Tivoli Directory Integrator, Version 7.1.1

JNDI Connector

The JNDI Connector provides access to a variety of JNDI services; it uses the javax.naming and javax.naming.directory packages to work with different directory services. To reach a specific system, you must install the JNDI driver for that system, for example com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory for LDAP. The driver is typically distributed as one or more jar or zip files. Place these file in a place where the Java runtime can reach them, for example, in the TDI_install_dir/lib/ext directory.

This Connector supports Delta Tagging at the Attribute level. This means that provided a previous Connector in the AssemblyLine has provided Delta information at the Attribute level, the JNDI Connector will be able to use it in order to make the changes needed in the target JNDI directory.

When using the JNDI Connector for querying an LDAP Server, a SizeLimitExceededException may occur if the number of entries satisfying the search criteria is greater than the maximum limit set by the LDAP Server. To work around this situation, either increase the LDAP Server's maximum result limit, or set the java.naming.batchsize provider parameter to some value smaller than the maximum limit of the server. For more information on the java.naming.batchsize parameter refer to: http://java.sun.com/products/jndi/tutorial/ldap/search/batch.html


The Connector needs the following parameters:

JNDI Driver
The class name (the JNDI Naming factory) for the JNDI driver.
Provider URL
The URL for the connection, for example, ldap://host for the LDAP driver.
Authentication Method
Type of LDAP authentication. Can be one of the following:
Login username
The principal name (for example, username).
Login password
The credentials (for example, password).
Uses secure sockets layer for communication with LDAP server.
Name parameter
Specify which parameter in the AssemblyLine entry is used for naming the entry. This is used during add, modify and delete operations and returned during read or search operations. If not specified, $dn is used.
Search Base
The search base used when iterating the directory. Specify a distinguished name. Some directories enable you to specify a blank string which defaults to whatever the server is configured to do. Other directory services require this to be a valid distinguished name in the directory.
Search Filter
The search filter to be used when iterating the directory.
Search Scope
The search scope to be used when iterating the data source. Possible values are:
Return entries on all levels from search base and below.
Only return entries that are immediately below searchbase.
Specifies how referrals encountered by the LDAP server are to be processed. The possible values are:
Extra Provider Parameters
A list of extra provider parameters you want to pass to the provider. Specify each parameter:value on a separate line. For example:
Detailed Log
If this parameter is checked, more detailed log messages are generated.

Setting the Modify operation

The JNDI connector has a way to set a modify operation value when the connector is in Modify mode. You can also use the simple connector interface to directly add, remove or replace attribute values and attributes instead of setting modify operation.

There is no Config Editor provided to set the modify operation. You must manually add the operation value to each attribute in the work entry of the JNDI connector in Modify mode using the following interface:

di.com.ibm.di.entry.Attribute.setOper(char operation) operation
This constant deletes the specified attribute values from the attribute.

The resulting attribute has the set difference of its prior value set and the specified value set. If no values are specified, it deletes the entire attribute. If the attribute does not exist, or if some or all members of the specified value set do not exist, this absence might be ignored and the operation succeeds, or an Exception might be thrown to indicate the absence. Removal of the last value might remove the attribute if the attribute is required to have at least one value.

This constant replaces an attribute with specified values.

If the attribute already exists, this constant replaces all existing values with new specified values. If the attribute does not exist, this constant creates it. If no value is specified, this constant deletes all the values of the attribute. Removal of the last value might remove the attribute if the attribute is required to have at least one value. This is the default modify operation.

This constant adds an attribute with the specified values.

If the attribute does not exist, this constant creates the attribute. The resulting attribute has a union of the specified value set and the prior value set.

Calling the Modify Interface

Adding a value to an attribute

public void addAttributeValue(String moddn, String modattr, String modval)

throws Exception where:

For example, if you want to add "cn=bob" to the members attribute of "cn=mygroup" you use the method as such:


An Exception is thrown when the underlying modify operation fails.

Replacing the attribute value

public void replaceAttributeValue(String moddn, String modattr, String modval)

throws Exception where:

For example, if you want to replace the members attribute of "cn=mygroup" with "cn=bob" only, you use the method as such:


An Exception is thrown when the underlying modify operation fails.

Removing attribute

public void removeAttribute(String moddn, String modattr)

throws Exception where:

For example, if you want to remove the members attribute of "cn=mygroup" you use the method as such:


An Exception is thrown when the underlying modify operation fails.

Removing a certain attribute value from an attribute

public void removeAttributeValue(String moddn, String modattr, String modval)

throws Exception where:

An Exception is thrown when the underlying modify operation fails.

modify operation

modify operation can be set per Modify request. It causes modify operation for all attributes in the modify request entry to be set to the proper modify operation value. Property values and matching modify operation values:

Property value (String) modify operation value









This property can be set at any time while the Connector is running by setting the property modOperation from the scripts:

This property does not affect the behavior of the any interfaces defined above. However, it does overwrite the existing modify operation set by di.com.ibm.di.entry.Attribute.setOper(char operation)

Skip Lookup in Update and Delete mode

The JNDI Connector supports the Skip Lookup general option in Update or Delete mode. When it is selected, no search is performed prior to actual update and delete operations. It requires a name parameter (for example, $dn for LDAP) to be specified in order to operate properly.

See also

JNDI overview,
JNDI Tutorial,
LDAP Connector.
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IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1