IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Microsoft Applications, Version 6.3

Disk capacity planning for historical data

Disk capacity planning for a monitoring agent is a prediction of the amount of disk space to be consumed for each attribute group whose historical data is being collected. Required disk storage is an important factor to consider when you are defining data collection rules and your strategy for historical data collection.

Calculate expected disk space consumption by multiplying the number of bytes per instance by the expected number of instances, and then multiplying that product by the number of samples. Table 1 provides the following information required to calculate disk space for the Microsoft SQL Server agent:
  • DB table name is the table name as it would appear in the warehouse database, if the attribute group is configured to be written to the warehouse.
  • Bytes per instance (agent) is an estimate of the record length for each row or instance written to the agent disk for historical data collection. This estimate can be used for agent disk space planning purposes.
  • Bytes per instance (warehouse) is an estimate of the record length for detailed records written to the warehouse database, if the attribute group is configured to be written to the warehouse. Detailed records are those that have been uploaded from the agent for long-term historical data collection. This estimate can be used for warehouse disk space planning purposes.
  • Bytes per summarized instance (warehouse) is an estimate of the record length for aggregate records written to the warehouse database, if the attribute group is configured to be written to the warehouse. Aggregate records are created by the Summarization agent for attribute groups that have been configured for summarization. This estimate can be used for warehouse disk space planning purposes.
  • Expected number of instances is a guideline that can be different for each attribute group, because it is the number of instances of data that the agent will return for a given attribute group, and depends upon the application environment that is being monitored. For example, if your attribute group is monitoring each processor on your machine and you have a dual processor machine, the number of instances is 2.
The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide contains formulas that can be used to estimate the amount of disk space used at the agent and in the warehouse database for historical data collection of an attribute group.
Table 1. Capacity planning for historical data logged by the Microsoft SQL Server agent
Table Attribute group Bytes per row (agent) Database bytes per row (warehouse) Aggregate bytes per row (warehouse)
KOQAADBD MS_SQL_Additional_Availability_Database_Details 832 834 1086
KOQADDBD MS_SQL_Additional_Database_Detail 1448 1451 1488
KOQSASDM MS_SQL_Analysis_Services_Data_Mining 220 250 658
KOQSASMX MS_SQL_Analysis_Services_MDX_Processing 364 380 1178
KOQSASSM MS_SQL_Analysis_Services_Memory_Statistics 676 899 3926
KOQSASPR MS_SQL_Analysis_Services_Rows_Processing 196 215 486
KOQSASSQ MS_SQL_Analysis_Services_Storage_Engine_Query 516 815 2950
KOQAVDBD MS_SQL_Availability_Database_Details 1332 1342 1379
KOQCAVDB MS_SQL_Availability_Database_Details_In_Cluster 1312 1317 1354
KOQADBST MS_SQL_Availability_Database_Statistics 612 688 1227
KOQADBSU MS_SQL_Availability_Database_Summary 208 212 522
KOQAVGLD MS_SQL_Availability_Group_Listener_Details 1188 1191 1228
KOQGRPDT MS_SQL_Availability_Groups_Details 1272 1283 1398
KOQCAVGD MS_SQL_Availability_Groups_Details_In_Cluster 928 928 965
KOQGRPSM MS_SQL_Availability_Groups_Summary 248 247 479
KOQAVARD MS_SQL_Availability_Replicas_Details 1232 1240 1277
KOQCAVRD MS_SQL_Availability_Replicas_Details_In_Cluster 1560 1567 1604
KOQAVRST MS_SQL_Availability_Replicas_Statistics 284 355 851
KOQAVARS MS_SQL_Availability_Replicas_Status 820 824 900
KOQAVRSU MS_SQL_Availability_Replicas_Status_Summary 208 212 522
KOQBTCHS MS_SQL_Batch_Stats 248 355 851
KOQBLKQD MS_SQL_Blocked_Queries_Details 7524 7548 7628
KOQSCFG MS_SQL_Configuration 313 310 347
KOQDBD MS_SQL_Database_Detail 2735 3028 4334
KOQDBMIR MS_SQL_Database_Mirroring 700 980 2088
KOQDBS MS_SQL_Database_Summary 266 288 559
KOQDEVD MS_SQL_Device_Detail 1444 1495 1724
KOQERROR MS_SQL_Error_Event_Detail 684 687 724
KOQFTBLD MS_SQL_FileTable_Detail 868 872 987
KOQFGRPD MS_SQL_Filegroup_Detail 1004 1053 1243
KOQINQRD MS_SQL_Individual_Queries_Details 2776 2857 3551
KOQSSISD MS_SQL_Integration_Service_Details 192 226 658
KOQJOBD MS_SQL_Job_Detail 1928 1954 2346
KOQJOBS MS_SQL_Job_Summary 268 281 522
KOQLOCK MS_SQL_Lock_Conflict_Detail 678 681 718
KOQLOCKS MS_SQL_Lock_Detail 1078 1087 1124
KOQLRTS MS_SQL_Lock_Resource_Type_Summary 244 285 529
KOQLOKSU MS_SQL_Lock_Summary 300 333 1096
KOQLSDBD MS_SQL_Log_Shipping_DB_Details 1796 1815 1852
KOQLSERR MS_SQL_Log_Shipping_Errors 1182 1191 1228
KOQLSJBD MS_SQL_Log_Shipping_Jobs_Detail 1442 1456 1493
KOQMEMGR MS_SQL_Memory_Manager 276 457 1208
KOQPROBD MS_SQL_Problem_Detail 804 808 845
KOQPROBS MS_SQL_Problem_Summary 278 277 437
KOQPRCD MS_SQL_Process_Detail 934 975 1207
KOQPRCS MS_SQL_Process_Summary 302 417 1225
KOQSRVR MS_SQL_Remote_Servers 284 281 318
KOQRPOOL MS_SQL_Resource_Pool_Stats 660 846 1597
KOQRUNQD MS_SQL_Running_Queries_Details 3144 3167 3513
KOQSRVD MS_SQL_Server_Detail 616 702 1294
KOQSRVRE MS_SQL_Server_Enterprise_View 1632 1801 2639
KOQSVRPR MS_SQL_Server_Properties 980 987 1024
KOQSRVS MS_SQL_Server_Summary 450 712 2387
KOQSTRNS MS_SQL_Server_Transactions_Summary 276 303 844
KOQSBACT MS_SQL_Service_Broker_Activation 572 604 875
KOQSBSTA MS_SQL_Service_Broker_Statistics 268 320 1050
KOQSBTRP MS_SQL_Service_Broker_Transport 260 311 982
KOQSRVCD MS_SQL_Services_Detail 620 628 665
KOQSTATD MS_SQL_Statistics_Detail 280 289 431
KOQSTATS MS_SQL_Statistics_Summary 310 451 1298
KOQTBLD MS_SQL_Table_Detail 1412 1450 1706
KOQTBLS MS_SQL_Table_Summary 204 276 442
KOQSQL MS_SQL_Text 2997 3017 3105
KOQWLGS MS_SQL_Workload_Group_Stats 648 795 1393

For more information about historical data collection, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide.
