Global variables that control how commands and procedures are executed

DSQEC global variables control how commands and procedures are executed. All of these global variables can be modified by the SET GLOBAL command.

Table 1. Global variables that control how commands and procedures are executed
Callable interface variable name Command interface variable name Length Description
DSQEC_ALIASES None 31 View for retrieving lists of table and view aliases when you request a list of tables from a DB2® for z/OS® location. Also applies if the current server is Db2 for z/OS or Db2 for Linux®, UNIX, and Windows.
DSQEC_BUFFER_SIZE None 03 Sets the length of the data buffer used to fetch data from the database. Valid values range from 4 - 256 (each integer is 1KB; for example, 4 equals 4K, 256 equals 256K, etc.). The default value is 4 (4KB).
DSQEC_CC None 01 Suppresses the carriage control characters in the report output format; values can be:
No carriage control character in column 1.
Carriage control is in effect; the report has a carriage control character in column 1.
DSQEC_COLS_LDB2 None 31 View for retrieving column information for a table at the current location, if that location is Db2 for z/OS.
DSQEC_COLS_RDB2 None 31 View for retrieving column information for a table at a remote Db2 for z/OS location (if it is not the current location).
DSQEC_COLS_SQL None 31 View for retrieving column information for a table in a DB2 for VSE and VM database.

Applies to executable SELECT queries that QMF submits to Db2 for z/OS. Use this variable to specify how you want the database to proceed when the data to be selected is locked by an insert, update, or delete operation. When you set this variable, QMF specifies the clause associated with the variable value on the concurrent-access-resolution attribute of the PREPARE statement for the SELECT query. Executable SELECT queries can result not only from QMF queries (such as SQL SELECT queries, prompted queries, or QBE P. queries), but also from other QMF operations such as DISPLAY TABLE.

Possible values are:
QMF specifies no concurrent access resolution options on the PREPARE statement associated with the pending SQL SELECT statement. This value is the default.

This value can be specified for executable SELECT statements directed to Db2 for z/OS Version 9 (New Function Mode), or later.


This value can be specified for executable SELECT statements directed to Db2 for z/OS Version 10 (New Function Mode), or later.


This value can be specified for executable SELECT statements directed to Db2 for z/OS Version 10 (New Function Mode), or later.


This global variable enables the use of the DB2 for z/OS statement concentration with literals feature. It applies to dynamic SQL SELECT statements submitted to DB2 for z/OS through QMF commands such as RUN QUERY and DISPLAY, EXPORT and PRINT TABLE. When you set this variable, QMF specifies support through the DB2 for z/OS CONCENTRATE STATEMENTS WITH LITERALS prepare attribute:

0 = Do not enable DB2 for z/OS statement concentration with literals. This is the default.

1 = Enable DB2 for z/OS statement concentration with literals.


Specifies the name of the current folder to be used for QMF commands that allow folder processing (SAVE, LIST, and ERASE). The default is blank.

When a folder name is identified in this global variable, that folder is used when any QMF command that uses QMF folder objects is processed. For example, when DSQEC_CURR_FOLDER is set and the SAVE QUERY AS Q1 command is executed, the query will be saved and the query object will be included in the folder that is identified in the global variable.

You can override this global variable by specifying a folder name with the FOLDER keyword with the QMF command. In this case, the folder name that is specified with the FOLDER keyword overrides the folder name that is specified in the DSQEC_CURR_FOLDER global variable. If this global variable is blank and the FOLDER keyword is not specified, folder processing is not used.

Restriction: This global variable is not supported when QMF is connected to DB2 Server for VSE and VM.
Suppression of QMF administrator authority. When the value of this global variable is changed, the effect is immediate. Possible values can be:
QMF administrator authority is available (if the authorization ID has QMF administrator authority).
QMF administrator authority is suppressed (regardless of the authority of the authorization ID).
The initial default value for this global variable can be overridden by the DSQUOPTS initialization exit routine. Alternately, QMF administrator authority can be controlled by the user's profile MODEL setting.

