IBM Support

IBM: z/VSE - Service and support - How to send dumps

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IBM: z/VSE - Service and support - How to send dumps

This page contains information for z/VSE customers who have been asked by their IBM support representative to send data associated with a Case (ticket, formerly PMR) to a specific IBM FTP server and target directory via the Internet. Sending data such as dumps, traces, etc. electronically helps IBM identify and resolve problems expeditiously.

Sending documentation for problem analysis

Before sending any documentation via the Internet, you will be given instructions by the support representative who is working on your problem. The IBM representative will give you the Case (ticket) number, the target FTP server and other necessary information in order to send the requested documentation.

Sending documentation via FTP have two different types of data formats:

  • Binary format, for example, dumps residing either in the VSE dump library or on a stand alone dump tape or disk.
  • Text format, for example, printed dumps or traces residing in the VSE/POWER LST queue.

Please see the following documents for detailed instructions:

File naming convention

When sending data, use the following file naming convention to allow for the IBM internal automated support tools to move the documentation to the appropriate directories and update the Case (ticket) to state that the documentation has arrived successfully. You must use a unique file name for every document you place on the server. If your upload fails with error "553 Permission denied. (upload)" this indicates that a file with the same name exists already in the target directory. Please retry the upload with a new target file name e.g. PUT TSxxxxxxxxx.yyy.zzz TSxxxxxxxxx.yyy-new.zzz

Note: If the documentation file(s) cannot be associated with an existing Case (ticket), they will be tagged as lost and eventually deleted.

File naming convention for documentation files must be in the designated format


e.g. TS012345678.sad00003.bin. In this example, TS012345678 is the name of the Case (ticket) reporting the problem.

Explanation Example
TSxxxxxxxxx Case number TS012345678
yyy A short description for the file (e.g. file 03 of SADUMP tape) sad00003
zzz File type bin

Note: Per default an FTP connection does not have any security. Secure and trusted data transfer is important. We offer a secure and trusted way to transfer your data to IBM via Secure FTP. Please contact us for detailed instructions.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSB27H","label":"z\/VSE"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF038","label":"z\/VSE"}],"Version":"6.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB56","label":"Z HW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
04 January 2021

