Monitoring Minio

You can monitor the health of your Minio server on IBM® Cloud Private cluster monitoring dashboard.

Minio exports Prometheus-compatible data as an unauthorized endpoint at /minio/prometheus/metrics.

To enable Prometheus metrics export on Minio server, set the configuration prometheusEnable: true while you install the Minio chart. When you set the parameter to true, monitoring is enabled for all endpoints, even if the Minio server uses a self-signed TLS certificate.

After the Minio chart is installed, you can view the metrics on the IBM Cloud Private Grafana dashboard.

If you want to enable monitoring only for the endpoints that use a self-signed TLS certificate, then follow the steps in the Enabling monitoring when the Minio server is configured with a self-signed TLS certificate section.

Enabling monitoring when the Minio server is configured with a self-signed TLS certificate

If your Minio server installation uses a self-signed TLS certificate, the metrics are not collected by Prometheus by default. You can enable Prometheus to collect metrics from endpoints that are configured with a signed TLS certificate in any one of the following ways:

Set insecure_skip_verify: true for job_name: 'kubernetes-service-endpoints-with-tls'

  1. Edit the monitoring-prometheusconfigmap.
    Note: You can edit the monitoring-prometheusconfigmap either by using the kubectl CLI, or by using the IBM Cloud Private management console. If you are using the kubectl CLI, first ensure that you set it up. See Accessing your cluster from the kubectl CLI.

    kubectl edit configmap -n kube-system monitoring-prometheus
  2. Locate the job kubernetes-service-endpoints-with-tls and set insecure_skip_verify: true.

    Following is a sample file content:

        - job_name: 'kubernetes-service-endpoints-with-tls'
             - role: endpoints
             - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
               action: keep
               regex: true
             ca_file: /opt/ibm/monitoring/caCerts/tls.crt
             cert_file: /opt/ibm/monitoring/certs/tls.crt
             key_file: /opt/ibm/monitoring/certs/tls.key
             insecure_skip_verify: true                    ===>>> Set this parameter to true <<<====

Add Minio server details to the configmap under the scrape_configs section

  1. Get the Minio service IP address.

    kubectl get svc -n default

    Following is a sample output:

    NAME                          TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    kubernetes                    ClusterIP     <none>        443/TCP    21d
    minio-ibm-minio-objectstore   ClusterIP   <none>        9000/TCP   18m
  2. Edit the monitoring-prometheusconfigmap. Note: You can edit the monitoring-prometheusconfigmap either by using the kubectl CLI, or by using the IBM Cloud Private management console. If you are using the kubectl CLI, first ensure that you set it up. See Accessing your cluster from the kubectl CLI.

    kubectl edit configmap -n kube-system monitoring-prometheus
  3. Specify the Minio service IP address and port under the static_configs.targets section:

         - job_name: minio
           metrics_path: /minio/prometheus/metrics
             - targets:
           scheme: https
             insecure_skip_verify: true


  4. Save and exit the configmap.

To access IBM Cloud Private cluster monitoring dashboard, log in to the management console and click Menu > Platform > Monitoring. Or, you can open https://<IP_address>:8443/grafana, where IP_address is the DNS or IP address that is used to access the IBM Cloud Private console. View the Storage Minio Health dashboard.