Tivoli Directory Integrator, Version 7.1.1

Tivoli Access Manager (TAM) Connector


The IBM® Tivoli® Directory Integrator 7.1.1 Connector for Tivoli Access Manager enables the provisioning and management of Tivoli Access Manager User accounts, Groups, Policies, Domains, SSO Resources, SSO Resource Groups, and SSO User Credentials to external applications (with respect to Tivoli Access Manager). The Connector uses the Tivoli Access Manager Java API.

The key features and benefits of the Connector are:

The Connector uses the TAM 6 Java API to manipulate the attributes of the targeted TAM objects. Therefore, this Connector can't support TAM 5.1 because of JRE support restrictions for the TAM 5.1 Runtime Environment (RTE). It supports TAM 6.0 and TAM 6.1 only.

SSL communication with the TAM Server is supported.

Connector Modes

The Connector supports the Lookup, Iterator, Update, AddOnly, and Delete modes. Refer to Using the Connector for specific usage of the various modes.

Skip Lookup in Update and Delete mode

The TAM Connector supports the Skip Lookup general option in Update or Delete mode. When it is selected, no search is performed prior to actual update and delete operations.

Valid Link Criteria must be present, that is, the mandatory attribute must be defined in the Link Criteria of the Connector, as defined in the tables of mandatory attributes under the Update Mode and Delete Mode sections respectively.


Before attempting to use the connector in an AssemblyLine, Tivoli Access Manager version 6.x must be installed on the target machine: The Tivoli Access Manager Java Runtime Environment (JRTE) must also be installed on the same machine as Tivoli Directory Integrator.

Configuring the Tivoli Access Manager Java Run Time

The Connector makes use of the Tivoli Access Manager Java API and therefore the Tivoli Access Manager Runtime for Java must be installed on the Tivoli Directory Integrator machine. For information on how to install and configure Tivoli Access Manager Runtime for Java on the Tivoli Directory Integrator machine, refer to the Tivoli Access Manager Installation Guide.

When entering the parameters to the configuration utility (pdjrtecfg):

Configuring secure communication to the Tivoli Access Manager policy server

To configure secure communication between Tivoli Directory Integrator and Tivoli Access Manager policy server and authorization server, and for Tivoli Directory Integrator to become an authorized Tivoli Access Manager Java application, run the SvrSslCfg utility on the Tivoli Directory Integrator machine.

For example, from the TDI_install_dir/jvm/jre/bin directory, enter the following command (as one line). This command must be run with the Tivoli Directory Integrator's Java executable:

/opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/jvm/jre/bin/java com.tivoli.pd.jcfg.SvrSslCfg -action config -admin_id sec_master
		-admin_pwd password -appsvr_id appsvr -host TAM_host_name -mode remote -port 999
		-policysvr policy_svr:7135:1 -authzsvr auth_svr:7136:1 -cfg_file cfg_file_name 
		-key_file keyfile_name -cfg_action create

For complete information on the SvrSslCfg utility, refer to the Tivoli Access Manager Authorization Java Classes Developer Reference (specifically Appendix A).

Configuring SSL

The following steps allow you to optionally create a new self-signed certificate, and configure Tivoli Directory Integrator to use the certificate:

  1. Open the IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator Configuration Editor.
  2. Select KeyManager from the Toolbar. The IBM Key Manager tool opens.
  3. Select Key Database File then New.
  4. Select "JKS" as the Key database type.
  5. Enter an appropriate File Name and an appropriate Location. Click OK.
  6. Enter a Password. Enter the password again to confirm. Click OK.
  7. In the Key database content section, select Personal Certificates. Click New Self-Signed.
    Alternatively, an existing certificate can be used. If you wish to do this, click Export/Import to import the appropriate certificate.
  8. Enter an appropriate Key Label, an appropriate Organization, and any other appropriate information. Click OK.
  9. Close IBM Key Manager.
  10. In the Tivoli Directory Integrator Configuration Editor, select Browse Server Stores then click on Open for the Server Store you wish to configure, usually Default.tdiserver. Double-click Solution-Properties, and the solution properties table is opened.
  11. Locate the javax.net.ssl.trustStore parameter. Enter the value of Key database File created in step 5 above.
  12. Locate the javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword parameter. Enter the value of the Password entered in step 6 above.
  13. Locate the javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType parameter. Enter "jks".
  14. Locate the javax.net.ssl.keyStore parameter. Enter the value of Key database File created in step 5 above.
  15. Locate the javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword parameter. Enter the value of the Password entered in step 6 above.
  16. Locate the javax.net.ssl.keyStoreType parameter. Enter "jks".
  17. Click Close to close the solution properties table. The changes to the solution properties are saved in the relevant solution.properties file.
  18. Close Tivoli Directory Integrator Configuration Editor.

Refer to IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator V7.1.1 Installation and Administrator Guide for more information on configuring SSL.

Configuring the Connector

The Tivoli Directory Integrator Connector for Tivoli Access Manager can be added directly into an assembly line. The following section lists the configuration parameters that are available.

The Connector attempts to log on to Tivoli Access Manager with this user name and the password specified by the Password parameter. Default value: sec_master
TAM Password
The value of this parameter is taken in account only when the parameter TAM ID is set to a non-blank value. It then specifies the password used for the logon operation. The default value is blank.
Specifies the TAM Domain. The default is "Default". Pressing the "Domains" button next to this parameter queries the TAM Server for a list of Domains, from which you can select the appropriate one. The Connector attempts to log on to Tivoli Access Manager with the TAM ID and TAM Password parameters.
TAM Program Name
The name used by Tivoli Access Manager to identify this Connector. Default value: IDI
TAM Configuration File
File pathname for the Tivoli Access Manager configuration file created by the SvrSslCfg configuration utility.
Entry Type
Must be set to one of the following values:
Filter users/groups
An optional connector attribute that defines a filter string used to select "User" or "Group" object types. The parameter is only used in Iterator mode with one of those two Entry Types. By default, this attribute is empty, which implies no filtering.
Import Users/Groups from Registry
When checked, Tivoli Access Manager will import users/groups from the User Registry instead of creating users in the User Registry during an add operation. In Update mode, users/groups will be imported through the add operation only, and not through the modify operation.
Delete Users/Groups/Domains from Registry
When checked, Tivoli Access Manager will delete users/groups/domains from the User Registry during a delete operation. The UserName, RegistryUID, Firstname and Lastname attributes are mandatory for this operation to find the correct LDAP registry user name of the TAM account to import.

In Update mode, users/groups will be imported through the add operation only, and not through the modify operation.

Detailed Log
If this field is checked, additional debug log messages are generated.

Using the Connector

This section describes how to use the Connector in each of the supported IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator Connector modes. The section also describes the Tivoli Directory Integrator Entry schema supported by the Connector.

When the Connector executes in the Assembly line, a Tivoli Access Manager Context is created in the Initialize method of the Connector. For performance reasons, so that a Context is not created for every Tivoli Access Manager Connector Instance, the Tivoli Access Manager Connector should be cached (pooled) within the AssemblyLine. The caching of a Connector within the AssemblyLine can be configured within Tivoli Directory Integrator. Please refer to the IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator V7.1.1 Users Guide for more information.

When the Connector is configured to manipulate TAM Policy objects, special consideration is required when supply attribute values in the work entry that will feed the Connector in AddOnly or Update Modes. The policy object attributes are grouped together for related policy items. The attributes can be broken up into sets where each set of attributes requires a value to update or apply any of the individual attributes for that policy item. For example, when manipuilating the Policy item Account Expiry Date, you must supply values for each of the attributes AcctExpDateEnforced, AcctExpDateUnlimited, and AcctExpDate. If you wish to then modify any of these attributes for Account Expiry Date, you must again also supply values for each of the three attributes and the UserName attribute.

