Making the Db2 product code available

IBM® distributes the product code for Db2 for z/OS® in various ways. However you obtain the product code, you use System Modification Program Extended (SMP/E) to create Db2 distribution libraries, Db2 target libraries, and SMP/E control data sets, and to control of subsequent software maintenance.

For more information about SMP/E, see Db2 Program Directory.

Remember: If you copy Db2 library data sets from one system another, such as for installing a related test or production subsystem, ensure that you copy all of the Db2 library data sets to the same location. For example, if you copy the SDNSLOAD data set from one system to another but omit the DBRMLIB data set, the resulting mismatch can cause job DSNTIJRT to fail with SQLCODE -812.

z/OSMF portable software instances

A z/OS portable software instance can be used to simplify distribution of a software instance across a network, and can be deployed by the z/OSMF Software Management task. It is a set of portable archive files that are created by the SMP/E GIMZIP service routine for each of the data sets defined to the software instance. It includes SMPCSI data sets with all associated SMP/E managed target and distribution libraries, and a descriptor file to describe in detail the entire originating software instance. For more information about installing portable software instances, see ServerPac Installation using z/OSMF and Overview of z/OSMF.