Specifies the number of directory blocks to be used when exporting a member of a new PDS data set in TSO. The value must be greater than zero for PDS data sets.

If you are using the site default type of data set or PDSE data sets, QMF ignores the value of this global variable. To use the site default type of data set, set DSQEC_PO to 0. To use PDSE data sets, set DSQEC_PO to 2.

If your site uses sequential data sets, set this global variable to zero.


QMF allocates data sets in tracks. This global variable specifies the primary quantity of tracks for the TSO data set that is used to store the results of the QMF EXPORT command.

Values can be from 1 to the maximum size allowed by the storage device and operating system. The default value is 15. A value of zero is not allowed.

PS, PDS, and PDSE data sets can have a maximum value of 16777215 tracks.


QMF allocates data sets in tracks. This global variable specifies the secondary quantity of tracks for the TSO data set that is used to store the results of the QMF EXPORT command.

Values can be from zero to the maximum size allowed by the storage device and operating system. The default value is 105 tracks.

PS and PDS data sets can have a maximum value of 65535 tracks; PDSE data sets can have a maximum value of 16777215 tracks.

DSQEC_DSLRECL1 None 05 Specifies the logical record length (LRECL) that is to be used when an SQL query or QMF procedure is exported to a new data set. Valid values are 79 - 32760.

The default value is 79.

DSQEC_DSQSFISO None 01 Specifies the format of CHAR(datetime-expression) data within a QMF report. The following values are used:
The result of CHAR(datetime-expression) data is in the format specified in the DATE FORMAT and TIME FORMAT fields on Db2 installation panel DSNTIP4. The current Db2 DATE and TIME format values can be found by referencing global variables DSQAO_DATE_FORMAT and DSQAO_TIME_FORMAT.
The result of CHAR(datetime-expression) data is in ISO format.

DSQEC_DSQSFISO takes its default value from the value of program parameter DSQSFISO. The DSQSFISO program parameter setting may be seen in state global variable DSQAO_DSQSFISO. Note that if DSQEC_DSQSFISO is modified, the value of DSQAO_DSQSFISO will not change. DSQEC_DSQSFISO should be referenced for the current behavior settings.

DSQEC_DS_SUPPORT None 01 Provides support for QMF Data Service (QDS)
Do not allow access to QMF Data Service (default).
Allow access to QMF Data Service.

This global variable controls whether RUN QUERY (SQL, PQ or QBE), DISPLAY TABLE, DRAW, EXPORT and PRINT TABLE commands should be analyzed by the QMF Data Service component. If an object that is referenced in the command is defined to the QMF Data Service component, then the entire command is executed by QMF Data Service. If none of the objects referenced in the command access an object defined to QMF Data Service, then the command is executed by the current Db2 connection.

If the QDS service could not be loaded or is not available, then this value is ignored and all requests are routed to Db2.

DSQEC_DS_NOPAR None 01 Indicates whether Parallelism is currently in use.
Parallelism is currently in use (default).
Parallelism is not currently in use.
DSQEC_DS_PAR None 02 The valid values:
No restrictions are placed on QDS (default).
QDS will advise DVS that Map Reduce may be used, but Map Reduce Client may not be used.
Neither Map Reduce nor Map Reduce Client are allowed.
Both Map Reduce and Map Reduce Client can be used, but the degree of Map Reduce Client parallelism is limited to the number specified. (For example, 2 means that 2 parallel paths can be used, 3 means 3 can be used, and so on.)
Note: If DSQEC_DS_NOPAR is set to 1 then the value of DSQEC_DS_PAR is ignored and no parallelism is in use.
DSQEC_EDITOR None 18 Specifies the value to use for the EDITOR keyword on the EDIT command when the EDITOR keyword is not specified.

