
Class that represents the Properties widget's internal implementation.
Defined in: <icm/pgwidget/properties/dijit/_Properties.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Adjusts the widget's dirty state.
Obtains a controller instance that is bound to the editable object.
Closes the view.
Loads widget resource messages.
Closes view to release all memory resources.
Gets the comparator function to be used for sorting the properties to be included in a system-generated view.
Gets the filter function to be used for filtering the properties to be included in a system-generated view.
Gets the markup to be used for rendering the view.
Gets the collection of property ids to be considered for inclusion in a system-generated view.
Gets the widget registry used to render the view.
Gets the resource bundle to be used for rendering the view.
Gets the view definition id for the view to be rendered.
Gets the view definition url for the view to be rendered.
openView(editable, options, callback)
Opens a view for the specified editable object with the specified options.
Resizes view dimension as needed.
Sets the widgets dirty state.
Releases the binding of the controller.

Constructor Detail

Method Detail


Adjusts the widget's dirty state.

This default implementation inspects both the controller and the view to determine the dirty state.

You may overload this function if required to support additional considerations of the dirty state.


Obtains a controller instance that is bound to the editable object.

This default implementation uses the ControllerManager to obtain a controller instance that is shared by other page widgets.

You may overload this method if required to bind an alternate controller instance.

An editable model object that provides the properties to be displayed.
A controller object used for binding the model and the view.


Closes the view.
A callback function that is called after the view is closed.


Loads widget resource messages.


Closes view to release all memory resources.


Gets the comparator function to be used for sorting the properties to be included in a system-generated view.

This default implementation sorts the properties alphabetically by label with workgroup properties sorted to the top.

You may overload this method if required to provide an alternate comparator function.

The comparator function must return -1, 0 or 1 as required to indicate the sort order.

The comparator function.


Gets the filter function to be used for filtering the properties to be included in a system-generated view.

This default implementation returns a filter function that excludes system defined, inherited and attachment properties.

You may overload this method if required to provide an alternate filter function.

The filter function.


Gets the markup to be used for rendering the view.

This default implementation returns null indicating that the markup should be retrieved from a view definition as specified by the getViewDefinitionId method.

You may overload this method if required to provide alternate markup for rendering the view. If your markup requires resource strings, you should also override the getResources method.

The markup.


Gets the collection of property ids to be considered for inclusion in a system-generated view.

This default implementation returns null indicating that all of the editable object's properties will be considered for inclusion.

You may overload this method if required to provide an alternate array of property ids.

The array of property ids.


Gets the widget registry used to render the view.

This default implementation returns the standard widget registry supported in IBM Case Manager.

You may overload this method if required to provide an alternate widget registry.

The widget registry.


Gets the resource bundle to be used for rendering the view.

This default implementation returns the resource bundle associated with the editable object's case type.

You may overload this method if required to provide an alternate resource bundle.

The resource bundle.


Gets the view definition id for the view to be rendered.

This default implementation returns the configured or default view definition id associated with the editable object's case type. A value of null indicates that the system-generated view should be rendered.

You may overload this method if required to provide an alternate view definition id.

This method will not be called if custom markup is provided by the method.

The view definition id.


Gets the view definition url for the view to be rendered.

This default implementation returns the url associated with the configured or default view definition associated with the editable object's case type. A value of null indicates that the system-generated view should be rendered.

You may overload this method if required to provide an alternate view definition url.

This method will not be called if custom markup is provided by the method.

The view definition id.

openView(editable, options, callback)

Opens a view for the specified editable object with the specified options.
An editable model object that provides the properties to be displayed.
The options to apply when loading the view.
  • readOnly: Indicates whether the view should be opened in read-only mode.
  • disabled: Indicates whether the view should be disabled when loaded.
  • applyDefaultValues: Indicates whether default values will be applied.
 	Example: options = {
			disabled: true,
			applyDefaultValues: true
A callback function that is called after the view is opened.


Resizes view dimension as needed.


Sets the widgets dirty state.

This default implementation broadcasts the "icm.SetDirtyState" event.

You may overload this function if required to perform any other related operations.



Releases the binding of the controller.

This default implementation uses the ControllerManager to release the controller instance that is shared by other page widgets.

You may overload this method if required to unbind the alternate controller instance obtained by your overloaded bindController method.

The controller to unbind.