Managing online and offline workflow servers from the Workflow Center console

From the Workflow Center console, repository administrators can manage the online and offline servers that are available to Workflow Center. You'll find these servers listed in the Servers tab.

As a non-admin user, you can see the list of servers, their type and status, and process application details if you have access to that application. However, you can't perform the actions an admin user can perform.

An online workflow server is actively connected to Workflow Center. If a workflow server is set up to be online, it will connect to Workflow Center when it starts and will notify Workflow Center of its settings. An online workflow server also periodically updates Workflow Center with data about the installed snapshots.

Note: You can also take an online server offline, which overrides the workflow server settings and prevents it from coming online.

An offline server is configured to work with runtime workflow servers that are not connected to Business Automation Workflow so that you can manage offline snapshot deployment packages for a particular environment. The method for deploying process application snapshots to an offline workflow server differs from the method for deploying process application snapshots to an online workflow server.

Use the Business Automation Workflow console and ensure you have repository administrator access to perform the following tasks.