The valid values for this global variable are:

The ISPF/PDF editor is used to edit the procedure or query. To use the PDF editor to edit a query or procedure, start QMF as an ISPF dialog.
The SQL QUERY or PROC enhanced editor is used to edit the procedure or query.
The name of any other editor that is available to you. You can also specify the name of a CLIST that starts an editor. For more information about available editors, see your QMF administrator.

The default value is blank.

DSQEC_EDITOR_PVIEW None 1 Controls the QMF Enhanced Editor preview command. The preview command is available when you edit an SQL query to preview the results of a SELECT query.
Do not allow the preview command to run. Message DYQE069 is issued to warn the user that the command is inactive.
Allow the preview command to run. This is the default.
DSQEC_EXPL_MODE None 07 Specifies the setting that is to be used for the Db2 special register CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE when the RUN QUERY command is issued. The special register controls the behavior of the EXPLAIN facility for eligible dynamic SQL statements. Before a query is run, QMF sets the CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE special register to the value that is specified by this global variable.

The valid values for this global variable are:

The EXPLAIN facility is disabled and no EXPLAIN information is captured when explainable dynamic statements are run. This is the default value.
The EXPLAIN facility is enabled and EXPLAIN information is inserted into the EXPLAIN tables for eligible dynamic SQL statements after the statement is prepared and run. All dynamic SQL statements are compiled and run.
The EXPLAIN facility is enabled and EXPLAIN information is inserted into the EXPLAIN tables for eligible dynamic SQL statements after the statement is prepared. Dynamic statements, except for SET statements, are not run.
For servers other than Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows or DB2 10 for z/OS (New Function Mode) or later, the only valid value is NO.

Specifies the number of megabytes of extended storage that QMF acquires on each request to the extended storage manager when the DSQSPTYP program parameter is set to 64BIT. This program parameter is available in QMF for TSO only.

When an operation requires extended storage, QMF requests the specified amount until the operation is complete or extended storage is exhausted.

When setting this global variable, consider the average size of DATA objects with which your QMF users work. If the average size is large and you set the value low, QMF issues many calls to the extended storage manager to complete the DATA object. These repeated calls might affect performance.

Values can be from 1 to 1000. The default value is 25, indicating that QMF requests 25 MB of storage on each request.

Establishes the default NLF language in a saved, exported, or imported form; values can be:
The form uses the presiding NLF language.
The form uses English. This value is the default.
DSQEC_ISOLATION None 01 Default query isolation level.
Values can be:
Isolation level UR (uncommitted read)

Uncommitted read can be useful in a distributed environment. However, if you are using uncommitted read, any reports that users view might contain data that was deleted from the database after the report was displayed.

Isolation level CS (cursor stability)

This value is the default. When using cursor stability, QMF does not display the report until all database commands that affects the data in the report are complete.

DSQEC_KEEP_THREAD None 01 Specifies whether a thread is released or kept active at the end of a query.

This global variable does not affect threads that are created for procedures that run in batch mode or threads that are created when QMF is connected to a remote database through the CONNECT command. When procedures are run in batch mode, threads persist until the procedure completes. When QMF is connected to a remote database, threads persist until the connection ends.

The valid values for this global variable are:

The thread is released at the end of the query. This is the default value.

If this setting is used, the SET DB2 global variable statement fails unless it is run in one of the following situations:

  • The statement is included in a procedure that is run in batch mode. The Db2 global variable is reset to its default value after the procedure completes.
  • The QMF CONNECT command is issued to connect to a remote database and the SET DB2 global variable statement is run on the remote database.
  • The SET DB2 global variable statement is included in a multistatement query and the QMF DSQEC_RUN_MQ global variable is set to 1. The Db2 global variable is reset to its default value after the query completes.
The thread is kept active until the end of the QMF session or the DSQEC_KEEP_THREAD global variable is set to 0. This setting allows users to run the SET DB2 global variable statement to set Db2 global variables.

