Custom character formats in Planning Analytics Workspace

You can create a custom format in the dimension editor to display characters.

To display text, change the member properties to a String type.

  1. In the dimension editor, select the dimension member for which you want to create a custom format.
  2. Click the Action icon Action icon on the toolbar, then click Format values, Custom format.
  3. Type your custom format.
  4. Click OK.

In IBM® Planning Analytics Workspace, you must start the custom format with c:

Format expressions for characters can have one section, or two sections separated by a semicolon (;). If you use one section, the format applies to all string data that can occur in the cell. If you use two sections, the first section applies to string data, and the second section applies to null values and zero-length strings.

For example:

c:<@@@;"No Value"

This format displays three lower-case characters if the cell contains string data, or the string No Value if the cell contains a null value or a zero-length string.

Note: Dimensions that contain members are formatted as strings, or are pick list, must be last in a cube. String type members and pick list members must be in the same dimension.

The following table describes how to construct a custom format string for a string element:

Format String Character



Character placeholder. If the string has a character in the position where the at symbol (@) appears, that character displays. If no character appears in that location, a space displays.


Suppose a cell contains the following string:

The quick brown fox

If you apply this format string:



n fox

Note: Placeholders are populated from right to left unless you enter an exclamation point (!) character in the format string.


Character placeholder. If the string has a character in the position where the ampersand symbol (&) appears, that character displays. In this case, a space is considered a character and will be displayed. If no character appears in that location, nothing displays.


Suppose a cell contains the following string:

The quick brown fox

If you apply this format string:




Note: Placeholders are populated from right to left unless you enter an exclamation point (!) character in the format string.


Displays all characters in lowercase. < must be used in conjunction with either @ or &, for example:



Displays all characters in uppercase. > must be used in conjunction with either @ or &.


Suppose a cell contains the following string:

The quick brown fox

If you apply this format string:





Forces placeholders to fill from left to right. ! must be used in conjunction with either @ &.


Suppose a cell contains the following string:

The quick brown fox

If you apply this format string:

