Uninstalling Db2 Version (Modification 1 or higher) in Order to Return to Db2 Version (GA)

About this task

After updating a Db2 11.1 GA environment with a Db2 11.1 modification pack 1 or higher, it is not possible to return to the 11.1 GA level without restoring from a valid database backup created on the Db2 11.1 GA level in a manner similar to that described in the topic.

For this reason, prior to applying a Db2 11.1 or higher Modification pack to a Db2 11.1 GA environment, it is recommended that you perform the update and functional evaluation of the fix pack in a test environment to help you identify any issues in advance.

If you do wish to reserve the option of returning to theDb2 11.1 GA level, then ensure that you have a valid database backup taken at the Db2 11.1 GA level before beginning the update process.

To reverse an update back to the Db2 11.1 GA level, you need to perform the following steps:


  1. Log on to the Db2 server as a user with SYSADM authority.
  2. Drop all databases at the Db2 11.1 modification 1 fix pack level by running the DROP DATABASE command. (NOTE: this will delete all transactions logs in the active primary and mirror log paths. ).
  3. On Linux or UNIX operating systems, to uninstall a fix pack, use the installFixPack command with the force option (-f) to bypass the level check. The command must be run from the lower level fix pack or GA image. For example:

    ./installFixPack -f level -b <DB2DIR>

    where DB2DIR is the location of the Db2 database product that you want to force to a lower level fix pack or GA image. For example:

    ./installFixPack -f level -b /opt/ibm/db2/V11.1
  4. On Windows operating system, to uninstall a fix pack, use the Add/Remove Programs window, accessible through the Windows Control Panel. Refer to your operating system's help for more information about removing software products from your Windows operating system.
  5. For each instance, log on to the Db2 server as the instance owner and restore your databases from a Db2 11.1 GA offline full backup by running the RESTORE DATABASE command.