Apply data spreading

IBM® Planning Analytics Workspace provides a variety of pre-defined data spreading methods that you can use to distribute numeric data to cells in a cube view.

About this task

Predefining data spreading methods can be useful. For example, you can use data spreading to evenly distribute a value across a range of cells or to increment all values in a range of cells by a desired percentage.

When you use data spreading, there are several general steps to follow, which are applicable to all spreading methods.

Step 1 - Select a cell or range from which you want to initiate data spreading: You can initiate spreading from a single cell, a single linear range of cells, or a single rectangular range of cells. You cannot initiate spreading from a non-contiguous range of cells, nor can you spread data across multiple individually selected cells in a view.

Step 2 - Select a data spreading method: After you select the cell or range of cells from which you want to initiate data spreading, you can select a data spreading method. The Spread Data menu is dynamic; it displays only the methods that are valid for the cell or range from which you initiate spreading. For instance, the Relative Proportional Spread, Relative Percent Adjustment, Repeat Leaves, and Equal Spread Leaves methods are not valid for leaf cells. When you initiate spreading from a leaf cell, those data spreading method options appear dimmed on the Spread Data menu, indicating that they are unavailable.

Step 3 - Specify required values: With most spreading methods, you specify only the value you want to spread. However, a few spreading methods require additional values. For example, with the Straight Line method, you specify both a Start Value and an End Value. With the Relative Proportional Spread and Relative Percent Adjustment methods, you must identify a reference cell for the spreading operation.

Step 4 - Select the directions to extend spreading: If you initiate spreading from a single cell, you must specify the direction(s) to extend spreading relative to the point of insertion. The cell from which you initiate data spreading is always included in the spread. Some data spreading methods allow you to extend spreading in multiple directions. These methods display Direction options as check boxes, of which you can choose any combination. When you initiate spreading from a selected range of cells, the Direction options are disabled and spreading is applied to the selected range.

Step 5- Select an Update action: The Update action indicates whether spread values should replace, be added to, or subtracted from existing cell values.


  1. Right-click the cell or range of cells from which you want to initiate data spreading.
  2. Click Spread data.
  3. Select a data spreading method.
  4. Specify the required values and options.
  5. Click Apply.