The following table defines the Policy items and their attribute groupings.

Table 21. Policy Items
Policy item Set of Required Policy Entry Attributes
Account Expiry Date AcctExpDateEnforced, AcctExpDateUnlimited, AcctExpDate.
Account Disable Time AcctDisableTimeEnforced, AcctDisableTimeUnlimited, AcctDisableTime
Account Password Spaces PwdSpacesAllowedEnforced, PwdSpacesAllowed
Account Maximum Password Age MaxPwdAgeEnforced, MaxPwdAge
Account Maximum Repeat Characters MaxPwdRepCharsEnforced, MaxPwdRepChars
Account Minimum Alphabetic Characters MinPwdAlphasEnforced, MinPwdAlphas
Account Minimum Non-Alphabetic Characters MinPwdNonAlphasEnforced, MinPwdNonAlphas
Account Time Of Day Access TodAccessEnforced, AccessibleDays, AccessStartTime, AccessEndTime, AccessTimezone
Account Minimum Password Length MinPwdLenEnforced, MinPwdLen
Account Maximum Failed Login Attempts MaxFailedLoginsEnforced, MaxFailedLogins
Account Maximum Concurrent Web Sessions MaxConcWebSessionsEnforced, MaxConcWebSessions, MaxConcWebSessionsUnlimited, MaxConcWebSessionsDisplaced

AddOnly Mode

When deployed in AddOnly mode, the Connector is able to create a range of data in the Tivoli Access Manager database. The Connector should be added to the Flow section of a Tivoli Directory Integrator AssemblyLine. The Output Map must define a mapping for the following attributes, these attributes can be also be retrieved through querying the Connector Schema.

  1. Attributes marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
  2. For a detailed description of all attributes, please refer to Connector Input Attribute Details.
  3. Keep in mind the caveats on manipulating Policy items and their required Policy Entry attributes as stipulated in Table 21.
Table 22. Attributes by Entry Type in AddOnly Mode
Entry Type Attribute
User UserName*
Groups (Multivalued attribute) - the User must not already be a member of the Group
Group GroupName*
Users (Multivalued attribute) - the Group must not already contain the User
Policy UserName*
Domain DomainName*
SSO Credentials UserName*
SSO Resource SSOResourceName*
SSO Resource Group SSOResourceGroupName*
SSOResources (Multivalued attribute)

The Connector does not support duplicate or multiple entries. Only one entry should be supplied to the Connector at a time.

Update Mode

When deployed in Update mode, the Connector is able to modify existing data in the Tivoli Access Manager database. The Connector should be added to the Flow section of a Tivoli Directory Integrator AssemblyLine. The Output Map must define a mapping for the following attributes. These attributes can be also be retrieved through querying the Connector Schema.

When importing users/groups during an update:

Keep in mind the caveats on manipulating Policy items and their required Policy Entry attributes as stipulated in Table 21.

Attributes marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Table 23. Attributes by Entry Type in Update Mode
Entry Type Attribute
User UserName*
Groups (Multivalued attribute)
Group GroupName*
Users (Multivalued attribute)
Policy UserName*
Domain DomainName*
SSO Credentials UserName*
SSO Resource Not Supported
SSO Resource Group SSOResourceGroupName*
SSOResources (Multivalued attribute)

Additionally, any mandatory fields mentioned above should be defined in the Link Criteria of the Connector. The Link Criteria is required by the AssemblyLine, since the AssemblyLine will invoke the Connectors findEntry() method to verify the existence of the given user. The value of the attribute, as defined in the Link Criteria, must match the value of the element present in the Output Map.

The only operator supported for Link Criteria is an equals exact match. Wildcard search criteria are not supported. The Connector does not support duplicate or multiple entries. Only one entry should be supplied to the Connector at a time.

