
Interface LpexPreload

public interface LpexPreload

Interface LpexPreload defines an extension point for a plug-in to extend LPEX. Client plug-ins can make their custom LPEX extensions (user profiles, commands, actions, document parsers) widely available to all the LPEX-based editors in the Eclipse workbench through the extension point com.ibm.lpex.preload.

Method Summary
 void preload()
          Register LPEX extensions.

Method Detail


void preload()
Register LPEX extensions. The com.ibm.lpex.preload extension point allows the LPEX Editor plug-in to record, upon initialization, the class loaders of all declaring client plug-ins, and use them in attempts to load document parsers, etc., that had been defined in LPEX.

This method in the client plug-in's specified preload class is called. Here, the client plug-in may set default editor settings, for example:

 // define this client plug-in's editor commands
 String newUserCommands =
  "myCommand com.mycompany.myproduct.commands.MyCommand";
 String userCommands =

 if (userCommands == null)
   LpexView.doGlobalCommand("set default.updateProfile.userCommands " + 
 else if (userCommands.indexOf("myCommand ") == -1)
   LpexView.doGlobalCommand("set default.updateProfile.userCommands " +
                             newUserCommands + " " + userCommands);

The client plug-in may also choose to extend the LPEX install settings, by adding the new parsers and parser associations that it contributes - see extendInstallProfile().

These settings will show in the LPEX Editor preference pages the first time these are displayed, even when the client plug-in has not yet been explicitly activated.


Copyright � 2016 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This documentation is for part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.