Installing Jazz for Service Management and WebSphere Application Server as non-root

By default, the IBM WebSphere Application Server that hosts IBM Service Management Unite runs as root. However, it can also be installed and run by using a non-root user ID. In that case, Service Management Unite as well as the prerequisite WebSphere Application Server and Dashboard Application Services Hub must be all installed using the same non-root user ID.

About this task

The root or non-root installer who owns the currently installed files is the only user who can perform subsequent installation or removal operations on that installation.

To install Jazz for Service Management using a non-root user, complete the steps as follows:


  1. Log in to the system where you want to install Service Management Unite using the non-root user ID that should be the owner of this WebSphere Application Server runtime environment.
  2. Follow the instructions that are described in Installing Jazz for Service Management and WebSphere Application Server, but instead of running the command install in step 3, use the command userinst to start IBM Installation Manager in "user mode".
  3. In the Installation Manager, choose installation directories that are located below your user's home directory, for example, accept the default directories such as /home/<user>/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer.