      ** (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2007 All rights reserved.
      ** The following sample of source code ("Sample") is owned by International 
      ** Business Machines Corporation or one of its subsidiaries ("IBM") and is 
      ** copyrighted and licensed, not sold. You may use, copy, modify, and 
      ** distribute the Sample in any form without payment to IBM, for the purpose of 
      ** assisting you in the development of your applications.
      ** The Sample code is provided to you on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of 
      ** not allow for the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties, so the above 
      ** limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. IBM shall not be liable for 
      ** any damages you suffer as a result of using, copying, modifying or 
      ** distributing the Sample, even if IBM has been advised of the possibility of 
      ** such damages.
      ** SOURCE FILE NAME: tspace.sqb 
      ** SAMPLE: How to copy and free memory in a tablespace
      ** DB2 APIs USED:
      **         sqlgmcpy -- COPY MEMORY
      **         sqlgfmem -- FREE MEMORY
      **         sqlgmtsq -- TABLESPACE QUERY
      **         sqlgtcq -- TABLESPACE CONTAINER QUERY
      **         sqlgstpq -- SINGLE TABLESPACE QUERY
      **         sqlgotsq -- OPEN TABLESPACE QUERY
      **         sqlgftpq -- FETCH TABLESPACE QUERY
      **         sqlgctsq -- CLOSE TABLESPACE QUERY
      **         sqlgotcq -- OPEN TABLESPACE CONTAINER QUERY
      **         sqlgftcq -- FETCH TABLESPACE CONTAINER QUERY
      **         sqlgctcq -- CLOSE TABLESPACE CONTAINER QUERY
      **         sqlgstsc -- SET TABLESPACE CONTAINERS
      **         sqlggtss -- GET TABLESPACE STATISTICS
      **         BEGIN DECLARE SECTION 
      **         END DECLARE SECTION 
      **         CONNECT
      ** For more information on the sample programs, see the README file. 
      ** For information on developing embedded SQL applications see the Developing Embedded SQL Applications book.
      ** For information on DB2 APIs, see the Administrative API Reference.
      ** For information on using SQL statements, see the SQL Reference. 
      ** For the latest information on programming, compiling, and running
      ** DB2 applications, visit the DB2 Information Center: 
      **     http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r7/index.jsp

       Identification Division.
       Program-ID. "tspace".

       Data Division.
       Working-Storage Section.

           copy "sqlenv.cbl".
           copy "sql.cbl".
           copy "sqlutil.cbl".
           copy "sqlca.cbl".
           copy "sqlutbsq.cbl".
           copy "sqlutbcq.cbl".

       01 dbname            pic x(8).
       01 userid            pic x(8).
       01 passwd.
         49 passwd-length   pic s9(4) comp-5 value 0.
         49 passwd-name     pic x(18).

       77 errloc          pic x(80).
       77 rc              pic s9(9) comp-5.

          01 option pic s9(9) comp-5 value 0.
          01 max-tcq pic s9(9) comp-5 value 1.
          01 max-tbsqry pic s9(9) comp-5 value 1.
          01 tbsqry-returned pic s9(9) comp-5.
          01 tcq-returned pic s9(9) comp-5.

          01 tablespace-count pic s9(9) comp-5.
          01 i pic s9(4) comp-5.

          01 tbsqry-pointer      usage is pointer.
          01 tbsqry-pointer-int
                redefines tbsqry-pointer
                pic s9(9) comp-5.

          01 tbsqry-pointer-save usage pointer.

          01 tablespace-id pic s9(9) comp-5 value 1.
          01 tblspace-id pic s9(9) comp-5 value 2.
          01 tbsid       pic s9(9) comp-5 value 0.
          01 container-count pic s9(9) comp-5.

          01 tbscontqry-pointer      usage is pointer.
          01 tbscontqry-pointer-int
                redefines tbscontqry-pointer
                pic s9(9) comp-5.

          01 tbscontqry-pointer-save usage pointer.

       Linkage section.
      *    copy "sqlutbsq.cbl".
      *    copy "sqlutbcq.cbl".

       Procedure Division.
       Main Section.
           display "Sample COBOL program: TSPACE.SQB".

      * Get database connection information.
           display "Enter in the database name : " with no advancing.
           accept dbname.

           display "Enter your user id (default none): " 
                with no advancing.
           accept userid.

           if userid = spaces
             EXEC SQL CONNECT TO sample END-EXEC
             display "Enter your password : " with no advancing
             accept passwd-name.

