Viewing serviceable events by using the HMC

Use this procedure to view a serviceable event, including details, comments, and service history by using the Hardware Management Console (HMC).

About this task

To view serviceable events and other information about the events, you must be a member of one of the following roles:
  • Super administrator
  • Service representative
  • Operator
  • Product engineer
  • Viewer


  1. In the navigation area, click the Serviceability icon Serviceability icon, and then click Serviceable Events Manager.
  2. Select the criteria for the serviceable events that you want to view, and click OK.
    The Serviceable Event Overview window opens. The list shows all serviceable events that match your selection criteria. You can use the menu options to complete actions on the serviceable events.
  3. Select a line in the Serviceable Event Overview window, and select Selected > View Details.
    The Serviceable Event Details window opens, showing detailed information about the serviceable event. The upper table shows information, such as problem number and reference code. The lower table shows the field replaceable units (FRUs) associated with this event.
  4. Select the error for which you want to view comments and history, and complete the following steps:
    1. Click Actions > View Comments.
    2. After viewing the comments, click Close.
    3. Click Actions > View Service History.
      The Service History window opens, showing service history that is associated with the selected error.
    4. After viewing the service history, click Close.
  5. Click Cancel twice to close the Serviceable Event Details window and the Serviceable Event Overview window.