If you set any Db2 global variables while DSQEC_KEEP_THREAD is set to 1 and then change DSQEC_KEEP_THREAD to 0, those Db2 global variables revert to their default values.


Specifies the set of commands that cause the LAST_USED field on QMF object lists to be updated. This field is based on the LAST_USED column of the Q.OBJECT_DIRECTORY control table. The value in the LAST_USED column is updated regardless of whether the issued command is successful. However, in some cases, the LAST_USED column is not updated immediately, and if QMF is terminated abnormally, the column might not be updated.

Possible values are:
QMF updates the LAST_USED timestamp whenever any of the following commands is issued:
  • RUN
  • SAVE
This value is the default.
QMF restricts updates of the LAST_USED timestamp to RUN, SAVE, and IMPORT commands only.
QMF restricts updates of the LAST_USED timestamp to the RUN command only.

Provides the default value for the OWNER parameter of the LIST command. Specify an authorization ID up to 128 characters long. This variable is blank by default, resulting in a list of objects owned by the current authorization ID.

You can use selection symbols in the variable value. Use an underscore (_) in place of a single character and a percent sign (%) in place of zero or more characters. For example, the following command followed by a LIST command instructs QMF to list only objects that are owned by user IDs that begin with the characters RO:
The following command sets the default owner to any user IDs that begin with I, have any character in the second position, and any characters in the remaining positions:

The value you set with this global variable does not apply to lists displayed when you press the List key on QMF panels other than the home panel.

DSQEC_LOB_COLMAX None 10 Specifies the maximum data size of a LOB column that is to be retrieved, in bytes, up to the maximum LOB size of 2147483637, or 2 GB. A value of 0 specifies no maximum.

By default, LOB metadata is retrieved instead of LOB data. However, if an edit code other than M is specified or if the DSQEC_LOB_RETRV global variable is set to 3, LOB data is retrieved instead of metadata. In this case, if a user queries a table that contains LOB data that is larger than the maximum, an error is issued and no report data is displayed. If a user issues an EXPORT TABLE, PRINT TABLE, SAVE DATA, or EXPORT DATA command for a table or data object that contains LOB data that is larger than the maximum, an error is issued and the command is terminated.

The default is 32767.

