Object security

Modelers manage the security for cubes, dimensions, and processes in the settings editor, and security for dimension members in the security view in the dimension editor. You can assign security to these objects for any non-administrative user group in Planning Analytics Workspace.

You can also secure cells. Cell level security overrides all other Planning Analytics Workspace security.

To configure security, do the following steps:

  1. Create user groups in the dimension editor.
  2. Add users to the groups. Users are added to the groups in the }ClientGroups cube, which is in the Control Objects node of the data tree. You can also use TurboIntegrator processes to add users to groups, see AssignClientToGroup.
  3. Define the access for cubes, dimensions, and processes for each group in the settings editor.
  4. Define the access for dimension members in the dimension editor.
  5. Define the access to cells if required.

Users are invited to IBM® Planning Analytics Workspace by a Planning Analytics administrator.