Specialized toolkits - release




com.ibm.streams.cep 2.1.2
The Complex Event Processing Toolkit provides the MatchRegex operator to perform complex event processing in IBM Streams.
com.ibm.streams.geospatial 3.4.2
The Geospatial Toolkit includes operators and functions that facilitate efficient processing and indexing of location data.
com.ibm.streams.pmml 3.0.1
Overview: The PMML toolkit provides operators to score input records using PMML models and to interact with the WML repository.
com.ibm.streams.rproject 2.1.3
The R-project Toolkit includes the RScript operator, which you can use to run R commands and apply complex data mining algorithms to detect patterns of interest in data streams.
com.ibm.streams.rules 2.1.3
The Rules Toolkit integrates IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM) with IBM Streams to run business rules that are created in ODM.
com.ibm.streams.speech2text 3.6.0
This toolkit runs the rapid engine v4.8.1. The following rpms must be installed in order for this toolkit to work: atlas, atlas-devel, libsndfile and libsndfile-devel.
com.ibm.streams.teda 2.3.1
The Telecommunications Event Data Analytics toolkit provides a set of generic operators that are used in telecommunications applications, and it also provides an application framework that enables you to set up new file-to-file applications.
com.ibm.streams.text 2.3.3
The Text Toolkit includes operators to extracts information from text data.
com.ibm.streams.timeseries 5.0.3
The operators and functions in the TimeSeries Toolkit condition, analyze, and model time series data.
com.ibm.streamsx.avro 1.4.1
This toolkit supports serialization and deserialization of messages in an Apache Avro format.
com.ibm.streamsx.datetime 1.2.1
Set of utilities to handle dates, times and timestamps.
com.ibm.streamsx.dps 4.1.1
The Distributed Process Store (DPS) toolkit enables multiple applications running processing elements (PEs) on one or more machines to share application specific state information.
com.ibm.streamsx.elasticsearch 2.1.3
Overview: The Elasticsearch toolkit is an open source IBM Streams toolkit that provides adapters for the Elasticsearch search and analytics engine.
com.ibm.streamsx.eventstore 2.3.2
The Eventstore toolkit is an open source IBM Streams toolkit that provides adapters for the Db2 Event Store database.
com.ibm.streamsx.hbase 3.8.3
The HBase toolkit provides support for interacting with Apache HBase from IBM Streams.
com.ibm.streamsx.hdfs 5.2.1
The streamsx.hdfs toolkit provides operators that can read and write data from Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) version 2 or later. It supports also copy files from local file system to the remote HDFS and from HDFS to the local file system.
com.ibm.streamsx.inet 3.1.2
The Internet Toolkit provides support for common internet protocol client functions and operators.
com.ibm.streamsx.inetserver 4.3.2
The Internet Server Toolkit provides support HTTP- and Websocket-Server functions.
com.ibm.streamsx.jdbc 1.7.2
The JDBCRun operator runs a user-defined SQL statement that is based on an input tuple.
com.ibm.streamsx.jms 2.0.1
The JMS toolkit project is an open source IBM Streams toolkit project.
com.ibm.streamsx.json 1.5.3
JSON support for SPL.
com.ibm.streamsx.kafka 3.0.2
The Kafka toolkit integrates IBM Streams with Apache Kafka brokers.
com.ibm.streamsx.mail 2.0.1
Provides support for smtp and imap protocol.
com.ibm.streamsx.messagehub 3.0.2
Overview: This toolkit integrates IBM Streams with the IBM Event Streams cloud service.
com.ibm.streamsx.mqtt 1.0.4
The MQTT toolkit is an open source IBM Streams toolkit that helps you integrate IBM Streams with MQTT providers.
com.ibm.streamsx.network 3.3.1
Operators and functions for ingesting and parsing raw network data at the packet level.
com.ibm.streamsx.objectstorage 2.1.2
The Object Storage toolkit is an open source IBM Streams toolkit that helps you integrate IBM Streams with IBM Cloud Object Storage.
com.ibm.streamsx.rabbitmq 1.2.2
The RabbitMQ toolkit project is an open source IBM Streams toolkit project.
com.ibm.streamsx.sparkmllib 1.3.1
Apache Spark is a fast general purpose clustering system that is well suited for machine learning algorithms.
com.ibm.streamsx.topology 1.14.6
Toolkit providing mechanisms to build IBM Streams applications in other programming languages, with Java, Scala and Python support.


Operator Model
Function Model