      * Passwords in a CONNECT statement must be entered in a VARCHAR format
      * with the length of the input string.
           inspect passwd-name tallying passwd-length for characters
              before initial " ".

           EXEC SQL CONNECT TO :dbname USER :userid USING :passwd
           move "CONNECT TO" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.

           display "Testing sqlgmtsq...........................".

           call "sqlgmtsq" using
                                by reference    sqlca
                                by reference    tablespace-count
                                by reference    tbsqry-pointer
                                by value        SQLB-RESERVED1
                                by value        SQLB-RESERVED2
                          returning rc.
           display "tsq sqlcode of sqlca: ", sqlcode of sqlca.
           display "tsq tokens: ", sqlerrmc of sqlca
      -    (1:sqlerrml of sqlca).

           display "tsq tablespace count: ", tablespace-count.

           set tbsqry-pointer-save to tbsqry-pointer.

           perform print-tablespace-info
              varying i
              from 0
              by 1
              until i is equal to tablespace-count.

      * FREE MEMORY *
           call "sqlgfmem" using
                                 by reference   sqlca
                                 by value       tbsqry-pointer-save
                           returning rc.
           display "fmem sqlcode of sqlca: ", sqlcode of sqlca.
           display "fmem tokens: ", sqlerrmc of sqlca
      -    (1:sqlerrml of sqlca).

           display "Testing sqlgtcq...........................".
           call "sqlgtcq" using
                by reference sqlca
                by value tblspace-id
                by reference container-count
                by reference tbscontqry-pointer.
           display "tcq sqlcode of sqlca: ", sqlcode of sqlca.
           display "tcq tokens: ", sqlerrmc of sqlca
      -    (1:sqlerrml of sqlca).

           display "tcq container count: ", container-count.

           set tbscontqry-pointer-save to tbscontqry-pointer.

           perform print-container-info
              varying i
              from 0
              by 1
              until i is equal to container-count.

           call "sqlgfmem" using
                by reference sqlca
                by value tbscontqry-pointer-save.
           display "fmem sqlcode of sqlca: ", sqlcode of sqlca.
           display "fmem tokens: ", sqlerrmc of sqlca
      -    (1:sqlerrml of sqlca).

           display "Testing sqlgstpq...........................".
           call "sqlgstpq" using
                by reference sqlca
                by value tbsid
                by reference sqlb-tbsqry-data
                by value SQLB-RESERVED1.

           display "stsq sqlcode of sqlca: ", sqlcode of sqlca.

           perform display-tbsqry-data.

           display "Testing sqlgotsq...........................".
           call "sqlgotsq" using
                by reference sqlca
                by value SQLB-OPEN-TBS-ALL
                by reference tablespace-count.
           display "otsq sqlcode of sqlca: ", sqlcode of sqlca.
           display "num of tablespaces: " tablespace-count

           perform fetch-tsqs
              varying i
              from 0
              by 1
              until i is equal to tablespace-count.

           call "sqlgctsq" using
                by reference sqlca.
           display "ftsq sqlcode of sqlca: ", sqlcode of sqlca.

           display "Testing sqlgotcq...........................".
           call "sqlgotcq" using
                by reference sqlca
                by value tablespace-id
                by reference container-count.
           display "otcq sqlcode of sqlca: ", sqlcode of sqlca.
           display "num of containers: " container-count.

           perform fetch-tcqs
              varying i
              from 0
              by 1
              until i is equal to container-count.

           call "sqlgctcq" using
                by reference sqlca.
           display "ctcq sqlcode of sqlca: ", sqlcode of sqlca.

           display "Testing sqlgstsc...........................".
           call "sqlgtcq" using
                by reference sqlca
                by value tblspace-id
                by reference container-count
                by reference tbscontqry-pointer.
           display "tcq sqlcode of sqlca: ", sqlcode of sqlca.
           display "num of containers: ", container-count.

           set tbscontqry-pointer-save to tbscontqry-pointer.

           perform print-container-info
              varying i
              from 0
              by 1
              until i is equal to container-count.

           call "sqlgstsc" using
              by reference sqlca
              by value option
              by value tblspace-id
              by value container-count
              by value tbscontqry-pointer-save.
           display "stsc sqlcode of sqlca: ", sqlcode of sqlca.

           call "sqlgfmem" using
                by reference sqlca
                by value tbscontqry-pointer-save.
           display "fmem sqlcode of sqlca: ", sqlcode of sqlca.
           display "fmem tokens: ", sqlerrmc of sqlca
      -    (1:sqlerrml of sqlca).