DSQEC_LOB_RETRV None 01 Specifies how LOB data or metadata is retrieved. The valid values are:
Displays LOB metadata in results. To display actual LOB data, you can change the M edit code to another edit code. When this value is specified, QMF uses LOB locators to access LOB data. This is the default setting.
Displays LOB metadata only in results. The M edit code is the only valid edit code for LOB data. When this value is specified, QMF does not use LOB locators.
Retrieves and displays actual LOB data in results. When this value is specified, QMF does not use LOB locators to access LOB data.
DSQEC_LOB_SAVE None 01 Specifies whether users can save LOB data to a table in the database using the QMF SAVE DATA or IMPORT TABLE command. The valid values are:
0 - Disable LOB Save
Specifies that users cannot issue the QMF SAVE DATA or IMPORT TABLE commands to save data to a table in the database if any column contains LOB data. An error message is displayed and no data is saved if a LOB column exists.
1 - Enable LOB Save
Specifies that users can save LOB data to a table in the database using the QMF SAVE DATA or IMPORT TABLE commands. This is the default value.
DSQEC_NLFCMD_LANG None 01 Sets expected NLF language for commands. Values can be:
Commands must be in the presiding NLF language. This value is the default.
Commands must be in English.
DSQEC_PO None 01
Specifies the type of partitioned (PO) data set to create when exporting a QMF object to a new TSO data set. Values can be:
Allocates a data set of the type listed as the default for your site. This type is specified in the IGDSMSxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB. This value is the default value.
Allocates a PDS data set for the exported data.
Allocates a PDSE data set for the exported data.
Controls whether a confirmation panel is displayed before QMF overwrites or discards the contents of the QUERY, FORM, PROC, or PROFILE temporary storage areas. Possible values are:
No confirmation panel is displayed before the contents of the supported temporary storage areas are overwritten. This value is the default.
A confirmation panel is displayed if the global variable that corresponds to the temporary storage area in question is also set to 1. The following global variables individually control overwrites in each of the supported temporary storage areas:
  • DSQEC_PRO_FORM controls overwrites of the FORM temporary storage area, which stores current QMF report formatting specifications.
  • DSQEC_PRO_PROC controls overwrites of the PROC temporary storage area, which stores current QMF procedures.
  • DSQEC_PRO_PROF controls overwrites of the PROFILE temporary storage area, which stores current QMF profile settings.
  • DSQEC_PRO_QUERY controls overwrites of the QUERY temporary storage area, which stores the current QMF query.
This variable controls whether a confirmation panel is displayed before QMF overwrites or discards the contents of the FORM temporary storage area. The DSQEC_PRO_ENABLE global variable must be set to 1. Possible values are:
No confirmation panel is displayed before the contents of the temporary storage area are discarded.
A confirmation panel is displayed, giving the user the opportunity to proceed or cancel the command that caused the pending discard. The contents of the temporary storage area can then be saved with the SAVE command.
This variable controls whether a confirmation panel is displayed before QMF overwrites or discards the contents of the PROC temporary storage area. The DSQEC_PRO_ENABLE global variable must be set to 1. Possible values are:
No confirmation panel is displayed before the contents of the temporary storage area are discarded.
A confirmation panel is displayed before the contents of the temporary storage area are discarded. The user can proceed or cancel the command that caused the pending discard. The contents of the temporary storage area can then be saved with the SAVE command.
This variable controls whether a confirmation panel is displayed before QMF overwrites or discards the contents of the PROFILE temporary storage area. The DSQEC_PRO_ENABLE global variable must be set to 1. Possible values are:
No confirmation panel is displayed before the contents of the temporary storage area are discarded.
A confirmation panel is displayed before the contents of the temporary storage area are discarded. The user can proceed or cancel the command that caused the pending discard. The contents of the temporary storage area can then be saved with the SAVE command.
This variable controls whether a confirmation panel is displayed before QMF overwrites or discards the contents of the QUERY temporary storage area. The DSQEC_PRO_ENABLE global variable must be set to 1. Possible values are:
No confirmation panel is displayed before the contents of the temporary storage area are discarded.
A confirmation panel is displayed before the contents of the temporary storage area are discarded. The user can proceed or cancel the command that caused the pending discard. The contents of the temporary storage area can then be saved with the SAVE command.
DSQEC_RERUN_IPROC None 01 Reruns the invocation procedure after the END command; values can be:
Suppresses rerun of the invocation procedure after the END command.
Reruns the invocation procedure after the END command. This value is the default.

If you start QMF with an invocation procedure, set this variable to '0'; QMF terminates instead of rerunning the procedure.

DSQEC_RESET_RPT None 31 Determines whether QMF prompts you when an incomplete DATA object in temporary storage might be affecting performance; possible values are:
Reset Report prompt panel is not displayed and QMF completes the running report. This value is the default value.
Reset Report prompt panel is displayed; this panel prompts you to complete or reset the currently running report before starting the new command.
Reset Report prompt panel is not displayed and QMF resets the currently running report.
Specifies whether the RUN QUERY command supports multiple statements in an SQL query. Possible values are:
Multiple SQL statements are not supported. If you set this variable to 0 and run an SQL query that contains multiple statements, QMF ignores all statements after encountering the first semicolon. This value is the default.
Multiple SQL statements are supported. A semicolon must be placed at the end of each statement except the last.
Restrictions: Although a SELECT statement can be included with other statements in a query, only one SELECT statement can be included per query. CALL and CREATE PROCEDURE statements must be used alone in an SQL query.
DSQEC_SAV_ACCELNM None 128 Specifies the name of the default accelerator to be used when creating accelerator-only tables from SAVE DATA, IMPORT TABLE and RUN QUERY to TABLE commands. This variable is referenced only if the ACCELERATOR keyword is not specified.

