Filter on top or bottom members

You can filter to show only the top or bottom members in a view.

You can see a video that shows how to do this:

This video shows you how to narrow your focus to top performers or under performers using the top or bottom filter in IBM Planning Analytics Workspace.

You might want to show the top three products by territory where the products are different for each territory. You can select how many members to show, and whether to base the sort on the member value, the percentile, or by sum.


  1. Right-click, or tap and hold the row or column header, and select Top or bottom filter.
    Note: If you are using the new experience view, select Filter top or bottom instead.
  2. Select whether you want to show top or bottom values.
  3. Type the value that you want to filter on. The value depends on whether you are filtering on members, percentages, or the sum.
    • Members: Enter a number of top or bottom results. For example, you can type 50 to display the top 50 customers by revenue.
    • Percent: Enter a percentage of top or bottom results. For example, you can type 10 to display the customers who contribute to the top 10% of revenue.
    • Sum: Enter a number up to which your top or bottom results will sum. For example, you can type 10000000 to display the customers who contribute to the first 10 million dollars of revenue.
  4. Select either Members, Percent, or Sum.
  5. Click or tap Apply.
  6. To clear the sort, right-click, or tap and hold the row or column header, and select Clear filter.
    To clear the filter in new experience views, right-click the row or column header and under Clear, click Filter.