SPL File quickstart.spl


  • Quickstart: Quickstart application that subscribes to a single quickstart device's events.
  • QuickstartDeviceEvents: Subscribe to a device's events for Quickstart.
  • QSData: Tuple type that matches the Quickstart device simulator event data.


composite Quickstart

Quickstart application that subscribes to a single quickstart device's events.

This application is very simple in that it just produces a stream of events from the quickstart device. The data may be viewed using IBM Streams views in Streams Studio or Streams console. This is intended as a way to explore IBM Watson IoT Platform and IBM Streams integration.

The application defines two views:

Additional functionality may be added in the future.

The submission time parameter deviceId defines the device being monitored.

composite QuickstartDeviceEvents(output stream<DeviceEvent> Events)

Subscribe to a device's events for Quickstart.

This operator subscribes to the MQTT topic:



  • deviceId: Subscribe to a device's events.

Output Ports

  • Events: Stream of device events.



Tuple type that matches the Quickstart device simulator event data. This is used as the dataType parameter in an invocation of com.ibm.streamsx.iot::DeviceEventExtractData.

QSData = tuple<float64 temp, float64 humidity, float64 objectTemp>;