Applying a Fix Pack to Db2 11.1 GA (Db2

The Db2 GA product has the product signature The first fix pack delivered for Db2 11.1 changes the modification level of the product to 1 and has the product signature of Db2

Before you begin

The move to the Db2 11.1 modification 1 level is a one-time event which will occur with the first fix pack applied to a Db2 11.1 GA installation.

After that, all subsequent fix packs will follow the normal process outlined in section.

The instructions in this section are relevant to applying any Db2 11.1 modification 1 fix pack to any Db2 11.1 GA environment including Db2 pureScale®.

About this task

Db2 11.1 modification 1 contains both new functional updates and fixes for problems (for example, authorized program analysis reports, or "APARs") found during testing at IBM® or reported by customers. For a list of new functional updates contained in Db2 11.1 modification 1, refer to Mod Pack and Fix Pack Updates. For a complete list of the fixes that are contained in each fix pack, refer to the Fix Pack List page.

Fix packs are cumulative; the latest fix pack for any given version of Db2 database contains all of the updates from previous fix packs for the same version of Db2 database. The available types of fix pack images are described in .

On Linux® or UNIX operating systems, if national languages are installed, you also require a separate national language fix pack. The national language fix pack cannot be installed alone. A universal or product-specific fix pack must be applied at the same time and they must both be at the same fix pack level. For example, if you are applying a universal fix pack to a non-English Db2 database products on Linux or UNIX, you must apply both the universal fix pack and the national language fix pack to update the Db2 database products.

Exception: You do not need a separate national language fix pack in Server fix pack 1 or later releases, and for Universal fix pack 4 or later releases.


  • For all Db2 11.1 GA environments, the modification 1 fix pack image can only be applied offline.
  • Db2 11.1 Modification 1 fix packs can be applied only to:
    • Db2 Version 11.1 general availability (GA)
    • Db2 11.1 Modification 1 fix pack copies.
  • In all Db2 11.1 GA environments, including Db2 pureScale, all instances, DAS, and applications that are related to the Db2 copy that is being updated must be stopped before you install a fix pack.
  • In a pureScale environment, before you install the fix pack, you must stop the database manager on all database members. You must install the fix pack on all database members as all of the computers that are participating in the pureScale cluster must be updated to the same fix pack level.
  • In an automated HADR environment, you will need to delete your resource model and re-create it. Please refer to IBM Technote #1995136 for more information.
  • In a partitioned database environment, before you install the fix pack, you must stop the database manager on all database partition servers. You must install the fix pack on the instance-owning database partition server and all other database partition servers. All of the computers that are participating in the instance must be updated to the same fix pack level.
  • On Linux or UNIX operating systems:
    • If you have Db2 database products on a network file system (NFS), you must ensure that the following applications are stopped completely before you install the fix pack: all instances, the Db2 administration server (DAS), interprocess communications (IPC), and applications on other machines that use the same NFS mounted installation.
    • If the system commands fuser or lsof are not available, the installFixPack command cannot detect loaded Db2 database files. You must ensure that no Db2 files are loaded and provide an override option to install the fix pack. On UNIX, the fuser command is required to check for loaded files. On Linux, either the fuser command or lsof command is required.

    For details on the override option, see the installFixPack command.

  • On client applications, after a fix pack is applied, you must have bind authority to perform autobind of applications.
  • Db2 fix packs do not update IBM Data Studio.

To install a Db2 11.1 modification 1 fix pack to a Db2 11.1 GA environment:


  1. Check fix pack prerequisites.
  2. Follow the guidance in the topic to prepare for installation of the Db2 11.1 Modification1 fix pack.
  3. Choose a fix pack installation method from those outlined in the topic and install the fix pack.
  4. Perform the tasks in the topic.
  5. Apply the appropriate Db2 database product license.

What to do next

Check the log file for any post-installation steps, or error messages and recommended actions.

For non-root installations on Linux or UNIX, root-based features (such as high availability and operating system-based authentication) can be enabled using the db2rfe command. If root-based features were enabled after installing your Db2 database product, you must rerun the db2rfe command each time a fix pack is applied in order to re-enable those features. For details, see the following non-root related links.

In all Db2 11.1 GA environments including Db2 pureScale environments:
  • If you have multiple Db2 copies on the same system, those copies can be at different version and fix pack levels.
  • If you want to apply a fix pack to one or more Db2 copies, you must install the fix pack on those Db2 copies one by one.