Although you can set this global variable to a blank, do not set it to blank if the DSQEC_SAV_ALLOWED global variable is set to '4'.

DSQEC_SAV_ACCELDB None 08 Contains a data base name to be used on creation of new accelerator only tables in Db2 for z/OS data bases. This variable is referenced only when an accelerator only table is being created from the SAVE DATA, IMPORT TABLE and RUN QUERY with TABLE keyword commands. When this variable is not blank, the IN DATABASE clause will be specified on the CREATE TABLE statement and accelerator only tables will be created in the specified database. The default for this variable is blank.

Note that when creating accelerator only tables via the SAVE DATA, IMPORT TABLE and RUN QUERY with TABLE keyword commands, QMF does not reference the user's profile SPACE value.

DSQEC_SAV_ALLOWED None 01 Controls whether users save data to a new table in the database or in an accelerator using the QMF SAVE DATA, RUN QUERY to TABLE, or IMPORT TABLE commands. Except for option 0, this field does not influence the location of existing tables that the replaced data is in or teh data is appended to. Existing tables are replaced or appended to in the database or accelerator regardless of the setting of this variable.
Valid values for this global variable are:
0 - Disable Save Data
Users cannot issue the QMF SAVE DATA, RUN QUERY to TABLE, or IMPORT TABLE commands to save data to a table in the database or accelerator. An error message will be displayed and no data will be saved.
1 - Enable Save Data to database tables only
Users can save data to a table in the database by using the QMF SAVE DATA, RUN QUERY to TABLE, or IMPORT TABLE commands. Users cannot save data to accelerator-only tables. This setting is the default.
2 - Enable Save Data to accelerator only tables only
Users can save data to an accelerator-only table by using the QMF SAVE DATA, RUN QUERY to TABLE, or IMPORT TABLE commands. Users cannot save data to database tables. The DSQEC_SAV_ACCELNM global variable contains the default name of the accelerator but can be overridden by the ACCELERATOR keyword.
3 - Enable Save Data to either database or accelerator only tables (database default)
Users can save data either to a table in the database or to an accelerator-only table by using the QMF SAVE DATA, RUN QUERY to TABLE, or IMPORT TABLE commands. If no command keyword overrides are present, such as SPACE or ACCEL, tables are saved in the database.
4 - Enable Save Data to either database or accelerator only tables (accelerator default)
Users can save data either to a table in the database or to an accelerator-only table by using the QMF SAVE DATA, RUN QUERY to TABLE, or IMPORT TABLE commands. If no command keyword overrides are present, such as SPACE or ACCELERATOR, tables are saved in the accelerator. When this option is chosen, the DSQEC_SAV_ACCELNM global variable must contain the name of the accelerator.
Allows the Db2 LOAD utility (cross-loader feature) to be used when using the RUN QUERY with TABLE keyword.
Run Query with TABLE keyword will not use the Db2 LOAD utility (cross-loader feature) to save the data. (Default)
Run Query with TABLE keyword will use the Db2 LOAD utility (cross-loader feature) to save the data.
The Db2 Load Utility cross-loader feature returns errors in a result set. DSQEC_SAV_LOGCTL controls the amount of output returned from the cross-loader that is saved by QMF.
QMF will not save any results.
QMF will save all results.
QMF will save results with a return code greater than what you entered or higher.
  • DSQEC_SAV_LOGCTL is set to 4 and the LOADER returns a RC of 8. The result set will be saved.
  • DSQEC_SAV_LOGCTL is set to 8 and the LOADER returns a RC of 4. The result set will not be saved.

The name of the table to which QMF saves result sets returned from the cross-loader.

