Variables that can be set in the DSQUOPTS routine

The DSQUOPTS exit routine provides settings for some variables. You can use the DSQUOPTS exit to set other variable values at initialization time as well.

The default version of the DSQUOPTS exit routine sets these variable values:


Determines whether QMF checks whether user IDs have QMF administrator authority. You can also use QMF global variable DSQEC_DISABLEADM to set this value.

Valid values are:
Enables checking for QMF administrator authority. This value is the default.

When the DISADM variable is set to NO, the DSQEC_DISABLEADM global variable has a value of 0.

Disables checking for QMF administrator authority.

When the DISADM variable is set to YES, the DSQEC_DISABLEADM global variable has a value of 1.

During QMF initialization, QMF checks whether the authorization ID of the user who is starting QMF has either the INSERT or DELETE privilege on the Q.PROFILES table. If the authorization ID has either of these privileges, QMF considers the user to be a QMF administrator and sets the global variable DSQAO_QMFADM to 1 to reflect this authority. QMF administrators can perform the following operations on QMF objects that they do not own, without requiring those objects to be shared with all QMF users:

  • SAVE

QMF administrators can also issue the DISPLAY command on ANALYTIC objects and the ERASE command on ANALYTIC and FOLDER objects that are owned by other users.

If during this checking at initialization time the user who started QMF is not found to have QMF administrator authority, a -551 SQL code is issued for the INSERT privilege, the DELETE privilege, or both. This SQL code is expected under these circumstances. The message is not displayed to the user, nor is it captured in the QMF trace data set (DSQDEBUG) or in the error log table (Q.ERROR_LOG), because it is not an error. The message does not stop QMF initialization or cause any problems during QMF execution. However, to suppress this SQL code for any reason, you must disable administrator authority checking.

If you disable QMF administrator authority checking, you might be limiting your ability to work freely with other users' objects. Without QMF administrator authority, every object that you work with must be shared with all users. To share objects, you can either request that users save all objects with the SHARE=YES parameter or you can set the DSQEC_SHARE variable to change the default value for the SHARE parameter to YES. This value shares all objects with all users so that users must then explicitly specify SHARE=NO when they save objects that they do not want to share. Setting the DSQEC_SHARE variable prevents you from having to take extra time to switch user IDs or share objects when you need to provide user assistance.

Alternately, QMF administrator authority can be set up via the user's QMF profile. When a user's QMF profile MODEL column contains a value of A2, the user is automatically considered a QMF Administrator. Using the MODEL column of the Q.PROFILES table overrides the need for Q.PROFILES authority.

Before setting the DISADM variable in DSQUOPTS, you should review the Q.PROFILES MODEL column values to determine if that may be more suitable for overriding the Q.PROFILES checking for QMF Administrator privilege. In addition to the A2 setting, other settings are available to assist with QMF Administrator authority settings.


Sets the default value for the SHARE parameter of the SAVE command and the Save function key in QMF Analytics for TSO. You can also use QMF global variable DSQEC_SHARE to set this value.

Valid values are:
Makes NO the default setting for the SHARE parameter of the QMF SAVE command. This value is the default.

When the SHARE variable is set to NO, the DSQEC_SHARE global variable has a value of 0.

Makes YES the default setting for the SHARE parameter.

When the SHARE variable is set to YES, the DSQEC_SHARE global variable has a value of 1.


Determines the command or set of commands that causes the LAST_USED column of the Q.OBJECT_DIRECTORY table to be updated. This value is displayed in the Last Used field on object lists that are generated by the LIST command. You can also use QMF global variable DSQEC_LAST_RUN to set this value. The value in the LAST_USED column is updated regardless of whether the issued command is successful. However, in some cases, the LAST_USED column is not updated immediately, and if QMF is terminated abnormally, the column might not be updated.

Valid values are:

Causes the LAST_USED column of the Q.OBJECT_DIRECTORY table to be updated when any of the following commands is run:
  • RUN
  • SAVE
This value is the default.

When the LASTRUN variable is set to ZERO, the DSQEC_LAST_RUN global variable has a value of 0.

Restricts updates of the LAST_USED column to RUN, SAVE, and IMPORT commands only.

When the LASTRUN variable is set to ONE, the DSQEC_LAST_RUN global variable has a value of 1.

Restricts updates of the LAST_USED column to RUN commands only.

When the LASTRUN variable is set to TWO, the DSQEC_LAST_RUN global variable has a value of 2.

This variable is obsolete and is included only for compatibility. The only valid value is NOT_USED.