This topic applies only to the IBM Business Automation Workflow Advanced

Configuring the people directory provider

Business Process Choreographer can use one of four people directory providers to determine who can start processes or claim activities or tasks. Two providers can be used in their default configurations (Local operating system user registry, WebSphere® Application Server user registry). The Virtual Member Manager and LDAP people directory providers can usually be used in its default configuration, but in some cases, it must be configured.

About this task

Each type of supported people directory service requires a corresponding people directory provider plug-in. Table 1 lists the supported people directory providers and corresponding plug-ins, which are installed by default.
Table 1. Supported people directory providers and their plug-ins
People directory provider People directory provider plug-in name
Virtual Member Manager (VMM) VMM people directory provider
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory LDAP people directory provider
Local operating system user registry System people directory provider
WebSphere Application Server user registry User Registry people directory provider
  • To use VMM and LDAP, you will probably need to customize the configuration before using it, as described in the following topics.
  • You can use the user registry and system plug-ins with the default configurations. Because you can use these people directory providers without further customization, they are often ideal for development and test environments.