Q.ERROR_LOG is the default name and should be created when QMF is installed. This is the QMF message error log.

The name can be a one or two-part name in the form of: USERID.TABLENAME

If left blank the result set will not be saved.

If the user enters a name other than Q.ERROR_LOG, the table must exist. QMF will not create the table. No save will be done. An entry will be made in the QMF trace indicating the result set was not saved. It is also recommended that the error log be in a different table space than the one the data is being saved it otherwise QMF may not be able to have the result set if the utility is terminated.

DSQEC_SESSGLV_SAV None 01 Controls whether user input in some data entry fields on some panels is saved within and across QMF sessions. User input is saved as session variables that are stored in the Q.GLOBAL_VARS table as global variables that are named with a DXY prefix. The DSQEC_SESSGLV_SAV global variable is checked throughout the session, as well as when QMF starts and exits. The valid values are:
If this setting is specified when QMF starts, all session variables are deleted from the Q.GLOBAL_VARS table.

If this setting is specified during a QMF session, all session variables are deleted from storage. No session variables are saved for the remainder of the current session unless this setting is changed to 1 or 2.

If this setting is specified when QMF exits, all session variables are deleted from the Q.GLOBAL_VARS table, which means that no user input persists to the next QMF session.

This is the default value.

If this setting is specified when QMF starts, all session variables for the user are restored from the Q.GLOBAL_VARS table.

If this setting is specified during a QMF session, session variables are saved for the remainder of the current session. For example, if you enter values in the LIST Command Prompt panel, exit the LIST panel, and return to that panel within the same session, those fields are populated with the values that you previously entered.

If this setting is specified when QMF exits, all session variables that were created or changed by the user during the current session are discarded and not saved to the Q.GLOBAL_VARS table. All session variable values that existed in the Q.GLOBAL_VARS table before the current session remain unchanged. You can use this option, for example, to reinitialize the same session variable values at the start of each QMF session.

When the next QMF session is started, the value reverts to 0 unless it is overridden by an initial global variable that set by an administrator.

If this setting is specified when QMF starts, all session variables for the user are restored from the Q.GLOBAL_VARS table.

If this setting is specified during a QMF session, session variables are saved for the remainder of the current session unless this setting is changed to 0. For example, if you enter values in the LIST Command Prompt panel, exit the LIST panel, and return to that panel within the same session, those fields are populated with the values that you previously entered.

If this setting is specified when QMF exits, all session variables are saved to the Q.GLOBAL_VARS table, which means that any user input that was saved during the session also persists to the next QMF session.

This parameter applies to most fields on command prompt panels that are accessed through the following commands: CONNECT, CONVERT, DISPLAY, DRAW, EDIT, ERASE, EXPORT, IMPORT, LIST, PRINT, RESET, RUN, SAVE, SET, and SHOW.

DSQEC_SHARE None 31 Specifies the default value for the SHARE parameter; possible values are:
Do not share data with other users.
Share data with other users.
Indicates which result set returned by a stored procedure is used to create the report. Possible values are:
Ignores result sets.
Returns the first result set.
Returns the second result set.
Returns the nth result set. The maximum value for n is 32.
DSQEC_SPAC_OVRIDE None 01 Specifies whether users can override the default table space that is specified in the QMF profile.

Valid values for this global variable are:

0 - Disable Space Keyword Option
Users cannot issue the SAVE DATA, RUN QUERY to TABLE, or IMPORT TABLE commands with the SPACE keyword option.
1 - Enable Space Keyword Option
Users can issue the SAVE DATA, RUN QUERY to TABLE, or IMPORT TABLE commands with the space keyword option. This setting is the default.
Controls whether SQL queries greater than 32,767 bytes (32 KB) in length are supported by the RUN QUERY command.
SQL queries directed to Db2 for z/OS, DB2 for iSeries, and Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows databases are limited to 32,767 bytes (32 KB). This value is the default.
SQL queries can be greater than 32 KB. The maximum supported query size varies depending on the type of database to which the query is directed:
  • Queries directed to Db2 for z/OS can be up to 2 MB in length.
  • Queries directed to DB2 for iSeries or Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows can be up to 65 KB in length.