Delete Mode

When deployed in Delete mode, the Connector is able to delete existing data from the Tivoli Access Manager database. The Connector should be added to the Flow section of an AssemblyLine.

Attributes marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Table 24. Attributes by Entry Type in Delete Mode
Entry Type Attribute
User UserName*
Group GroupName*
Policy UserName*
Domain DomainName*
SSO Credentials UserName*
SSO Resource SSOResourceName*
SSO Resource Group SSOResourceGroupName*

The mandatory attribute must be defined in the Link Criteria of the Connector. The Link Criteria is required by the AssemblyLine, since the AssemblyLine will invoke the Connector's findEntry() method to verify the existence of the given user.

The only operator supported for Link Criteria is an equals exact match. Wildcard search criteria are not supported. The Connector does not support duplicate or multiple entries. Only one entry should be supplied to the Connector at a time.

Lookup Mode

When deployed in Lookup mode, the Connector is able to obtain all details of the required Tivoli Access Manager data. The Connector should be added to the Flow section of an AssemblyLine. The mandatory attribute must be defined in the Link Criteria of the Connector.

Attributes marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Table 25. Attributes by Entry Type in Lookup Mode
Entry Type Attribute
User UserName*
Group GroupName*
Policy UserName*
Domain DomainName*
SSO Credentials UserName*
SSO Resource SSOResourceName*
SSO Resource Group SSOResourceGroupName*

The Connector's findEntry() method is the main code executed. The only operator supported for Link Criteria is an equals exact match. Wildcard search criteria are not supported.

The Connector does not support duplicate or multiple entries. The Connector will return only one entry at a time.

Iterator Mode

When deployed in Iterator mode, the Connector is able to retrieve the details of each data entry in the Tivoli Access Manager database, in turn, and make those details available to the AssemblyLine.

When deployed in this mode, the Tivoli Directory Integrator AssemblyLine will first call the Connector's selectEntries() method to obtain and cache a list of all data entries in the Tivoli Access Manager database. If the entry Type is User or Group and a filter attribute was provided, then the list will contain the filtered entries. The Assembly Line will then call the Connector's getNextEntry() method. This method will maintain a pointer to the current name cached in the list.

Wildcards are supported for the filter attribute of User and Group entry types only:


Problems may be experienced for any of the following reasons:

TAM Connector not installed properly
Check the configuration and re-configure if necessary.
Query Schema Issues
When performing a schema query using the Connectors with the Tivoli Directory Integrator GUI, an attempt to connect to the data source may result in an exception. These exceptions can be ignored. Any subsequent use of the Discover schema button will succeed. The Connectors do not support the Get Next Entry style of schema query. The Connectors do support the normal Tivoli Directory Integrator style of schema discovery.
Changing Mode of Connectors Already in AssemblyLine
During testing, it was observed that changing the mode of Connector in the AssemblyLine did not always work. The Connector sometimes appeared to execute in its original mode, resulting in AssemblyLine errors. If this occurs, delete the Connector and add it to the AssemblyLine in the new mode.

Connector Input Attribute Details

This section details the attributes for connector input.


Table 26. Connector Input Attributes
Attribute Description Example Default
UserName The User Name maryl
RegistryUID The LDAP User Distinguished Name (DN) cn=mary ,o=companyabc, c=au
FirstName The User's First Name Mary
LastName The User's Last Name Lou
Description A Description Contractor
Password User's password

(If the 'NoPasswordPolicyOnCreate' attribute is set to FALSE, the password must conform to the current password policy in Tivoli Access Manager.)

IsAccountValid TRUE to activate the account. FALSE to leave the account inactive. TRUE or FALSE TRUE
IsPasswordValid Set to FALSE if user is to change the password on next login. TRUE to remain unchanged. TRUE or FALSE TRUE
IsPDUser TAM PD User flag. TRUE or FALSE
IsSSOUser TRUE to enable Single Sign-on capabilities for this user. FALSE to disable. TRUE or FALSE FALSE
NoPasswordPolicy OnCreate FALSE will enforce the password policy on the "Password" attribute and as a result it will be checked against the password policy settings the first time it is created. TRUE will not enforce the password policy on the password when it is created. TRUE or FALSE TRUE
MaxFailedLogins Set the maximum number of failed logins a user can have before the account is disabled. 8 10
MaxConcWebSessions Set the maximum number of concurrent web sessions allowed 3 0
Groups (Multivalued attribute) This is a multi-valued attribute. Please refer to the IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator V7.1.1 Users Guide about how to set multi-valued attributes. Any Group listed in this attribute should already exist as a valid group in Tivoli Access Manager.
Groups1 -> itSpecialists
Groups2 -> programmers
ReplaceGroupsOnUpdate In Update mode, if this attribute is set to TRUE, the user is removed as a member of all of the groups with which the user is currently a member. The user is then added as members of the each of the groups supplied as values in the Groups attribute.

If this attribute is set to FALSE, then during modification the groups that currently contain the user are modified to add or delete that user in accordance with each of the Groups attribute value's operation. As a result, if the Groups attribute value operation is set to AttributeValue.AV_ADD, the user will be added to the group. If the Group attribute value operation is set to AttributeValue.AV_DELETE, the user will be removed from the group.

The ReplaceGroupsOnUpdate flag is ignored in Add mode. The flag is also ignored in Update mode if the update reverts to an Add operation when the user is not found to be a Tivoli Access Manager user.



Table 27. Group Attributes
Attribute Description Example
GroupName The Group Name programmers
RegistryGID The LDAP Group DistinguishedName (DN) cn=programmers, cn=SecurityGroups, secAuthority=Default
CommonName The LDAP Common Name (CN) programmers
Description The Group Description Fulltime Programmers
IsPDGroup TAM PD Group Flag. TRUE or FALSE
ObjectContainer TAM Object Container
Users This is a multi-valued attribute. Please refer to the IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator V7.1.1 Users Guide about how to set multi-valued attributes. Any user listed in this attribute should already exist as a valid user in Tivoli Access Manager.
Users1 -> maryl  
Users2 -> johnd
ReplaceUsersOnUpdate In update mode, this Attribute provides a boolean flag to indicate how the membership of the group modified. If it is set to TRUE, all members of the group are removed and the list of users supplied as values in the Users attribute replaces the removed users.

If this Attribute is set to FALSE, then during modification, the users of the group are modified in accordance with the User attribute value's operation. As a result, if the User attribute value operation is set to AttributeValue.AV_ADD, the user will be added as a member of the group. If the User attribute value operation is set to AttributeValue.AV_DELETE, the user will be deleted from the group's membership.

The default value is TRUE.

The ReplaceUsersOnUpdate flag is ignored in Add mode. The flag is also ignored in Update mode if the update reverts to an Add operation when the group is not found to be a Tivoli Access Manager group.



Table 28. Policy Attributes
Attribute Description Example
UserName The User Name the policy will be set for. Must be a valid Tivoli Access Manager user. maryl
AcctExpDateEnforced If TRUE then enforce the Account Expiration Date. TRUE or FALSE
AcctExpDateUnlimited If TRUE then set the Account Expiration Date to be unlimited. TRUE or FALSE
AcctExpDate Sets the expiry date for the user account

The attribute must be of type java.util.Date, or java.lang.String. If a String value is provided the required date string format is "yyyyMMdd" where 'yyyy' us the four digit year, 'MM' is the two digit month, and 'dd' is the two digit day; i.e. 20091231 is the value for the date 31st December 2009.