           display "Testing sqlggtss...........................".
           call "sqlggtss" using
              by reference sqlca
              by value tblspace-id
              by reference sqlb-tbs-stats.
           display "gtss sqlcode of sqlca:    ", sqlcode of sqlca.
           display "total pages:     ",
                         sql-total-pages of sqlb-tbs-stats.
           display "useable pages:   ",
                         sql-useable-pages of sqlb-tbs-stats.
           display "used pages:      ",
                         sql-used-pages of sqlb-tbs-stats.
           display "free pages:      ",
                         sql-free-pages of sqlb-tbs-stats.
           display "high water mark: ",
                         sql-high-water-mark of sqlb-tbs-stats.

           move "CONNECT RESET" to errloc.
           call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc.
           go to End-Prog.

       Fetch-Loop Section.
       End-Fetch-Loop. exit.

           stop run.

           call "sqlgftpq" using
                by reference sqlca
                by value max-tbsqry
                by reference sqlb-tbsqry-data
                by reference tbsqry-returned
           display "ftsq sqlcode of sqlca: ", sqlcode of sqlca
           display "tbsqry-returned: " tbsqry-returned
           perform display-tbsqry-data.

           call "sqlgftcq" using
                by reference sqlca
                by value max-tcq
                by reference sqlb-tbscontqry-data
                by reference tcq-returned
           display "ftsq sqlcode of sqlca: ", sqlcode of sqlca
           display "tbsqry-returned: " tbsqry-returned
           perform display-tbsqry-data.

      * COPY MEMORY *
           call "sqlgmcpy" using
                                 by reference   sqlb-tbsqry-data
                                 by value       tbsqry-pointer
                                 by value       SQLB-TBSQRY-DATA-SIZE
                           returning rc.
      * the COPY MEMORY API can be used if the data area is declared in
      * the "Working-Storage Section".  "set address" can be used if the
      * data area is declared in teh "Linkage Section".  In this case
      * the data area is the copied file "sqlutbsq.cbl".
      *     set address of sqlb-tbsqry-data to tbsqry-pointer

           perform display-tbsqry-data
           add sqlb-tbsqry-data-size to tbsqry-pointer-int.

           display "id: ", sql-id of sqlb-tbsqry-data
           display "total pages: ",
                        sql-total-pages of sqlb-tbsqry-data
           display "useable pages: ",
                        sql-useable-pages of sqlb-tbsqry-data
           display "flags: ",
                        sql-flags of sqlb-tbsqry-data
           display "page size: ",
                        sql-page-size of sqlb-tbsqry-data
           display "ext size: ",
                        sql-ext-size of sqlb-tbsqry-data
           display "prefetch size: ",
                        sql-prefetch-size of sqlb-tbsqry-data
           display "# containers: ",
                        sql-n-containers of sqlb-tbsqry-data
           display "tablespace state: ",
                        sql-tbs-state of sqlb-tbsqry-data
           display "life lsn: ",
                        sql-life-lsn of sqlb-tbsqry-data
           display " ".

      * COPY MEMORY *
           call "sqlgmcpy" using
                                 by reference  sqlb-tbscontqry-data
                                 by value      tbscontqry-pointer
                                 by value      SQLB-TBSCONTQRY-DATA-SIZE
                           returning rc.

      * the COPY MEMORY API can be used if the data area is declared in
      * the "Working-Storage Section".  "set address" can be used if the
      * data area is declared in teh "Linkage Section".  In this case
      * the data area is the copied file "sqlutbcq.cbl".
      *     set address of sqlb-tbscontqry-data to tbscontqry-pointer

           display "id: ", sql-id of sqlb-tbscontqry-data
           display "# tablespaces: ", sql-n-tbs of sqlb-tbscontqry-data
           display "tablespace id:",
                        sql-tbs-id of sqlb-tbscontqry-data
           display "name: ", sql-name of sqlb-tbscontqry-data
                             (1:sql-name-len of sqlb-tbscontqry-data)
           display "container type: ",
                        sql-cont-type of sqlb-tbscontqry-data
           display "total pages: ",
                        sql-total-pages of sqlb-tbscontqry-data
           display "useable pages: ",
                        sql-useable-pages of sqlb-tbscontqry-data
           display "ok?: ",
                        sql-ok of sqlb-tbscontqry-data
           display " ",
           add sqlb-tbscontqry-data-size to tbscontqry-pointer-int.