These maximums assume that the version of the database to which the RUN QUERY command is directed supports queries of this size. SQL queries directed to DB2 for VSE and VM are limited to 8 KB.

Additional customization might be required to run queries larger than 32 KB from QMF for CICS®.

DSQEC_TABS_LDB2 None 31 View for retrieving lists of tables and views at the current server, if it is Db2 for z/OS or Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DSQEC_TABS_RDB2 None 31 View for retrieving lists of tables and views at remote Db2 subsystems.
DSQEC_TABS_SQL None 31 View for retrieving lists of tables and views for a DB2 for VSE and VM database.
DSQEC_TRACE_LIMIT None 31 Limits the amount of trace output to the specified number of bytes. The valid range is 0 - 2147483647.

This variable can be used to reduce the size of QMF trace output.

This global variable is typically set as directed by IBM® Software Support.


Contains the names of QMF modules to be traced.

Up to 6 modules can be specified, separated by commas.

After module names are specified in the global variable, initiate the trace by issuing the SET PROFILE command with the TRACE keyword to set to ALL. Example: SET PROFILE (TRACE=ALL

Note: If modules are specified via the SET GLOBAL command from the command line, the module names must be enclosed in single quotes.
Controls the length of rows returned in QMF reports. Use one of the following values:
Limits the length of a data row in a QMF report to 32 KB, unless the report contains an XML or LOB column.
Allows the length of a data row to be greater than 32 KB, up to a maximum length of 2 GB.
  • Regardless of the DSQEC_TWO_GB_ROW global variable setting, up to 2 GB of XML, CLOB, or BLOB data, and up to 1 GB of DBCLOB data can be displayed by default. However, the maximum length of a LOB row can be restricted by the DSQEC_LOB_COLMAX global variable.
  • Regardless of the DSQEC_TWO_GB_ROW global variable setting, a single table cannot have a maximum record size that is greater than the page size. Db2 stores records within pages that are 4 KB, 8 KB, 16 KB, or 32 KB in size. So, the maximum length of a data row that can be displayed remains at 32 KB when you display or select data from a single table. If you display or select data from a view that joins two or more tables, the row length can be up to 2 GB.

    Because of these page size considerations, the length of a data row in a QMF report that can be saved with the SAVE DATA command is also limited to 32 KB. The ability to save LOB data is controlled by the DSQEC_LOB_SAVE global variable.

DSQEC_USERGLV_SAV None 01 Determines whether global variables that were created or changed by the user, including those that start with “DSQ,” are saved when the QMF session ends. Values that are to be saved are stored in the Q.GLOBAL_VARS table and associated with the user ID of the session. If the values are saved, they are restored at the start of the user’s next QMF session. The valid values are:
When QMF exits, all global variables are deleted from the Q.GLOBAL_VARS table, and no global variables from the current session are saved to the Q.GLOBAL_VARS table. This is the default value.
When QMF exits, all global variables that were created or changed by the user during the current session are discarded and not saved to the Q.GLOBAL_VARS table. All global variable values that were already in the Q.GLOBAL_VARS table remain as they were prior to the current QMF session. You can use this option, for example, to re-initialize the same global variable values at the start of each QMF session.

When the next QMF session is started, the value reverts to 0 unless it is overridden by an initial global variable that set by an administrator.

When QMF exits, all global variables that were created or changed by the user are saved to the Q.GLOBAL_VARS table. When the user starts QMF again, global variables that were saved from the user’s previous session are restored. Any values that were defined by an administrator in the Q.GLOBAL_VARS table are superseded by the user’s values unless the variable was defined as read-only.