Downloading WML for z/OS IDE installer

The purchase order that you received from IBM® contains the access key for WML for z/OS IDE installer. With the key, you can download the installer from the IBM Web Membership (IWM) site.


  1. Extract the product access key from the "Accessing IBM Watson® Machine Learning for z/OS Services on Linux® DVD" in the purchase order that you received from IBM.

    The DVD includes a "Memo to Users." The memo contains the product access key and the full URL to the IBM Web Membership (IWM) site where you can download WMLz IDE installer and utilities.

  2. Navigate to the IBM Web Membership (IWM) site, enter your access key, and download the installer and other utilities depending on the Linux distribution and the node configuration that you will use.
    • If you plan to use Linux on Z, choose and download one of the following installers:
      Installer or script Used for
      iwmlz_v2.2.0_linux_redhat_1-s390x_installer Executable for installing WMLz IDE on one s390x 64-bit server (single-node) that runs Red Hat® Linux
      iwmlz_v2.2.0_linux_redhat_3-s390x_installer Executable for installing WMLz IDE on three s390x 64-bit servers (three-node) that runs Red Hat Linux
    • If you plan to use Linux, choose and download one of the following installers:
      Installer or script Used for
      iwmlz_v2.2.0_linux_redhat_1-x86-64_installer Executable for installing WMLz IDE on one x86 64-bit server (single-node) that runs Red Hat Linux
      iwmlz_v2.2.0_linux_redhat_3-x86-64_installer Executable for installing WMLz IDE on three x86 64-bit servers (three-node) that runs Red Hat Linux
    • For both Linux on Z and Linux, download the following utilities and tools scripts:
      Installer or script Used for
      iwmlz_v2.2.0_utilities.tar Shell scripts for migrating or upgrading WML for z/OS
      iwmlz_v2.1.0.1_dlc_tool.tgz Docker image and shell scripts for converting ONNX models for importing and deployment in WML for z/OS.
  3. Transfer the installer and the utility scripts that you just downloaded to the <install_dir_zlinux> directory on your Linux on Z system or the <install_dir_linux> directory on your Linux system.