optional) - (optional)
      • registerSSLConfigChangeListener

        public void registerSSLConfigChangeListener(java.lang.String sslAliasName,
                                           java.util.Map connectionInfo,
                                           SSLConfigChangeListener listener)
                                             throws SSLException

        This method registers an SSLConfigChangeListener for the specific SSL configuration chosen based upon the parameters passed in using the precedence logic described in the JavaDoc for the getSSLContext API. The SSLConfigChangeListener must be deregistered by deregisterSSLConfigChangeListener when it is no longer needed.

        String - sslAliasName
        java.util.Map - connectionInfo -
      • deregisterSSLConfigChangeListener

        public void deregisterSSLConfigChangeListener(SSLConfigChangeListener listener)
                                               throws SSLException

        This method removes the specific SSLConfigChangeListener from the list of active listeners.

        SSLConfigChangeListener -
      • doesSSLConfigExist

        public boolean doesSSLConfigExist(java.lang.String sslAliasName)

        This method checks to ensure the SSL configuration name is known in the management scope where the API is called. It will return true if the SSL configuration name is found in the scope. Otherwise, false will be returned.

        String - sslAliasName
      • loadClientSSLPropertiesFromURL

        public void loadClientSSLPropertiesFromURL(java.lang.String configURL,
                                          boolean reinitialize)

        This method loads a client-side SSL properties file in the exact same format as the "ssl.client.props". The reinitialize flag should be set to "true" if this file has already been loaded once and you intend the changes to send notifications to listeners interested in knowing about changes to the SSL configurations. If this is the first time loading this configURL, set reinitialize to "false".

        String - configURL - the file containing one or more SSL configurations Example: file:C:/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/properties/ssl.client.props
        boolean - reinitialize - if this configURL was loaded already, this should be true, otherwise false.
        See Also:
      • reinitializeClientDefaultSSLProperties

        public void reinitializeClientDefaultSSLProperties()

        This method causes a reinitialization of the SSL properties that are located in default locations for sas.client.props, soap.client.props or ssl.client.props. Additional SSL configurations can be specified in the ssl.client.props.

        See Also:
      • validateSSLProperties

        public void validateSSLProperties(java.util.Properties props)
                                   throws SSLException

        This method attempts to create an SSLContext using the properties provided. It is assumed the API is called on the node where the KeyStore information specified in the properties resides.

        java.util.Properties -
      • getInboundConnectionInfo

        public java.util.Map getInboundConnectionInfo()

        This method is used to obtain information about the connection on the thread of execution. This connection information can then be used from Custom Key and Trust Managers.

      • setInboundConnectionInfo

        public void setInboundConnectionInfo(java.util.Map connectionInfo)

        This method sets information about the connection on the thread of execution. This connection information can then be used from Custom Key and Trust Managers. This method is invoked prior to an SSL handshake.

        It's important to clear the thread after use, especially where thread pools are used. It is not cleared up automatically. Pass in "null" to this API to clear it.

        java.util.Map - connectionInfo - Used in dynamic selection and by custom KeyManagers. This refers to the inbound connection information. For certificate mapping usage these properties need to be provided, for example:"" new Boolean(true);
      • getOutboundConnectionInfo

        public java.util.Map getOutboundConnectionInfo()

        This method is used to obtain information about the connection on the thread of execution. This connection information can then be used to set the connection information prior to creating and SSL socket.

      • setOutboundConnectionInfo

        public void setOutboundConnectionInfo(java.util.Map connectionInfo)

        This method sets information about the connection on the thread of execution. This method is invoked prior to creating an SSL socket.

        It's important to clear the thread after use, especially where thread pools are used. It is not cleared up automatically. Pass in "null" to this API to clear it.

        java.util.Map - connectionInfo - Used
      • getFipsInfo

        public int getFipsInfo()

        This method provides current FIPS configuration information

        integer that represents current FIPS status JSSEHelper.SECURITY_MODE_FIPS_DISABLED = 0 JSSEHelper.SECURITY_MODE_FIPS_140_2 = 1; JSSEHelper.SECURITY_MODE_SP_800_131_TRANSITION = 2; JSSEHelper.SECURITY_MODE_SP_800_131_STRICT = 3; JSSEHelper.SECURITY_MODE_SUITE_B_128 = 4; JSSEHelper.SECURITY_MODE_SUITE_B_192 = 5;
IBM WebSphere Application ServerTM
Release 8.5