Refer to the Tivoli Access Manager Java API Reference.
AcctDisableTimeEnforced If TRUE then enforce the Account Disable Time. TRUE or FALSE
AcctDisableTimeUnlimited If TRUE then set the Account Disable Time to be unlimited. TRUE or FALSE
AcctDisableTimeInterval Set the Account Disable Time Interval. Refer to the Tivoli Access Manager Java API Reference.
PwdSpacesAllowedEnforced If TRUE enforce the value of the 'PwdSpacesAllowed' attribute. TRUE or FALSE
PwdSpacesAllowed If TRUE allow spaces in the password. TRUE or FALSE
MaxPwdAgeEnforced If TRUE enforce the Maximum Password Age value. TRUE or FALSE
MaxPwdAge Sets the Maximum Password Age. Refer to the Tivoli Access Manager Java API Reference.
MaxPwdRepCharsEnforced If TRUE enforce the Maximum Password Repeatable characters number. TRUE or FALSE
MaxPwdRepChars Sets the Maximum Password Repeatable Characters. 5
MinPwdAlphasEnforced If TRUE enforce the Minimum number of Alphanumeric characters allowed. TRUE or FALSE
MinPwdAlphas Sets the Minimum number of Alphanumeric characters allowed. 6
MinPwdNonAlphasEnforced If TRUE enforce the Minimum number of non-alphanumeric characters allowed. TRUE or FALSE
MinPwdNonAlphas Sets the Minimum number of non-alphanumeric characters allowed. 3
TodAccessEnforced If TRUE enforce the access times set for the user. TRUE or FALSE
AccessibleDays Sets the days accessible for the user account. Refer to the Tivoli Access Manager Java API Reference.
AccessStartTime Sets the access start time for the user account. Refer to the Tivoli Access Manager Java API Reference.
AccessEndTime Sets the access end time for the user account. Refer to the Tivoli Access Manager Java API Reference.
AccessTimezone Sets the time zone for the user account. Refer to the Tivoli Access Manager Java API Reference.
MinPwdLenEnforced If TRUE enforce the Minimum Password Length. TRUE or FALSE
MinPwdLen Sets the Minimum Password Length. 8
MaxFailedLoginsEnforced If TRUE then enforce the Maximum Failed Login setting. TRUE or FALSE
MaxFailedLogins Sets the Maximum Failed Logins for the user. 8
MaxConcWebSessions Set the maximum number of concurrent web sessions allowed. 3
MaxConcWebSessionsEnforced. If TRUE then enforce the Maximum Concurrent Web Sessions setting. TRUE or FALSE
MaxConcWebSessionsUnlimited If TRUE then the maximum concurrent web sessions policy is set to "unlimited". TRUE or FALSE
MaxConcWebSessionsDisplaced If TRUE then the maximum concurrent web sessions policy is set to "displace". TRUE or FALSE


Table 29. Domain Attributes
Attribute Description Example
DomainName The name of the domain MyDomain
Description The Domain description Sample domain name

SSO Credentials

Table 30. SSO Credentials Attributes
Attribute Description Example
UserName The name of the user the credentials will be set for maryl
ResourceName The SSO Resource Name. (Must be a valid Tivoli Access Manager SSO Resource entry). myResource1
ResourceType Specifies whether this resource is a single resource or a resource group "Web Resource" and "Resource Group" are the only allowable values.
ResourceUser Sets the Resource User Name marylou
ResourcePassword Sets the User Name Password for the specified resource b1ddy4

SSO Resource

Table 31. SSO Resource Attributes
Attribute Description Example
SSOResourceName The Single sign-on Resource Name MyResource1
Description The Description Development Server 1

SSO Resource Group

Table 32. SSO Resource Group Attributes
Attribute Description Example
SSOResourceGroupName The Single sign-on Resource Group Name MyResourceGroup1
Description The Description All Development Servers
SSOResources This is a multi-valued attribute. Please refer to the IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator V7.1.1 Users Guide about how to set multi-valued attributes. Any SSO Resources listed in this attribute should already exist as a valid SSO Resource in Tivoli Access Manager.
SSOResources1 -> myResource1
SSOResources2 -> myResource2

See also

Access Manager for e-business

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IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1